Unveiling Sneaky Tactics of Female Narcissists | Lisa A. Romano

Published 2024-02-24
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In this YouTube video learn about the top signs you're dealing with a toxic female narcissist. Learn about the differences between male and female narcissists and why you should educate yourself about how each gender exhibits narcissistic traits. Learning about these differences can help you avoid being manipulated by either a male or female narcissist.

Toxic telltale signs of a female narcissist include how some individuals who identify as female and exhibit narcissistic traits may use societal expectations, stereotypes, or perceptions related to gender to their advantage in manipulative ways. It implies that these individuals leverage traditional gender roles, cultural expectations, or stereotypes to achieve their goals or manipulate others.

In the context of narcissism, this exploitation might involve behaviors such as:

Playing the Victim: A female narcissist might use societal expectations of women as nurturing or victimized to garner sympathy or manipulate situations to her advantage.

Using Charm and Seduction: Exploiting traditional notions of femininity, a female narcissist might employ charm, beauty, or seduction to manipulate and control others.

Emotional Manipulation: Drawing on the stereotype that women are more emotional, a female narcissist may use emotional manipulation to gain control over others or elicit specific reactions.

Playing on Gender Stereotypes: Female narcissists might strategically use stereotypes associated with women, such as being caring or sensitive, to manipulate perceptions and hide their true intentions.

It's essential to note that narcissistic traits can be exhibited by individuals of any gender, and not all individuals who identify as female engage in exploitative behavior. Additionally, gender itself should not be considered a determining factor for narcissistic traits, as these traits are complex and can manifest in various ways across individuals. It's crucial to approach discussions about narcissistic behavior with sensitivity, avoiding generalizations or reinforcing stereotypes.

This video has been created to help educate you about the various ways in which a female narcissist manipulates and exploits the emotions, kindness, and good intentions of others to become more aware of how to avoid becoming enthralled within a toxic narcissistic relationship.

If you are ready to breakthrough codependency so you can stop attracting narcissistic partners into your life, and you wish to heal the unhealed wounds that keep you stuck repeating the past, join me for my next LIVE 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program.

Learn more here:

Lisa A. Romano is a certified Life Coach and bestselling author of the book The Road Back to Me. Her podcast Breakdown to Breakthrough is one of the top 100 Mental Health podcasts today. She is best known for her work in the field of codependency, narcissistic abuse, and mental and emotional resilience despite a painful past.

You can reach Lisa or a member of her team at [email protected]

