"Lost Love: Finding Shahrabano's father and disappointing news for Ali"

Published 2024-07-27
Shahrabano, a nomadic widow, lives in the mountains with her two small children after the death of her husband. Her mother-in-law brutally threw her out of the house and forced her to live in harsh and dangerous conditions in the mountains. This story depicts the life of Shahrabano, full of challenges, how she resists the difficulties and fights for survival.

Meanwhile, Ali, a young and philanthropic man, enters Shahrabano's life. Ali, with a heart full of kindness and pure intentions, decides to help Shahrabano and her children. With his financial and emotional support, he encourages Shahrabano and gives her hope for a better future. Ali becomes interested in Shahrabano and is trying to build a new life for her and her children by building a house in the heart of beautiful nature.

But one day, when Ali goes to the city to do something, and after returning to the mountain, he finds out that the city lady and her children have disappeared. Panicked and worried, Ali immediately calls the police and begins a massive search to find them. Day and night, Ali searches for Shehrbanu and her children with hope and concern, but he is met with disappointment every time.

This video tells the story of love, effort and hope. Despite all the difficulties and failures, Ali does not give up and continues his search. Finally, this story shows how humans can fight against the most difficult circumstances with hope and love and be a strong support for each other.

Stay with us until the end of this video to see if Ali succeeds in finding Shahrabano and her children and where this romantic and adventurous story will end.

#WidowLife, #MountainLife, #SingleMother, #StrugglesOfLife, #InspirationalStory, #Kindness, #LoveAndSupport, #HumanSpirit, #OvercomingAdversity, #HopeAndResilience, #Compassion, #ActsOfKindness, #Heartwarming, #EmotionalJourney, #FindingLove, #HelpingHand, #NatureAndLife, #FamilyDrama, #LostAndFound, #SearchAndRescue, #LoveInNature, #Resilience, #RuralLife, #LifeChallenges, #StrongWomen, #CommunitySupport, #NewBeginnings, #HelpingOthers, #TrueStory, #FamilyFirst, #CourageAndStrength, #MountainJourney, #HopefulEnding, #SupportSystem, #RealLifeDrama

All Comments (21)
  • The grandfather doesn't even ask to see the child or ask her name. And he has the nerve to carry prayer beads around disgusting.
  • Poor Ali he is trying so hard and he is so upset..what a mess..poor little Daryia she is also a mess without her mom and brother thank God she is with Ali and the operator…please find the mom and child soon God bless
  • @u.6160
    Der Topf sollte mal gründlich sauber gescheuert werden. Ali koch, er kümmert sich um Darya und sucht ihre Mutter, er ist ein wunderbarer, herzlicher Mann 👍
  • Такой народ бесчуственный. Отцу безразлично, ужас какой
  • @ucupsupena
    Sabar,berdoa dan tetap terus mencari bu sharh dan ati2 jaga darya jangan sampai jauh dari pak ali,kalau bisa darya titipkan di tempat yg aman supaya pak ali nyari bu sharhnya enak dan aman.
  • Господи,помоги найти живыми и здоровыми Шахрабано и ребенка!!!!Ну должна же быть справедливость в мире!!!
  • Senhor Alí não fique aí a noite com Daryan devem dormir na casa de sua mãe por segurança a situação tá complicada demais. Quem levou Sarahbano não deve ser pessoa boa.
  • Deus abençoe que já encontre a mãe dessa criança, ela estar muito triste, esse senhor faz tudo para trazer alegria para ela, só que ele está muito triste também, que Deus ajude
  • Может её забрали те грабители, которые хотели Милада выкрасть, наркоманы😢😢😢
  • Boze koja tuga, unucicu nije ni pogledao , ni poljubio, deka kakav je to covek, kakv je to odnos.
  • Não chore tudo vai se resolver em breve vai ficar tudo bem que DEUS os ajude ❤🙌
  • Que triste 😢😭 Yo desconfío del padre ese chico que estaba al lado del señor mayor estaba sospechoso con una postura de miedo 😱 e incómodo Yo los investigaría más los supuestos criminales son esbirros tanto del padre como de esa suegra que es una bruja cainicos Cárcel para ellos por ser tan crueles Ali ánimo buen chico ya eres un héroe ❤️🙏🙏
  • Você irá acha la!! Ali com o policial!! Fique tranquilo ,em paz!! estou orando por vocês❤😮
  • 阿里先生您辛苦了!💪🙏🏼尋找夫人母子的下落,好不容易有人看到尋人啟示電聯並帶你去,結果碰到夫人父親冷漠的態度☹️,告知警察不知她的行蹤!我們也替你著急,還好接線員一直陪伴你尋找夫人母子❤,真是令人感動有這樣好朋友就如家人般的關心,祈禱神眷顧希望母子平安歸來!🥺😥🙏🏼🙏🏼
  • Que vayan donde la suegra, ese bicho mando a los ladrones. Seguro que está en su casa encerrada.