The Secret Psychology of "Ignoring" a Girl

Published 2022-03-27
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Does ignoring a woman work? Yes, but only when you do it right. In this video Bobby Rio discusses the psychology of ignoring a girl. And 5 ways to ignore a woman in the right way.

00:00:00 - The Secret Psychology of Ignoring a Woman
00:04:08 - The Psychology of Ignoring a Woman
00:08:24 - The Psychology of Ignoring a Woman: Longing, Mental Challenge, and Hot and Cold Behavior
00:12:40 - The Addictive Nature of Hot and Cold Behavior in Dating
00:16:33 - The Value of Prioritizing Your Interests in Dating

Here's a fact, ignoring a woman can get her chasing you, but only when you do it in a way that works.

We'll also cover:

- how long should you ignore a woman for?
- what exactly does it mean to ignore a girl?
- will she lose interest if you ignore her for too long?


Read the article here:…

All Comments (21)
  • @ponczeky
    Be Calm, speak less, avoid drama, be less reactive, make eye contact, use correct body language, listen more than you speak, think outside the box, think before you speak, don’t always be available, speak less about yourself :)
  • @cayotelives
    Don't be needy. Be happy with yourself first. Fix yourself first
  • Have you life Have your goals Have your vision clear Have your friends Priorities your family fitness Be honest to your study/school/college/work no matter how many womens are waiting If you follow above things and literally work on them then you won't have to do anything extra to get attention of any women .... Focus on youself and whole world will focus on u ... 👍
  • Let me say this. Most men go very fast with women. Lots of attention, lots of texting, asking for dates. This is all wrong. After 1 date you're telling her how you feel and after another you're ready to be her boyfriend. All wrong. No games here. You've developed very bad habits in the dating world because of neediness and texting. Now it's time to learn healthy habits. Patience and being non reactive to her responses will get you VERY FAR. Women DO NOT develop attraction this way. It's not about "playing games". It's about learning patience and knowing how to spread out your attention to her over time. Tons of attention and princess treatment the first week will only push her away. TEXTING KILLS ATTRACTION. It's only about 20 years old and that plus social media has killed dating in general. Technology will always make dating worse. Women do not respond to instant "checking in" with her everyday. Women are emotional beings and need time away from you so they can think about you and let her feelings develop naturally of her OWN choice. Women make the majority of their decisions about you (and life) based on how she feels in the moment. If you made her feel good on a date, just disappear for a few days so she can anticipate seeing you again. Over time her feelings will get stronger. Anticipation is the key attraction trait for women. If they like you, stop contacting her except to ask for a date once or twice a week. Continue this process until she asks to be your GF. They NEED some time and space to miss you. And yes all of this is only true if she likes you. If she likes you, you will begin to notice her feelings will increase while away from you. She can't control this and will start chasing you and reaching out to get more of you. Yes. Tell her you want to take her out once or twice a week, then let her chill for a bit. You'll find women don't want to be chased, MEN want to be chased. Women want to do the chasing. But by being all up in her business texting nonstop you killed anticipation which is what she needs. You can bitch all day about games and what not, or you can learn to adapt and give her what she needs. We've all been lied to growing up. Men are told to chase and buy flowers and do anything for her. No. When a woman sees your rarity she will chase you. I know from experience because I've lost the last 3 women that started chasing me. I wasn't patient and started getting anxious and insecure, not being confident that I'm good enough and wait for her to reach out. If she keeps making excuses about your date offers without a reschedule, it means SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU. Accept that and move to someone else. Women that like you, will make it very easy for you. Women that don't like you, will make it very tough. Approach women you like until you notice one is accepting every date offer and starts chasing you. Pull back and pace out your attention and time to her, and be patient.
  • @MarineVeteran99
    If a women texts me less and ghosts I want her LESS. That behavior turns me off. I have no problems deleting a woman's number no matter how attractive she is. I only deal with cooperative women who respect my time. I'm not available for the ones that flake or play games. Guys let's be honest with each other. Think of every gorgeous women you see... how often are they texting away or talking on thier cell phones? Exactly! She is ignoring you. So return the favor. Especially if she has the nerve to text or call asking for help or favors. Don't be afraid to tell a beautiful women NO!
  • @godstomper
    It only works if she has high physical and emotional attraction and investment in you. The fear of being forgotten by a woman is the obstacle men have to face in order to not push away(repell ) the woman they desire because of a man's need for reassurance. What you gain by letting go is peace of mind, more confidence in yourself and a abundance mind set.
  • @blazejecar
    it's so frustrating that humans work like this. I feel like I'm never actually allowed to love someone, I just have to eternally pretend I won't feel a thing if she leaves. It's so outside my personality and I hate having to be like that
  • @MoneyTary26
    If she DONT like you, it dont matter what you do, manipulation or silence, she will NEVER chase you! She will only chase you if she testing you and you ignore her
  • @rodgerborge7528
    100% correct! Never try to “talk her out of it”, it never works , only causes her to dig in her heals, and reinforces to her that she made the right decision.
  • @lascaux4497
    A guy followed an advice like this. Then a woman also followed an advice like this. Both ended up not communicating because this advice results in a dead end situation
  • My grandfather once told me when I was 16yrs..."if I ever find out you stay at a woman's place or u cried because a woman left you, you are not my blood" ....that hit me I don't simp...if a woman is good, am gonna treat her right, if she doesn't deserve it, I leave quick fast!...the last thing I swore to myself is to never ever screw my quality of life...
  • @intoTheCosmos_
    Years later, and ever once in awhile, it's good to revisit these videos, to remind ourselves of what we're forgetting. It's easy to get overly comfortable and slip into bad habits.
  • I think it depends on the person. Ignoring has worked for me sometimes. Sometimes out of sight out of mind is true
  • I remember getting dumped by a girl because she was "too busy" with school. I respected that and told her ok and that I would never contact her again. And I didn't. But guess who contacted me months later when she wasn't busy anymore.
  • @Nola5427
    Don' t bet on it man or woman, you can only push someone so far and ignore them that one day they don' t come back, if you care for that person be honest and communicate don' t play games and that' s what that is and when you end up alone which you will you have no one to blame but yourself and they are happy at Peace without you and with someone that is actually deserving.
  • @HowTalks
    I know for a fact that the person reading this is really strong. You are really strong honey and your are doing so good! Anxiety is really hard to overcome so be proud of yourself for not giving up. (virtual hug) Remember that everything will be okay, it doesn't matter when, just hang on okay? Hang on. It will come - and after it arrived you will be so happy, happy about the fact that you never gave up. That you are strong. I love you, and many other people do too. Always hang on and wait for your happiness to arrive.❤
  • hot and cold behavior is like the tension of a spring. When cold, or negative, energy is stored. When it turns towards the hot, or positive end, the potential is released. This very dynamic is at the heart of any good drama.
  • @cc1912
    The autonomy part hit home. Well said. You want to attract someone who reflects the principles and values you hold dear; that self-actualization is a sign of personal (and in turn projected) respect.
  • @joeb5578
    You're absolutely right about all of this. It took me years to learn this. When it worked well, I always had something going on so they didn't think I was pinning away for them all the time. I'm having that issue right now about being too nice so having to literaly keep busy. It's hard. What I do, do is start making female friends just to take my mind off of her. It does work. I'm not being a traitor. When they sense you're busy, they pick up on it in your voice, how you talk to them and don't seem overly eager. Thanks. I needed the reminder.