What If Gamefreak Made a NEW Pokemon Type?

Published 2023-12-10

All Comments (21)
  • @goldengoon4073
    Bug should resist or be immune to sound since most insects are deaf
  • I don't like the idea of type matchups only being added for the competitive, there should always be some sort of logical reason for adding a super effective or resistance.
  • The thing about the magic type is that it’s confusing. It’s like having a “magic element” in a fantasy element magic system: everything they do is essentially magic, so what’s the distinction? Is it just some sorta arcane energy? That would be the fairy and/or psychic type though, so what would the magic type really be? Most of the types function as an element of sort.
  • @gsp6517
    Giving a move the ability to flinch every single opponent in the field is beyond broken, infinitely more than Fake Out. For one, Fake Out is single target and can only be used in the first turn the user is sent out, while this can be used every two turns. You're basically giving any mon the ability yo set-up Trick Room or any boosting move for free in Doubles. Not only that: the fact this has +4 priority makes it impossible to block if the user doesn't either have Shield Dust or a Covert Cloak.
  • The challenge arises when introducing a sound and magic type, as it intersects with the existing normal and fairy categories. Abilities like Liquid Voice and moves such as Boomburst fall under the sound type, while moves like Substitute and Throat Chop counteract sound-based strategies, essentially creating a need for an entirely new type. Attempting to categorize sound as a subcategory of normal and designating fairy as the magic type has been explored by Pokémon previously. However, the fairy type itself is intended to encapsulate magical elements, making it a broader classification than just magic alone. While fairies are often associated with magic, it's essential to recognize that they embody various characteristics beyond a singular theme.
  • @user-xo5wd6sg5z
    "cute creatures" Xerneas: gonna pretend i didn't see that.
  • @LRabbit71421
    Water being super effective against the digital type makes sense because what happens if you spill water on an electronic
  • You know, not all pokemon would have to drop one of their typings if they're already related to something that inbodies the "new type". They could be a Dhelmise/Bombirdier situation where they have a afinity (or in this case ability) with that type but don't exactly make part of it.
  • Some neat trivia, those are pixelated versions of my Light, Virus, Magic, and Wind type symbols at the 1-minute mark. Cool how there are people who still like them 10 years later.
  • @Salmonboyo
    While magic is interesting, I see a lot of people say that Psychic and Fairy types are the "Embodiment of Magic types anyway". However, putting aside legitimately any elemental type, the Dragon Type has actually be proven to have a lot of arcane elements tied into it. Check it out sometime if you're interested!
  • @Demi-Joker
    I've been working on a fanmade Pokémon region and I personally added a blood type. I felt the themes of the type (blood, organs, predators, and brutality) fit the darker tone of the plot, and the resistances and weaknesses help buff and nerf some types. Super effective against: Fairy (because fairies are generally small enough to become easy prey to carnivorous animals), Fighting (because punching things requires muscles and blood flow to the arms), Psychic (because blood is a common fear), and Dragon (because of quite a few mythological dragon-slaying weapons being forged from a dragon's blood) Not very effective against: Steel (the trope of knights and warriors using their own blood or pain as a source of power), Ice (because of the effects extreme temperatures have on the body), Fire (because of the effects extreme temperatures have on the body), and Poison (because poison can really mess you up if it gets into your bloodstream) No effect against: Ghost (because ghosts don't have blood, as well as blood mysteriously appearing on walls from thin air being a trope in horror movies that feature paranormal phenomena) Resistant to: Steel (iron is in the blood), Fairy (because fairies are generally small enough to be easy prey to carnivorous animals), Blood (because you can't out-hemomancy a hemomancer), and Dark (because of the concept of bloodlust) Weak to: Fire (because of the effects extreme temperatures have on the body), Ice (because of the effects extreme temperatures have on the body), Poison (because poison can really mess you up if it gets into your bloodstream), and Bug (because haha funny mosquito go "bzz bzz SSSSSLLLLLLLUUUUUUURRRRRRPPPPP")
  • @SpoonAtNoon
    Maybe I’m stupid and not understanding the scientific reasons, but the super effective for sounds needs a change. They can’t just be a “it’s super effective cuz these types need a nerf” Sound has to have a reason for why it’s super effective
  • @Alibium
    This was so enjoyable… Is it too much to ask for a part 2 already lmao 😭
  • @adenisaacs1850
    I dunno. Adding in a sound type just feels pointless and is a bit too specific. I mean, literally everything makes sound, so how are you gonna decide who gets the type outside of obvious picks. There's also the problem that adding another type may not fix anything except ensuring a new top dog. We don't need to mess up the type chart by adding in yet another type. But hey, maybe I'm wrong.
  • I personally like the idea of a data/cyber type. It doesn’t step on a whole lot of existing types since the only existing ‘mons that it would apply to are things like Porygon, maybe some of the more robotic Steel types and future paradox Pokemon, and I guess I could see arguments for some man-made ‘mons (I wouldn’t include Ditto or plain old ‘object Pokemon’ though). Otherwise I think it’d be pretty fresh, and while adding types just for the comparative effect may be ill advised, I’d would like to say that arguments could be made for how it could be strong against some of the best types like Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, or Steel, while also weak against some of the worst types like Poison, Bug, Ice, or Rock without feeling like we’re just adding the interactions to balance type charts. (Those types are still considered respectively good & bad right? I don’t actually keep up with competitive so I only know the really good & really bad types.) Still, preference over it and something like a Sound type may depend on what a person wants from a new type. Do you want something that’s new and doesn’t take away from existing types while interacting with them; or do you want something that can easily be added, applied to old pokemon and old moves, and just slide in like it was always there. Looking around, it seems opinions on this can vary.
  • @adamberry1696
    Ice should beat sound, partially to buff the Ice type a bit, and because singers have a hard time with high notes in the cold
  • @SiegeDiaz
    Bug not resisting or being immune to sound was a missed opportunity
  • @chrisjohnsen8448
    None of these would really work as types. Sound already has too many moves and mechanics associated that would require massive overhaul and rebalancing to be it's own type, Magic (as you said) overlaps with Psychic and Fairy too much, and Cyber would just be far too restrictive of a concept since it'd require making tons of man-made Pokemon just to fill it with far more abstract designs that couldn't work for other types. Also, outside of what happened to the Rotom forms in gen 5, the only type that would ever be replaced for a new one would be Normal, as that is what happened when Fairy was introduced.
  • @Rajd_is
    I have to disagree with one thing: FAIRY ISN'T PSYCHIC
  • @Jimmy-tb9pe
    Since I feel like Arceus isn't done justice, I suggest the introduction of a God type: it would hit everything for super effective damage and resist everything except for other God types. Arceus would have this, and maybe we could give it to the Creation Trio in their Origin Forms. This would actually make my poor Fence Deer as OP as it deserves to be (And probably get it banned too)