What is Synthetic Selection? Game Dev Log 0

Published 2023-12-13

All Comments (21)
  • @thatonegamer5937
    Wow, this looks very intriguing! I think you could definitely add a Rain World-esque element to it and make the world it's own ecosystem.
  • @Dartnitt
    Procedural animation is the way, it looks amazing and the idea of being able to gather parts from bosses to then build your own machines sounds exciting and rewarding. I was getting little worried after no updates for such a long time but its good to know game is still in the works
  • @panampace
    This guy just casually dropping one of the most ambitious projects I’ve ever seen
  • @craftex1018
    This is honestly the most stunning and interesting idea I've seen in a LONG time. Definitely going to keep my eye on this for a WHILE!
  • @aydengaming553
    This feels like the ultimate game for creativity. Also procedurally animated things make my happy. Idk why, they just do
  • @mydude6374
    I miss devs that mainly focused on physics and gameplay mechanics trying something new and experiment.....this looks amazing, cant wait to play it
  • @Serge4444
    as a biotechnologist this is AWESOME, i love it. you indeed took inspiration from life. keep doin it! nature can give you even more inspiration! i can give you some bio facts to think about for more content, environment and mechanics for this future masterpiece: *plants* are also alive, some of them react to *sound* as other organisms would do. viruses multiply using and consuming other organisms. Cordiceps are real shrooms. ants are almost a smart hivemind, they organize farms, graveyards, and alliances. they expand their territory with time but they move following others' path with chemicals. they re constantly in war with other ants' spieces. in an ecosystem, if there are few plants, herbivores can t reach a big number and carnivores will have an hard time. plants have an enormous variety of defense systems, from simbiosis with carnivores, to cannibalism inducing chemicals for insects. there would be more. hopefully you get some inspiration from these!
  • @buboniccraig896
    I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, the way these tentacles have such cinematic movements has me in awe I just hope theres harder difficulty options, I want a challenge and to truly master these mechanics because they look really really fun
  • @alacer8878
    That one clip of the blue orb player rolling around, and suddenly extending tendrils to start moving by swinging is legitimately some of the coolest content I've seen. That's trailer-worthy. I'll definitely be following this. The rest of the footage looks stunning, and I'm really excited to see where it'll all go.
  • It may feel like a passion project but dude you've seriously struck gold with this one! Best of luck to you on your dev journey, I hope to see your games in the big leagues soon.
  • @TheGhostie
    Dude PLEASE don’t give up on this, this looks absolutely fascinating to me, and something I could very easily fall in love with. KEEP YOUR DREAMS ALIVE PLEASE!!!
  • @Rkyiel
    This is stupidly cool. This is very inspiring. "The most fun game, is game dev" is an amazing quote
  • @pt-xl7wo
    Can't wait to play this! Been following this since 2020 and I am as hyped as ever!
  • @29Geckos
    Oh. My. God. This is by far the most unique take on a game that I’ve ever seen, and at the same time it looks like exactly what’s been missing in the gaming world… amazing.
  • @sphereron
    Wow, I'm super excited about this! I remember seeing one of your dev videos that went viral. I'm glad you saw this vision through
  • @umecoalpaw7573
    Wow, this looks super fun! I'm subscribing right away to keep track of this game, as well as going through the restof the videos on this. I love games where your creativity can run wild.
  • @crow2596
    this is without a shadow of a doubt one of the coolest games/game concepts i've seen in a very long time.
  • @potionmaster3793
    I love that you can use the tools your enemies have when you beat them. Reminds me of a game called TerraTech
  • @neoclod3112
    Bro! I have been seeing the progress since you started! You have gotten so far in your creation! Congrats and I hope you get far I wanna play this game when its complete!!