Lori's Story: A Revision Patient Lapband to Gastric Bypass Patient

Published 2021-05-06
" had my revision in December 2019, so it’s a little over two months, and things are going great actually. I am not experiencing acid reflux anymore. I am sleeping better now. I no longer have to take high blood pressure medication. My blood pressure has significantly gone down so I’m no longer on blood pressure medication. I have more energy. I feel better. I can, you know, do more activities so things have gone really well."

To learn more about this procedure, visit www.drmalladi.com/bariatric-surgery/lap-band-remov…

All Comments (2)
  • I experienced the same problem with the Lap-Band and had a revision done to VSG in 2010. My quality of life is a thousand times better and the only issue I have dealt with is reflux if I lay down too soon after eating. I’ve had to take 40mg of Nexium every day since my surgery due to the acid. I do not understand why any surgeon would do Lap-Band surgeries.