Will The Archons (And Neuvillette) Help the Tsaritsa Fight Celestia? [Genshin Lore Theory]

Published 2024-03-08
#genshinimpact #genshinlore #hoyocreators
sips tea if celestia is so big, why wont it fight me?

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All Comments (21)
  • Not entirely sure if the interruptions in Nahida's portion were intentional, but if they were it's a nice nod to her Archon Quest.
  • @kamicokrolock
    Given some of the new lore drop in part 2 of Hoyo's other game HI3 I am even more convinced that Teyvat is a bubble universe and that the "Heavenly Principles" is actually the least of our problems.
  • The main theme of Genshin is Dreams and the main message is along the lines of "gods should step down so that humans can gain responsibility and/or freedom for themselves". And Celestia is actually the one pushing this message, they created the Vision system so that humans can dream so big that they can one day defy Destiny/ Heavenly Principles and gain freedom for themselves. And in order to do this, they have to truly become an obstacle for civilisation, Celestia has to be such an overwhelming force worth defying and overcoming that humanity will reach for the dreams and mature for themselves. Celestia will take on each civilisation with full force, anyone who wishes to over come Destiny will be met with the full power of Celestia, and if they fail, civilisations will be destroyed; They will become ruins and legends for the following cycles to learn from and to sprout even bigger dreams to overcome Destiny. This is what the Samsara is, cycles of civilisations being born, dying and being reborn, the Buddhist Karmic cycle where Desire leads to Attachment, which leads to Suffering, this is the nature of humanity. One day humans will break this cycle and achieve Enlightenment, ending the Samsara and overthrowing Destiny/ Heavenly Principles. Gnosis, Visions, all of them are simply tools used by Celestia to push the people of Teyvat to reach higher, have bigger dreams and one day defeat Destiny. These objects have no inherent value themselves, the true power comes from the wielder's dreams, desires and ambitions. In fact there's a twist to the entire thing, having dreams means you have attached your life to a certain goal, you have created your own Destiny; You have literally fallen straight into the hands of the Heavenly Principles, they wanted you to overcome them with your dreams, it is exactly what they wanted. This presents a really unexpected conclusion, if dreams = Destiny, then the only way to defeat Destiny is to not have dreams, which actually is what Enlightenment is, to have no desires so that you are not attached to anything, and thus no suffering. It's why Buddhist monks abstain from everything, to try and lose all attachment, Buddha even gave up food and detached himself from mortality, I'm not sure if this is where Genshin is going, but it has already been touched on in Sumeru's Buddhist themes. Whatever the outcome is, I'm sure it will take all of Teyvat, all 7 regions and their Archons and Dragons to unite against Celestia; And they will all channel their collective dreams into the Traveler in order to overcome Celestia's dream.
  • @sthezh
    in the manga, vanessa asks venti about his thoughts of celestia and he shudders, thinking of dark figures in robes. his close ties with dvalin, who is confirmed to a vishap and by extension probably the sovereign, makes it pretty clear that he will not be siding with celestia. i doubt he’d betray dvalin imo
  • @Falsic
    To our knowledge, the tsaritsa doesn’t have a descender. Therefore, whatever she has planned should fall within Celestia’s expectations. Plus… the story hasn’t actually shown us Celestia’s threat, just given us accounts from unreliable sources. As bad as the Fontaine prophecy seemed, given what we know of how Teyvat’s system works, using an outer worldly being seems like the worst ‘hammer’ the writers could’ve used if they wanted us to feel Celestia’s wrath. Besides Celestia not having any visible ‘evil’ feats, any rebellions still need to consider how they would replace the function of Celestial Nails. The abyss is still very much the worst visible issue in Teyvat.
  • @Gnidel
    I wonder if the factions will be like Colors of the Rainbow banner. Group 1: Electro, Cryo, Geo Group 2: Dendro, Anemo, Pyro Group 3: Hydro Tsaritsa could offer Ei something, like change for the better sustainability of Inazuma. Or something related to vengeance for Makoto. Second team seems to be focused around secrets. Venti knows a lot, Nahida is very curious and Pyro Archon knows a secret that will be told to Traveler. Perhaps they could focus more on Abyss than Celestia. Neuvillette is a dragon, doing dragon stuff.
