Obama speech out of context, Fox News out of control [w/Sean Hannity]

Published 2010-09-12
Clip from Fox News that Sean Hannity aired on his show; followed by the original clip from President Obama's speech on September 8, 2010 in Parma, OH, regarding tax cuts / extension.

As you can clearly see, Fox News deliberately cut the beginning of the clip off in order to make it appear that President Obama was saying that everyone's taxes would go up substantially next year, as though it was all his idea, and is his current plan, while in reality he was referencing the plans of the previous administration.

This is intentionally deceitful editing, and it should not be tolerated. I can't believe this shit is even on TV in this country.

--This clip begins at 24:10

--This clip begins at 1:45

[Hannity]: "Now the President did have a rare moment of honesty during his speech, and I hope voters around the country are watching this:"
[President Obama]: "Taxes are scheduled to go up substantially next year, for everybody."
[Hannity]: "Alright, that's right I know the anointed one will make sure that that happens."

President Obama's statement in its entirety:
"I'll give you one final example of the differences between us and the Republicans, and that's on the issue of tax cuts. UNDER THE TAX PLAN PASSED BY THE LAST ADMINISTRATION, taxes are scheduled to go up substantially next year, for everybody. By the way, this was by design. When they passed these tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, they didn't want everybody to know what it would do to our deficit, so they pretended like they were going to end, even though now they say they don't."

Free speech does not include the right to intentionally deceive or mislead the American public; but that's precisely what Fox News does every day. If the news doesn't fit into their narrative, they will actually change the news story to fit.

While other networks may not be perfect, and some may even use some of the same tactics to support their own narrative, none are even close to as intentionally deceitful as Fox News. Their daily coverage of what's happening in our country and around the world is filled with clips just like this one, taken out of context to willfully deceive and mislead the American public, in order to support, their narrative at any cost. Their primary goal is not simply to get the news out to the country, as they'd have you believe; Their primary goal is to indoctrinate you in their own beliefs, regardless of the truth or the 'real' news. Every one of their shows, all day and night, is meant to shape your mind, rather than to give you the facts and let you make your own conclusions. They don't want you to think! They want you to be entertained & brainwashed, all the while having you believe you're getting the real news.

If, even after viewing clips like this one, you continue to watch Fox News, you need to realize that you are willfully taking part in the deceit of America. You are being used as a puppet, to vote the way they want you to vote.

Credit to "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" for uncovering this clip. I would have simply used the clip from the show, but since Viacom doesn't allow small custom clips to be embedded, I had to make my own. The clip from Sean Hannity's show is covered under Fair Use for Political Commentary, just as it was when it was ripped from Fox for The Daily Show.

The complete Daily Show segment can be seen here:

All Comments (21)
  • @johnny5k
    Obama's position on the Bush tax cuts haven't changed since he campaigned: Let them expire for those making more than $250,000/yr, but extend them for everyone making less. His remark in this clip was that the cuts are scheduled to expire for EVERYONE, raising taxes on the middle class, and he didn't want that to happen. And it was the Republicans that pushed through the tax cut extensions for those making more than $250,000, not Obama.
  • @johnny5k
    Because that's the only way to illustrate how Hannity was manipulating the President's words. You're right- I probably could have pieced together some clips of Hannity to make it LOOK like he's piecing together clips of the President's speech; but I'm not. Look at the description of this video, and you'll find links to the entire episode of Hannity and the President's entire speech. So please, don't take my word for it. You should never take a stranger's word for anything. See for yourself.
  • @johnny5k
    @CavesWoman You question my editing? You say "seems pretty 'clipped' to me"? Well, see for yourself - that clipping was done by fox. The link to the entire segment on from Fox News is in the video description - and hosted on FoxNews.com, so it's right from the source.
  • @johnny5k
    I could have, but why would anybody go through that much trouble to try to make Fox News + Hannity look deceitful/dishonest/misleading, when so many clips like this one already exist? I do applaud you for considering this could be fake, though. I wish everyone would question what they see on the web/TV; not just take it at face value. You should always check sources before believing anything. In this case, check the video description. There's a link to the Hannity clip right from foxnews.com
  • from a british point of view i cant understand why anybody would want to watch fox news
  • @macalu57
    This is one big hatchet job on your part! Look at the entire section on Hannity that night. Other parts of the speech were shown right before this one where it was clear what the President was talking about. That little clip there was just added for a chuckle.
  • @dapm38
    @MrEmpirical, I'm pretty sure the majority had no part in my husband and I putting each other through school. They are not ALLOWING my husband work on a Sunday night. Between the two of us, working our tails off, we are now in the "rich" tax bracket. Don't get me wrong I don't mind paying my fair precentage. If you make $1000 and pay 10%, that's $100. If I make 100,000 and pay 10%, I pay $10,000. There I paid more than you.... so back off!
  • @MizzouArt
    Beneficiaries of tax cuts should be those who pay the taxes in the first place. Those who pay more naturally will see more returned, but they still pay more. Since half of all income earners pay no income taxes their taxes can't be reduced. In fact, most receive more than they pay in taxes as welfare disguised as tax refunds like EIC. The meaning of that clip does not change in any way shape or form with the added "context." FNC haters are just grabbing at straws to rationalize their psychosis.
  • @johnny5k
    @akkrauta How exactly is this video in any way deceptive?
  • @shooter686
    @DisturbedHavok So, if the tax cuts didn't work, why did the revenues increase the last 3 times there were large tax cuts? It is a very sound financial principle. The opposite has never worked in any country at any time in history. There has never been a country that could tax and spend its way out of a recession. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was driving the policies to serve more and more loans. They dictated to get as many loans as possible. This is why banks did so.
  • @JudyGurl
    Obama also says we can't afford the 700 billion it would cost if we extend the tax cuts on those making a million or more. Um, Mr President, how do you intend to make up the 3 TRILLION lost by KEEPING the tax cuts for those making 250,000 or less ? Someones gotta make up the difference. I mean the thought of cutting spending or fiscal responsibility never occured to you guys. Republicans are guilty of this too. I say not only extend, but increase the tax cuts. Let DC live on a budget.
  • @dapm38
    Shooter, I'm pretty sure the majority had no part in my husband and I putting each other through school. They are not ALLOWING my husband work on a Sunday night. Between the two of us, working our tails off, we are now in the "rich" tax bracket. Don't get me wrong I don't mind paying my fair precentage. If you make $1000 and pay 10%, that's $100. If I make 100,000 and pay 10%, I pay $10,000. There I paid more than you.... so back off!
  • @MizzouArt
    So, what's the difference in the "meanings" of the two edited clips?
  • @blite13
    @animatorswearbras Excellent, you are on the "money" lol.
  • @shooter686
    @Xakryn It is called economics, not class envy guilt. Every dollar a person spends, helps the economy. Since poor people spend very little, they do not help the economy very much. Since the rich spend a lot more, they benefit the economy much more. If they spend it on a car, the dealership, the salesman, the car washers, the mechanics, the tire guys, etc all benefit. Nobody is asking for you to feel compassion for anybody here, it is simply how the world works.