Thank you for watching Top Signs You're Dealing with a Toxic Female Narcissist


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All Comments (21)
  • @PspTomisi
    Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.
  • @MysticCreature
    Everything is my fault. For 20 years. All of it…. That messes with a mind… I do believe it. Because she’s successful in her life. She never worries. She seems to be in complete control… she will always win… because she doesn’t care about how she affects others. Even our kids.
  • I work with a female Narcissist and the best defense is keeping away as much as I can and only speak to her if necessary. But the good news is I'm leaving the small office very soon! Buh Bye 😊
  • @MysticCreature
    Yes. This is me. I started small talk about something with my Narc this morning. She went into a diatribe about how was the research done, and where was the study and all these little triggering, manipulation to make me engage. I just stopped the conversation… I’m more aware now. But yes. I’m always working on what narc needs to be ok. Always. I’m completely brainwashed. There’s no emotional intimacy. Yes I have no worth. My sense of reality is gone. Yes. Trauma bonded completely… 😢 thanks Lisa. You’re my hero. And yes! When I catch her in an “untruth”. Or she’s not getting what she wants. She will tell me she wants to spend time with me… and she’ll sit on her phone as we watch a tv show. If I dare to take out my phone she wants to know EXACTLY what I’m doing on my phone. Forget physical intimacy. I’ve given up. I don’t need to be desired by someone who isn’t mentally stable. I’m not flattered. But a narc doesn’t feel they do anything wrong… I want to be a narc lol! I can’t leave. Have young children. And they’ve expressed that they don’t want me to leave. And narc would make life horrible if I left. Plus, narc is in control of all the money. My life is effectively over. I have freelance work. I have my kids. I’ll have to deal one day. And on my death bed I’ll tell her the truth. But I’m also going to write it all down in detail and send it out to people so they know the truth. She’s just makes it look too good on the outside. She’s in complete control of her life… promotion; doctorate, weight loss (with injections)… she doesn’t spend frivolously, she is organized, she is efficient… but the world has no idea… not even an inkling as to what is like living with her. 😢😢😢😢
  • @Dustygoodz
    Ive been going through this for 14 years. My supposed “high-school sweetheart”. Now we have 2 kids and I dont know how to get out without breaking my kids hearts 😢
  • @brendanthebdog
    I deserve the entirety of the blame for the relationships I chose to enter into - even if I was unaware. That being said, I learned that the NPD women I was with were trying to figure out if I had a happy childhood and strong boundaries. Once they learned that I wasn't allowed to have healthy boundaries growing up, I was theirs'! No woman is obligated to act out my mother issues anymore, not even my mother herself. Inadequate was the best she was capable of. She has my love and forgiveness, but not my attention.
  • I really thought I loved her. I was trapped in a trauma bond, extremely hurtful
  • @jean-pierrep6844
    Spot on. I experienced a few relationships like this. I lost myself trying to make her happy. However, I didn't know myself in the first place.
  • @duaneh1973
    I lived 17 years with a Narc who would always say "we need to get a divorce!" Whenever things didn't go her way or she was upset for something I did. I finally gave her what she wanted.
  • For as hard it is to understand the situation to understand this video it does make one realize that love isnt what one believes it is
  • @coach_amy
    It's just so different than actually wanting to deeply know one another and to be known by the other, to deeply connect and to create and brainstorm together. Some how wanting that type of fulfilling relationship makes a narc try to convince you that you're crazy and have too high of expectations. It really distorts reality. But I will not lose hope.
  • @Farmer_7983
    This video is so spot on and really sad this type of behavior/mind set even exist, a mother should be a nurturing, kind, sweet, loving and dismantling drama instead of creating chaos. Very heart breaking as a husband having to push a woman away that I care about deeply and devoted 25 years to now, but they will never change and you have to radically except it as much as it hurts and move on
  • ABSOLUTELY 100% RIGHT‼️40 yrs of Utter disrespect publicly humiliating me, pointing out my flaws, clothes, make-up, hair, lies about me, too much to explain. I decided to reach out her... mistake one month & I catch her bad- mouthing me to my Mom - Who, once again, refused to hear my side and hung up the phone on me ! My sister is a "genius" therefore all must listen & agee with her against me because my sister says I am stupid & crazy & a liar etc.... My sister is an evil Narcissist ‼️💔
  • @treshasstarr1513
    I just burst out crying of the last 5 minutes of what you said, I’m going thru this right now, my kids are affected by this and it’s PAINNNNNNNNNNN
  • It’s ALWAYS to take something from her target and make me feel inferior.
  • @cocogomez2278
    The beginning makes me sick to my stomach as my eyes are opening and i realize im codependent to my dad and stepmom. At 50 im just starting to learn who i am and what i feel. I feel angry and like I've wasted my life by catering to their needs and not my own.
  • @mavisgillard653
    Thank you Lisa!❤❤ I am trying to make better choices and be cognizant of the fact that I am codependent. I’m also looking back at the fact that I was the scapegoat child in my family. My parents have been deceased for a long time. It’s very hard to remember the patterns that I formed so many years ago. Listening to your words makes me realize how much I need to change! Thanks again for your help!
  • When a female narcissist lies-no one knows it. Not even her. Think about that for a minute...try to explain that to someone else.
  • @shez1270
    Narcissist will ALWAYS get what they want no matter what manipulation tactics they have to use unless you know who and what you're dealing with. Still their aim is to always come out on top. Thanks Lisa! Well said.
  • @heidi22209
    Lisa. Dropping the truth bombs up in my morning coffee... Namaste 🙏