Former Experimental Test Pilot Explains CSIRO Modelling On Cost Of Nuclear

Published 2024-07-03

All Comments (21)
  • @sadlerau1
    This video needs to be sent to EVERY mainstream news room in the country. But we know what will happen, even if they bothered to watch and learn, they'd ignore it because it doesn't fit their agenda.
  • @ianbutler6583
    Finally a politician looking at what is best for the Australian people instead of just playing politics.
  • @awc900
    Chris Bowen should listen to this but it would likely go in one ear and out the other.
  • @_Sammy_J
    I live off grid using renewables & batteries. Attempting to run the entire country using this technology will ruin our economy by forcing us to outsource our power generation to foreign nations every decade. They have a vested interest in insuring that we don't succeed at generating our own power using our own resources. Which is exactly why we need to do it. We need to keep those trillions inside Australia.
  • It's pretty obvious at this stage, after reading some of GenCost myself and observing the blatant bias against nuclear and coal fired power that the document was compiled by ideologues rather than rational engineers and scientists. The CSIRO used to have a great reputation for producing great science with many citations to their scientific staff. After this last debacle, their credibility is in the toilet.
  • Why is it that members of the Liberal and National Parties speak like intelligent beings and Labor like a bunch of braindead thugs? Well done Senator Fawcett. Keep the pressure on. We should have a referendum on whether to go Nuclear. It is far more important than “The Voice”.
  • @UsefulAlien
    Clever guy with a proven technical background! Peter Dutton has good friends!
  • @daveyp76
    Thank you Senator Fawcett for highlighting the truth to all Australians.
  • Basicly what he's saying is aboish all commities like CSiRO. They know nothing so they paid someone who does know so they can develop a report. When the goverment could do that themselves. This whole thing is stupid. You need to rid the BAN on nuclear. Then call up some nuclear power plant developers and get quotes make them compete for the contract.
  • @Boombah2323
    The CSIRO has lost its way just like the ABC….if you need a pipe fixed you get advice from a plumber… we need engineers and scientists to give the Australian public guidance on this important topic… I fear for my children’s and their children’s future if this lunacy is allowed to continue!
  • The French are not pinching themselves, they have in construction currently 6 new and planned 8 more nuclear power plants. It should be noted that they currently have 96 reactors - some of them are undergoing modernization and renovation. financing 'nuclear' give return on investment 80 times whyle wind or solar less than 5. Coal power station return on investment is 50 times. this are official approx figures.
  • @Chad-mf5vo
    For the first time in 40 years voting, I will be changing my vote from Labor to the Liberal party based mainly on this issue. For my sake, my kids and for my country to remain competitive.
  • @Hardwick989
    Thank you for standing up and proving labour wrong again. They should be quiet about that now and lie about the next topic.
  • @carolb9549
    I agree with you senator, nuclear energy is the smartest and cheapest option. Australia has the big resources to power nuclear, we are in the best position to own our own setup without relying on other countries. Renewables are held captive to good weather, as a growing country we need reliable endless power to keep the lights on.
  • @clinnoMx
    Brilliant presentation. Calm, intelligent & effective. 👏👏 Are you running for PM by any chance? If so, could you also pardon David McBride & Richard Boyle for simply sharing the truth? We'd really appreciate that. We need more folks who tell the truth on behalf of the people. Also, how come every time I see or hear any excellent points being made in parliament, there's never anyone there! Where's the rest of our tax dollars, and why are they never around to hear this stuff?!
  • Listen to this man then listen to Bowen .. Bowen is way out of his depth.