"Everything Is A Distraction, You Are Already Home" - Richard Sylvester | Non-Duality | Liberation

Published 2023-05-31
#nonduality #advaita #spirituality #tonyparsons

Liberation is a loss - It cannot be seen until it reveals itself - The Divine Puppet - The past becomes two-dimensional - The hooks are all ours - Spiritual Experiences are personal experiences - Awareness is Everywhere and Everything - There is no locality to awareness - Nothing could've been any other way - I hope you die soon

Special words: "Mind", "Person", "Past", "Future", "Now", "Then", "Time", "Place", "Here", "There", "I", "You", "Me" , "Choice" , "Freedom"

"I" am happy VS "It" is raining. : I = It = Nothing

The mind is like a loop tape - Disembodied phone callers - The Drama of Being A "Person" - The sense of "I" is constantly recreated - Hopeless, Helpless and Meaningless - "But you're already sitting on it!" - The search is pretending not to be it and looking for itself - There is nothing looking for something - We are dreamed characters - Liberation is not personal - Thoughts arise from nowhere - Contraction and Localization - Everything is unconditional love arising as this - 'I' am seen as everything

Death & Religion - Time is only in the mind, and I am only a dreamt character - The appeal of Karma and Rebirth - What happens at death? - The Great Blessing: I Hope You Die Soon

Natural and Neurotic Feelings - Boredom is an experience of the personal mind - Therapy and Meditation - R.D. Laing - "Get up and walk out" - Making the prison more comfortable - Paradise Is Now - Near-death is not Death - This is already paradise - The Avatar of Single Malt - The Alcoholic Guru and the Three Marys - A place for charismatic charlatans

What is non-duality? Oneness arising as everything - The importance of Charing Cross Station Platform #5 - This happens outside time and everything is timeless - The past seems to real substance - The Desert - Phenomena simply arising in awareness without any mediator in between - There is no imperative, this is already liberation - There is nobody who could've made the effort - Awareness is listening to itself, talking to itself, about itself - Waking up to the dream - All choice is illusory - The person is the prison - Suzanne Segal - Nothing has any meaning - Neuroscience of Free-will - The effort to stop thoughts - The core of dissatisfaction - Work happens, salary appears in the bank - The wonder of this - We have to be disassembled in sleep - We are like characters in a play - In awakening, oneness recognizes itself

Just a description, it's not the TRUTH, because Truth is a tricky concept. You are so much less than a person, but also so much more.

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