Going Back to 2014 Forest Hills Drive

Published 2024-03-26

All Comments (21)
  • Doing this whole video just to have the same opinion from 10 years ago is hilarious
  • @M0Bk
    from a light 6 to a decent 6, that's what we call evolution 🙏
  • @jimmyl27
    Obviously I’m far from the first person to point out how badly the Jada and Will lyric aged but it’s so poetically ironic that in his song about how all these LA celebrities are so fake not once does it occur to him that maybe their relationship wasn’t as happy as it seemed. It both negates and proves his point
  • Anthony why are you going back there? The family that lives on 2014 Forrest Hills Drive has made it very clear they want you to stop coming around uninvited.
  • @TotallyHorsed
    Clearly you're taking Kendrick's side in the beef, but you didn't have to doxx Cole like that and put his adress out there
  • @maxpogfrog
    Him accepting “Wet Dreamz” was the last thing I was expecting him to do.
  • @MrGNugget
    “Your best work is a light pack”
  • @3_bane
    Holy shit it’s been 10 years
  • @el_pierre
    Fantano your background set is nice and I like the lighting
  • @majorisker
    To me it’s a solid hip-hop record with somewhat bland production but some great iconic bangers too. It drives me crazy though because people legitimately talk like it one of the greatest rap albums ever when it is just no where near that. I can only imagine it’s because people want to pretend that Cole has a classic rap album under his belt when he doesn’t… I think his best is yet to come.
  • @wasd599
    1 view in 13 seconds you feel off and your getting old
  • @m_ali_0450
    thanks for giving it a 10 this time appreciate you
  • @Siethon1
    I'm surprised you didn't mention the biggest reason why this album was popular - it was meant for people in high school in 2014. If you listened to this album in your later 20s, 30s, and so on, it wouldn't resonate with you. Of course as J Cole has matured, he has made more mature music that better resonates with Fantano. My only issue is that I wish Fantano would recognize that while he tries to come across as someone impartial to records, he really has much more personal bias towards the way music should sound than he explains in his videos.
  • @BurningBlaze55
    I’d love to see more of these “redux review” type videos on this channel. No score, no hyper analysis, just talking about an album you previously reviewed and talking about how you feel now. It’s nice to hear how your thoughts change on records over time, maybe you pick up on something, or maybe something grows off of you. Obviously you can’t do this for every record, but doing it for records that you feel like giving another test or records that have a controversial score would be great. Something I would love to see for the next one would be a more direct comparison to your review. Maybe when you have a noticeable change in your opinion of a song, or maybe it’s aged in a weird way, it would be cool to see what exactly you said before, so we can get a more direct compare and contrast of what’s changed or how your taste has differed. Either way I enjoyed seeing this and hope to see more in the future.
  • @WHALEBOY777
    Love that the thing that ties Fantano and NorthernLion together is that they are both bald white dudes with glasses