You can't film here! 📸🎥🚫

Published 2024-07-25

All Comments (21)
  • I'm an amateur street photographer (film). Been doing it for 30-odd years on and off. I find that if I am out with a smallish, discreet camera, I have no issues, even with street photography (photographing people). If I have a largish camera, as you say, it's more prominent and you get jumpy people, but still few problems arise. This problem has always existed, and I've always taken it in my stride with no big problems or dramas; but I worry that "auditing" is having a 'poisoning the well' effect and making things worse. Some people (on both sides) have a narcissistic frame of mind and enjoy being the 'star' of their own little drama.
  • @AL-vb7ew
    Your photograph of the lightning is stunning!!
  • @audiocoffee
    this is why I have to be careful choosing my photography weapon of choice. I have the usual phone cameras (now with a lavelier mic because I can), 2 identical camcorders because one was for filming local events and when I had the money to do so, I bought myself an identical model for keeping the format the same, a 4k camera with hotshoe mic port which people get nervous about because of the mic, a couple of handydandy bridge cameras - because, why not? and two bodycams because sometimes, the less people see, the better. yet, nobody bats an eyelid until you weild out the 'big gear' and suddenly, everyone thinks you're filming just them and start acting weirdly enough to draw attention and everyone films them and because it's a phone, nobody bats an eyelid...................................................... yup - people are weird!! which is why I prefer to be behind the camera. it makes an awesome mask 😀 some of the stuff on my own channel comes from local events where I was invited along to get 'snap happy' and all that good stuff. I've got form for being something of a local 'digital archivist' and it's paying off at long last! everyone focusses on themselves, their kids, their families, the stuff they buy/win/eat/drink - I'm there to document the event - who was there, anything amusing, the weather, and just like yourself - the things that go on that, if you weren't there to document it, who would?
  • Thanks Stephen. I can honestly say I have been taking photos with zoom lenses for well over forty years and I have never had any problems. I was taking photos once and had a visit from the police as the subject (military) was deemed to be of a sensitive nature, but once I explained my reasons to the officer he was satisfied I was not a security risk and wished me a good day. But apart from that I have never been approached by anyone or asked not to take pictures, and that is across 8 countries including the UK.
  • Thanks for seeing me and saying I had a nice van, just moved here and I see you within 2 days lol nice to see you and it’s because of you promoting Blackpool we decided to move here with all your help and knowledge of the place thanks and keep up the good work 👌🤙🏽
  • @Ihfmpw8
    Bloody good lightening photo Stephen!
  • @blepher1
    Thanks for another interesting video. I have a few stories too. Once, I went to photograph an event in Mersey Square, Stockport, with an already old Canon DSLR (10 megapixel). I hadn’t realised that Mersey Square (the main shopping area in Stockport centre) is an fact a ‘private place'. Security soon descended on me - politely, I add. They said I’d need to get a press pass from the property office. Which I did, with no difficulty. Chatting with the manager, I asked why I was singled out when there were hundreds of people using phones, some of them quite high-end. She replied that there were so many that they couldn’t stop them and were probably just for home consumption but it was easy to spot a ‘professional camera' like mine. Incidentally, the camera I had was aimed at the amateur market and I was taking photos for a personal project.
  • @lparky4409
    Stephen showing off his big one, oo-er, missis. What gets me is people seemingly photographing everything like their food and of course there is instant replay. My dad was a great photographer but he wasn't always taking pictures, just a few scenic shots although when I came to sort out his colour slides there were loads of clouds or trees against the sky, birds, flowers etc.
  • Enjoyed your video. I was only about five minutes from you as I am staying at the Hilton. Cannot recall your van but did see the large white van behind you. Like the logo on your shirt. My favourite brand of clothing.
  • @GEOSynths
    I've often wondered what the issues are using a Tripod on the Prom, I guess you'd need Public Liability Insurance. That said, there's more chance of getting hit by Cyclists who go way too fast.
  • @janobyrne2424
    The problem is there are too many jobsworths these days Stephen and they spoil it for all of us. Why do you need permission for a tripod and who the heck do you get the permission off? I understand why with some of the rides but surely a picture is a picture whither it's taken by a camera on a tripod or iPhone. Worlds gone mad. Thank you for the video and your time Stephen.👍😊😊
  • @GMMilambar
    I remember when I was looking at cameras, in the Jessops shop in the Trafford Centre. The sales dude and I would take a camera outside, to test by taking a photo of the mall. Along comes Mr Security. "You can't use cameras in here. I'm going to have to confiscate it." Literally, right outside the camera shop. We just laughed at him and went back inside. He waited around outside for a while talking to someone on his radio, then wandered off himself. This would have been around 2009, and I decided on a Nikon, thus starting my love affair with Nikon cameras.
  • In 54 years of taking pics and video I've never encountered a problem. I've never used a phone to take pics etc - always a camera. I must be very lucky LOL . And I've taken a lot of video and before video did a lot of 8mm cine film.
  • @RyanFord-13
    You can take pictures and film anywhere in Blackpool so great video Stephen
  • You hit the nail on the head Stephen. Ask first if you get the feeling someone or an organisation are jumpy. The other thing I've felt that helps when vlogging is where as I do a sweatshirt showing your a youtube vlogger. Fleetwood is much smaller and less high profile than Blackpool so I always feel there's more curiosity here than concern. Informative as always Stephen
  • I think the main issue now is how much stuff is privately owned ( for example the piers in Blackpool) the owners just do what they want. Some good advice there though. X
  • Thanks Stephen thanks for another great informative video take care and have a nice evening 😊
  • @davegb99
    I think that the issue is that when you get a professional type camera out and a tripod they assume that you are doing it for gain rather than your own enjoyment so don’t like it. They want you to ask so that if they choose they can charge you a licence fee. I got asked to stop taking photos on my phone once in a shopping centre at Christmas. There were signs up saying no photos but Ihadn’t seen them and didn’t see an issue anyway.
  • @showman1955
    I understand you are a professional photographer so you should be aware that you should always get permission before filming or taking photos on private property