Zombieland: Migration, drugs, and violence made German cities unbearable | NIUS Original

Published 2023-09-13
As we all can see, something has changed in Germany. There's a new form of homelessness in our cities. The effects of drugs, violence, and migration are palpable everywhere. Crystal meth and heroin are found next to children's playgrounds. Knife fights in front of train stations take place literally every day, and homeless people are decaying while still alive. People who migrated to Germany are struggling to cope. NIUS reporters Eva Vlaardingerbroek and Jan A. Karon document the 'Zombieland' from the front lines. The homeless share how they ended up in the streets – and what occupies their minds.
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#nius #obdachlose #zombieland

All Comments (21)
  • @user-ke4ef2yh1d
    G R A U E N H A F T - was aus Deutschland geworden ist! DANKE für die Doku!
  • Same problem in France. And it's getting worse and worse. People must wake up.
  • @F.C.77
    Germany is becoming as the US. Well done Angela e Olaf.
  • @rottendiamonds
    I am German myself and left my country because I realized that it is not longer my Germany as I know it...
  • @boarbrothers5737
    I lived in Germany for a few years in the early 80's when my husband was stationed there with the Army. It was so quiet, clean, beautiful, and safe. Like a dream. I remember noticing that the only graffiti we would see was in English. Thank you for this project and for the English subtitles.
  • @ibanana1871
    Das beste Deutschland was es jemals gab. -- Steinmeier 2020
  • Ich bin jetzt seit 78 weg. Ich habe einen Amerikana in Deutschland geheiratet und wohne in Texas. Hier ist es auch schlimm. Die ganze Welt get kaputt.
  • I lived in Berlin in the 90ths and you almost nevr saw a homeless person. What a mess it has become . I visited this year . It is not the city i once loved . Homeless under every bridge
  • @klickklick5510
    Wenn ich Politiker wäre, und DAS wäre das Ergebnis meiner Arbeit, dann würde ich mich in Grund und Boden schämen.
  • @alcorfield1157
    All over western Europe this madness is happening yet our politicians are more concerned with being seen to be politically correct ..... here in the UK we have had enough of mass immigration, the crime , the drugs
  • @sergeysu9103
    This guy has Russian written on his T-shiet " Цирк уехал, клоуны остались" ( The circus left, the clowns stayed).
  • Mass migration is never something positive. Less native people, lose of culture, lose of heritage. America is the perfect example, the UK too
  • @Seemorerocks97
    I have been in Germany twice, the last time in 2007. What I see here is shocking. I have never seen such suffering outside the Third World, ever. " No work, no apartment. No apartment, no work". Thank you, Frau Merkel.
  • I remember as a child, when our uncle was working in Germany 30 years ago. Always very nice clothes, always beautiful cars when he was visiting us. He wasn't rich to be honest but he was having a good life just because he had work over there. We was always happy when he was coming back as he was bringing a lot of sweets and stuff. He was always telling us stories about how great and organize country this was. About how people respect each other, streets are clean and cities are beautiful just as the countrysides. Man how many years have passed? 30? How to turn a beautiful country into zombieland in just 30 years? We need to ask leftists and Angela Merkel herself. I wonder if she's proud about what she did to the whole country. How to get back from this? How to tell those people to go back whatever they came from? And most important - how to tell people who still think that Western Europe is such a great place to be, not to come as the poverty will just streghten itself? Such suffering, so much pain in those eyes. And no hope for tommorow. This is hell on earth for a soul. I just found this video after watching zombieland in Philadelphia US. Same thing. Poverty, drugs, thousands of homeless people sleep on the streets. What is happening to this world?!
  • @enrico84
    Same situation in Italy! Thanks Europe! 😢
  • @diamondz24_7
    Bin in den 90'ziger nach Deutschland gekommen und fand ein tolles Land mit tollen Menschen. Im Jahr 2023 kann ich nur noch Kopfschütteln was aus Deutschland geworden ist.
  • @netti866
    Dieses Video sollte in allen Ländern aus dem die Wirtschaftflüchtlinge kommen Tag und Nacht in deren Landessprache in deren Medien ausgestrahlt werden!
  • It's the same in Austria. I'm 56 and when I was young there were homeless people in Vienna too, but they were just a few at the train stations. But whole parts of the city were never so run down. Today Vienna is full of beggars and they all come from the neighboring Eastern European countries. Many districts today resemble a dirty oriental third world city, but the traitors who are responsible for this all live in the few luxury residential areas. There are no beggars, no junkies, no homeless people, no aggressive illegal immigrants and, above all, no crime. But what pisses me off the most is that you spend your whole life working, paying exorbitant taxes and have to watch helplessly as your home town becomes less and less livable.