How To Drive On The Highway - The Secrets!

Published 2016-05-20

All Comments (21)
  • @smoke0783
    Here because I'm scared af to drive on the highway 😂😂😂 I drive everyday but I don't gotta go on the highway to get to my destination
  • @SteelOfLegend
    "Unfortunately in a state like Michigan where everyone is tailgating each other..." That's an understatement. It's not tailgating, it's trading paint.
  • @flattcatt
    It is definitely intimidating for new drivers. I’ve been driving for 3 years now and it took an entire year and a half for me to feel brave enough to regularly drive on the highway alone.
  • @mystic_cb944
    As a pointer to anybody learning to drive, I just recently drove on the highway for the first time, its intimidating, but a big tip is to stay calm and be aware. Yes everyone was overtaking me, the speed limit was 55 and I barely did 60, but I did it since I wasn't fully comfortable. Its not nearly as hard as it can seem
  • @dpmgarage19
    How to drive on the freeway Step 1. Enter freeway Step 2. Drive on freeway Step 3. Exit on appropriate exit
  • @amorfati4559
    Oh God I'm 21 and the freeway is that one dragon I need to slay. It's too scary for me for whatever reason
  • @Milly-Cakezz
    My struggle is lane changing makes me soo nervous!!! Checking the rearview and side view mirrors and not trying to steer in another lane WHILE ALSO trying to pay attention to what's in front of me😣😣😣😭😭😭the struggle.
  • I’m fine with freeway driving for the most part. For me, in the beginning it’s just getting on that’s scary with everyone going fast.
  • @blairjayson
    The most important principle of highway driving: don't let someone who doesn't know how to control a supercar drive your Gallardo.
  • With the number of people that either die or get injured in car accidents you'd think people would take not dying in a violent car wreck more seriously. I've just started driving and people drive like maniacs. The 3 second rule you mentioned makes sense. You don't actually know what's going to happen with the car in front of you. They can slam on the breaks for any number of reasons. Human beings are not fortune tellers, but we act like we are. And also, like you said, if I follow the 3 second rule people WILL cut in front of me. I've had someone cut in front of me where it made NO SENSE. There was literally no room for them and they almost crashed into the side of my car trying to squeeze their way in. So I had to slow down, then the person tailgating behind me almost rear ended me. People are so fucking stupid. For the average person driving is the most dangerous thing we do and yet they drive like they're all suicidal.
  • @chalkfarm11
    Your vids seem to get a lot of shitty comments but just wanted to say I appreciate you making them. Will help a lot of newbie drivers.
  • this video really, REALLY helped me out. i’m struggling to handle the highway, especially following times/distances, but you explain things so well. thank you!!!
  • @Morrisman1996
    Not just for highway driving, but you should put your indicator on to change lanes as soon as when you want to change lanes. A lot of people do all the mirror checks and then indicate and change lanes immediately after. By indicating as soon as possible, this lets other drivers around you know that you want to change lanes and some nice drivers will even make room for you, especially in heavy traffic. No one's going to make room for you when they don't know what you're doing. Also, people not merging at highway speeds is the most irritating thing I see on the road, especially when you're stuck behind them because then you also have to try and merge when all the other cars are going much faster and it's just an all-round unsafe situation. Worst thing I ever saw was someone had come to a complete stop in the merging lane at the end of the on-ramp. It's so terribly moronic it blows my mind. It makes me wonder how they passed their driving test.
  • @kaedence____
    I'm driving to a music festival for the first time in my life as I usually fly to them or ride with others on the road. Been freaking myself about it all, driving on highways and out of state for the first time. Definitely a big thing for me cause I got my license at 26 (I'm 28) due to such fear of driving. Lol huge growth us about to come
  • I got my license yesterday & today when I was getting on the highway I went all the way to the left lane & almost caused an accident :( & now I can't stop thinking about it .. I don't even wanna drive nomore
  • @jakewolf2512
    Bro I'm shitting myself just thinking about driving on a highway