  • @EdgeCrusher420
    You are absolutely the best genshin lore tuber. You consistently are spot on with the theories. This one is no different
  • @harmonialarts
    The question of 'will the archons help the tsarista in the war against the heavenly principles' is a good one, but I also raise the question of would the tsaritsa even accept their help? If she can't get the gnosis herself by negotiating with them, why would she even accept the other archon's help? The gods can't be trusted while celestia is still around, who's to say they won't betray her to save their nation? You could argue that zhongli wouldn't break the contract, but that contract never really said that he would help her till the end and heck we don't even know the specifics of said contract. I feel like there's a reason why the tsaritsa is as a archon, going solo in this rebellion. If she loses the war, the other archons will be nothing but 'victims' of her schemes. If she wins then the seven nations are free from celestia and if she's generous enough she doesn't become some second celestia and punishes her harbingers in correlation to their crimes. (Dottore im looking at you) As much as I would LOVE to see the archons team up to form a giant mecha to shoot celestia from the sky and crack the firmament open and free teyvat from the egg it just seems unlikely.
  • @PoliEllyana
    In "Winter Night's Lazzo" we get a line from Pierro with a promice to Signora that, quoting, "Your final resting place will be the entirety of the "Old World", which had me thinking that Tsaritsa and Fatui's director have different goals, as Tsaritsa most likely wants the new world order without Celestia in rule, and Pierro wants the "Old World" back, even tho I don't quiet understand what does the "Old World" means, but my guess is that it's Teyvat before the cataclysm 500 years ago, although knowing that he's Khaenri'an, he most likely also wants for Celestia to be gone About punishing eveyone, we got that line from traveller "The keeper is fading away", which might be hinting to Celestia loosing it's power, as we have nothing else to be playing a role of a keeper, and continuing that line with "The creator has not yet come", we can tell that the original creator of Teyvat is currently not there, so they have yet to come and see what is going on
  • @itsmehenrii
    I know this maybe way out there but have we ever considered that it could be a double agent kind a thing? We now know the gnosis are made of the third descender, so could the Tsaritsa be manipulating or being manipulated into gathering the gnosis for the sake of changing the world order and ending up restoring the power of the primordial one and his shades? After all it’s said they were asleep after the cataclysm cause they spent all their power right? So they could’ve allowed the gnosis to gather power over all this time so they could use it to reawaken. And all the information about the gnosis representing their authority could just be a misdirection tactic.
  • @cristopherj1324
    All of the Archon's seem to be distant from Celestia but Venti still remains sus, what if he was the only one who was attacked because he maintains a connection to celestia so they are a bit bitter and doubtful about him... Idk this game got me 😵‍💫.
  • @joelreis5366
    These kinds of videos are the reason ill enjoy Genshin Impact for a long time.
  • A big conflict like this does not happen just because somebody got ambitious. Just like nobody accused Furina de Fontaine of not being Focalors until people started dying from the prophesied flood. Something must be pushing the Archons from behind. And it doesn't seem to be erosion, although erosion suddenly getting stronger could do it. Maybe it's the Abyss Order? If Celestia cannot defend the Archons from it, or does not want to do so, it is very likely to get a rebellion on its hands. The Abyss Order getting a big power boost by managing to corrupt the Sibling might be something that sets things in motion.
  • @ChimkinMcCluckie
    I figure the archons giving up or losing their gnoses means they're no longer beholden to Celestia and can choose sides in the end fight (or abstain) as they see fit instead of being forced to comply with Celestia's will like they were during the Khaenri'ahn event.
  • @juliekm6495
    I think the archons are waiting and watching. They distanced themselves against their gnosis by making it look like (to Celestial?) they were forced to give them away. Then they stepped back and are waiting to see which division (group) takes the lead. At the end of the Itto music quest, Ei tells Ya Miko that there is a war coming and though she does not want to fight, hopes her people will follow her if necessary. I think the archons all knew there would be another war. I think that is why Nahida has the Wanderer as her “top agent” and the Traveler as First Sage of Buer. (She also has Alhaitham as well). Then she is doing her own catching up by trying to understand the world she is in. We know El Docttore also told Nahida some very important secret information. What the information is we will have to see. Both Neuvilette and Farina were in Liyue “on vacation”, but I think (at least Neuvilette) was checking out the other countries. With Skirk’s advice Neuvilette gave his gnosis to Arlecchino after regaining his full power. The older archons have more of an idea what may happen and the younger ones are coming into the knowledge. I really feel Ei gave a big big hint on what might be coming.
  • @tutifru-titi9954
    I really wonder how will they deliver on the Tsaritsa, Fontaine archon quests set up a high standard which i hope will continue. We were given lore crumbs about her throughout the game and expectations are HIGH. + Pls don't make her show skin like she wants to go on a sunny vacation ,arleccino showed that you don't need to go the "almost nude in subzero tempertures" with female outfits for fans to love them.
  • @TacTiconZ
    Fighting celestia means that distraction of tyvat The 2nd decendor the current ruler of the heavenly principal is undefeated you can't defeat something that doesn't understand that concept of defeat Destroying celestia will cause mass human casualties and make another gate to the abyss making the world vulnerable to any outside attack That mean everything that the primordial one created and fought for will be destroyed forever because of revenge