What is the Best Hearthstone Card?

Published 2024-06-13

All Comments (21)
  • @Rarran
    I counted the watchposts as one card, so technically there is 101 cards on the tier list
  • @wermagst
    Best HS card is still the credit card.
  • @ShadowServer
    🐛In the dungeon I go deeper🐛in set reviews I was a sleeper🐛when minions die I get cheaper🐛You guessed it right🐛I'm corridor creeper🐛
  • Rarran: Shudderwock is the best card shaman has ever recieved. Also Rarran: puts flash of lightning and Galakrond above it
  • @JAClemdog
    26:30 only card to be redesigned, you talked about warsong commander, the most infamous of changes to a hearthstone card
  • @Turkos245
    "10 years ago I was a senior in highschool" Me: "Damn hes old" checks calendar "Damn Im also old" No shot its been 10 years since high school lmfao
  • @janforst7169
    Rarran on Shuderwock: best shaman card Also Rarran: puts several shaman card higher on the list
  • @bucket9106
    10 years ago I was a freshman in high school. Why tf you gotta remind me of my own mortality
  • @nogaxeh6
    - Mechwarper allowed for a 0-mana SNIP-SNAP. As SNIP has both Echo and Magnetic, it could then be replayed infinitely to infinitely buff any mech on board. And then OS the opponent. It was so strong that the devs literally changed the code of the game to prevent cards with the Echo keyword to cost less than 1 mana. If a system-wide change is needed to nerf a card, I think it's a testament to how broken it was. This wasn't the only combo, Warlock for instance had a legendary that gave all minions echo, which enabled similar shenanigans. - Prince Keleseth warped the meta around it. Mage being mage : - The quest that gives you a free bonus turn - Apprentice at 2 mana was just bonkers - Ice block, for such a simple card to be so strong, and to be able to include two copies ? Druid being druid : - Twig of the world tree. Mana cheating may be strong in this game ? - Spreading plague - Divine spirit + inner fire + Topsy turvy, as a bucket this enabled combo priest decks to be played until they rotated out. - Divine Favour (favor?). Back then, this single-handedly enabled aggro paladin. In a meta where there was hardly any card draw, being able to dump your hand then play one card and equalize hands, it was stupid strong. So strong in fact that it was rotated out eventually by the devs due to placing too big a constraint on future cards design. - Guff. Just ... Guff.
  • @m0noxide29
    I disagree with how you placed one or more of these cards, and am therefore highly engaged in this video!
  • @dejackarse7278
    8:05 you mention top Voice lines is not what this list is about. But maybe you should make one?
  • @RE-xu8gs
    List of cards that got nerfed because of shadow step: The Caverns Below (#15) Leroy Jenkins (#26) Sinstone Graveyard (top 100) Octobot (top 100) Garrote (top 100) Arcane Golem Pandaren Importer Spectral Pillager Necrolord Draka New Edwin SI:7 Smuggler Jandice Barov Blackjack Stunner List of cards that were busted with shadow step and got nerfed: Drekthar (#13) Secret Passage (#25) OG Yogg (#29) OG Edwin (#34) Dragonqueen Alextraza (#42) Giggling Inventor (#43) Wildpaw Gnoll (#45) Gadgetzan Auctioneer (top 100) Velarock (top 100) Astalor (top 100) Knife Juggler Scribbling Stenographer Mr. Smite Evil Miscreant Honorable Mentions (cards that didn't get nerfed but, but were busted with shadow step): Bran (#33) Zephyrs (#41) Prince Kaleseth (top 100) I might have missed some cards, which is a testament to how busted Shadow Step is. Top 30 is disrespectful. (updated because I messed up)
  • @Juskinen
    You know you've played too much Hearthstone when you recognize 40/50 cards in the screenshot at 1:51 It's also a testament to Hearthstones artstyle for being so distinctive that cards are easily recognizable
  • @gabethebabe5092
    To be honest I really thought this entire video was leading up to a boulder fist oger
  • @tosei91
    Cards I expected to see: Emperor Thaurissan: Literally enabled so many decks back in it's day that wouldn't have been a thing without him. Shadowstep: quite self explanatory. Ice Block: Frustrating and broken effect.
  • That one 3/3 from UnGoro that adapted after attacking is an honorable mention to me. That thing was everywhere.
  • @GubbiGap
    I still remember my friend being like "omg this card is beyond broken and they need to nerf it before release! And none of the big streamers have addressed it!" when Corridor Creeper was revealed. To this day I'm still amazed he called how OP it was.