Final Fantasy 17 FORCED Back to Turn Based Combat After This...

Published 2024-06-11

All Comments (21)
  • JRPG is a term. It’s been 100% clear what it meant for decades. Suddenly people have a problem with it. So annoying.
  • @aerolord
    That's why I love Octopath Traveller 2.
  • @KikBlava
    If Expedition 33 becomes a competitor to Final Fantasy that would be incredible to see Square's reaction. 😁
  • @DankMemeCenterX
    Final Fantasy isn't the trendsetter anymore. Shifting what the ip was has lost fans of the old and didn't necessarily build a newer audience to a substantial degree. There's a place for both turn based and action oriented in the market but Square gotta figure out what moves to make to regain marketshare like stop taking deals with Sony or bullet fire titles without room to breathe.
  • @akumous
    This is a testament that turn based can be done and modernized to appeal today’s market.
  • @threeswordssama
    I don't have much experience with the newer Final Fantasy games but I'm a fan of the old school turn based style. There's a ton of variety within the "turn based" battle mechanic that can be applied in a variety of ways.
  • I hope Square goes back to their turn based games and that we get a full party again and that FF becomes a RPG again!
  • @wounduppenguin
    I think FF should go back to turn-based. I think FF can have 2 lines, action-based and turn-based, just like how Yakuza/Like A Dragon does their games now.
  • The thing is that, because so many companies have dropped turn based combat, none has improved it or implemented it in the new big triple A games. Which means there is still of unexplored ideas and potential in that type of gameplay. I think that if Expedition 33 comes out great and sells a lot, it could open the eyes of many companies and make them see that there is fans that are waiting for those ideas to be implemented in videogames. Action combat games are good, but is becoming the "standard" and if every game has action combat then it becomes boring. Same is happening with games aiming for open worlds now, ppl get happy now every time a game is not open world, because they are getting tired of it.
  • @JeannieLove
    Tales are still RPGs. It's a style, not specifically turn based
  • @maharaja101
    What the series desperately needs imo is a clear gameplay identity. They've just been all over the place ever since the PS2 era and these 7-10 year gaps between releases does the series no favors. Instead of reinventing the wheel with every game they should just pick a style and iterate on it. (Preferably the FF7R combat lol)
  • @zaythleon5847
    I think it depends on who they get to head ff17. I personally would love to see it go back to a more turn based rpg but I think the bigger problem is that the franchise itself has an identity problem. Other rpgs grew because they knew what they wanted to be and where they wanted to go within their area but ff lost it's core vision and now has to either rediscover it or create a new one
  • “the Final Fantasy I remember was constantly seeking new challenges and never sitting comfortably in any given place." Sakaguchi in 2016 I’m using this quote because I think it reflects why Final Fantasy isn’t turn based and while OJ does brings good points about the best selling games on PS4 at the time, fans have to remember that in FF12, it wasn’t the classic turn based combat and that quote from the main creator shows that they want to challenge themselves with every new entry. Some may or may not like the newer actions, but the main goal is to try something different which I can respect that.
  • @NoctLightCloud
    I'd love to see the ff7 Rebirth combat system for ff17, with maybe a few ff12-esque gambits.
  • @MarcosBay_
    Final Fantasy shouldn't have abandoned turn based combate.
  • @simo4108
    The problem is not the combat system being action or turn based, games like the Tales of series are action RPGs but they still make you build your party in strategic ways. It's what goes togheter with the combat that is lacking in FFXVI, they have removed dungeons for starters, instead we got linear stages in which all you do is fight, zero interactivity, no puzzles, no exploration, nothing. Everything is streamlined for Clive's growth, gear, abilities, crafting, everything is guided and pre determined. Fighting a bomb using a fire aspected eikon and causing damage is fairly ridiculous, there's absolutely zero rpg element in the game. One thing is to evolve a series and completely change its genre is another...
  • @JWBR84
    I think it's because we're a little older OJ. "JRPG" means a different thing to us. I had a much younger person tell me that they were concerned because they thought it was derogatory and I was confused because I was just talking about the type of game. P. S. I LOVE JRPGs and WRPGs. I also really like ARPGs and have a few SRPGs that I like. Who else likes Rocket-Propelled-Grenades?!
  • @gamekiller64
    I’m not too concerned with FF having turn based since Square offers so many good turn based games already. Especially since 16 and Rebrith were amazing. Now if they do make a turn based FF I sure hope all these fan begging for it actually speak with their wallet
  • @darkshao51
    Well, let's not hype it too much either. Don't expect a massive triple A here, it's still a small team of developers. It'll be AA at best. The game is clearly appealing, but I'm a bit worried that people will mistake it for the equivalent of a FF game in terms of ambition.