The Development of French Interwar Bombers Pt 1 - When Greenhouses Go To War

Published 2023-12-19
Today we're exploring the development of French bombing aircraft in the interwar period.

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Recommended reading:
French Bombers of WWII by Jose Fernandez -
The Rise and Fall of the French Air Force by Greg Baughen -
French Aircraft of the First World War by James Davilla and Arthur Soltan -
French Aircraft From 1939 to 1942 Vol 1 & 2 by Dominique Breffort & Andre Jouinau - &
Les Avions Potez by Jean Louis Coroller and Michel Ledet -
Les Avions Breguet Vol.1 and Vol.2 by Henri Lacaze-
Les Avions Farman by Jean Liron -…
Les Avions Bernard by Jean Liron -
The Command of the Air by Giulio Douhet -
Guerra agli inermi ed Aviazione d'assalto (War on the defenseless and assault aviation) by Amedeo Mecozzi -…

Published Journal Articles
The Strategic Dream: French Air Doctrine in the Inter-War Period, 1919-39 by Robert J. Young ( )
Douhet's Antagonist: Amedeo Mecozzi ( )

0:00 Intro
1:28 A brief summary of French Bomber development
7:08 French Bombers in WWI
13:09 WWI French Bombing Doctrine
18:53 Interwar bombers - Farman Goliath
27:49 Latécoère 6
30:47 Dyle et Bacalan DB-10
34:12 The Tactical Bombers - Breguet 19
39:18 Potez 25
41:55 A Shift In Aerial Doctrine
44:26 Lioré et Olivier LeO 20
49:15 Yet Another Shift In Aerial Doctrine
59:12 The "Battle-Combat-Reconnaissance Plane" Obsession Begins
01:03:16 Blériot 127
01:06:38 Blériot 137
01:08:20 SPCA 30
01:12:09 Bréguet 410
01:15:43 Amiot 140 / Amiot 143
01:22:05 "Heavy" Bombers - SAB AB.20/21
01:25:41 Bernard 82 "Repraisal Bomber"
01:28:22 Farman F.220 / F.222 etc
01:32:49 Bloch MB.200 Medium Bomber
01:37:15 Closing Remarks and Source Material

All Comments (21)
  • @RexsHangar
    F.A.Q Section - Ask your questions here :) Q: Do you take aircraft requests? A: I have a list of aircraft I plan to cover, but feel free to add to it with suggestions:) Q: How do you decide what aircraft gets covered next? A: Supporters over on Patreon now get to vote on upcoming topics such as overviews, special videos, and deep dives. Q: Why do you use imperial measurements for some videos, and metric for others? A: I do this based on country of manufacture. Imperial measurements for Britain and the U.S, metric for the rest of the world, but I include text in my videos that convert it for both.
  • @marcusott2973
    I love the Drach reference, to French pre Dreadnoughts. When hotels go to war. 👍
  • @kevting4512
    The French truly have a unique take on ‘offensive’ designs.
  • @maxo.9928
    Saw someone else make a spot on comment. The french designs make the entire roster of Blohm & Voss stuff look normal and aerodynamically sound - and that's truly a feat
  • @maddox0110
    Following the analogue with the French Predreads. "How can these visual crimes against humanity fly?" My question "How can those land? The earth rejects them".
  • Visually distressing is a very polite way of saying “ they are hard to look at.”
  • @AndrewGivens
    The DB-10 didn't have its defensive guns in the nose; they were in the conning tower quite clearly. Amazing! Many thanks for this vud.
  • @chegeny
    Thanks for delving into these exquisitely fascinating old machines. They look as though they were created by Studio Ghibli.
  • @davidfuller581
    What is it with the French? First you have hotel battleships, now you have greenhouse bombers.
  • @hlynnkeith9334
    Have studied aviation history -- especially WW1 -- for 50+ years, but this is the first time I have heard of Amedeu Mecozzi. Thank you for the introduction. My compliments.
  • @Dank_Lulu
    I like these longer videos, they're excellant to spread over my downtime over the course of a few days. And it's genuinely usefull to hear how in real time, the airplane manufacturers were problemsolving for the specific functions the plane had to perform; the tacticians were problemsolving in real time for what functions the plane needed to perform and the officials were problemsolving in real time how not to look bad in front of the public.
  • @landak136
    You know, I'm learning French on duolingo, and just finished French numerals. And somehow I think their bomber designs came from the same line of thought that pronounces 77 as "sixty seventeen" or 94 as "four-twenty fourteen".
  • I've loved planes MY WHOLE LIFE and just had no idea it was this freaking crazy until I discovered your channel. Thank you so much, I can't even describe how much entertainment and joy you've brought to my life.
  • These french designs remind me of the 'aircraft' I used to make out of old style Lego back in the 70s.
  • They either look like aerial garden sheds or are rather beautiful art-deco influenced, and streamlined artworks. There’s no middle way. 14:01 Old-mate nonchalantly smoking a Gauloise amongst canvas, fuel, and other burny things, cool factor 110% - absolutely NFG, bloody legend! 👍🏻
  • @wildancrazy159
    Your longer videos, while I'm sure taxing and consuming great amounts of time for you, are the best. When you are able to concentrate on one area the work is so much better and a real pleasure to consume. As a loyal watcher and fan, you are one of a handful of channels I actively search out for, and actively get excited when a new video is found. Thank you, your work is important to many of us!
  • @perrydowd9285
    "... several prototypes which didn't get anywhere but did look equally weird." What a unique combination of words. 🤔
  • @bakerzermatt
    Watching this, I'm amazed at the technical advancement in aviation, especially ompared to other weapons of war. A rifle from 1914 is far inferior to a modern rifle, but it can still (just barely) get the job done for a soldier today. The rate of fire is far worse, but the bullet is just as deadly, and the accuracy is similar. An airplane from 1914, however, is basically a toy compared to a modern aircraft. A French 1914 bomber is closer to a child's kite than to an F35.
  • @randomguy4616
    I love it when Rex start talking about old french bomber or when Drach start talking about old french pre-dreadnought 😂😂😂
  • @mpetersen6
    Preflight fheck list Bomb load..check Cheese..check Vin ordinaire..check Baugettes..check Hampster taunts..check