PURE EVIL The Animal Testing Industry Files (DEEP-DIVE) Capitalism, Wildlife Trafficking, True Crime

Published 2024-03-21
PURE EVIL The Animal Testing Laboratories Industry Files (DEEP-DIVE) Capitalism, Wildlife Trafficking, True Crime... Today I talk about, The UNSOLVED True Crime Case Daily Stories, Of The Animal Cosmetics / Science Testing Industry Files, I talk to you about, hundreds of millions of animals, including dogs, cats, horses, monkeys, rabbits, mice, and rats, live in factory farm conditions History of Chimpanzee Ape Use in U.S. Laboratories Sadly, in the early 1920s, experimenters in the U.S. began purchasing baby chimpanzees who had been kidnapped and Wildlife Trafficked from the forests of Central and West Africa, To capture baby chimpanzees hunters would UNALIVED the mother chimpanzees and any other adult chimpanzees who tried to defend the babies, The mortality rate among these babies during capture and transport was high, Those who made it to U.S. laboratories suffered In Capitalism Psychology Misery, In 1923, the notorious American psychologist Robert Yerkes—who dreamed of creating the ideal chimpanzee “servant of science” Undeterred by the carnage and suffering inherent in the chimpanzee trade, experimenters continued to fuel the practice, In the early 1950s, the U.S. Air Force aka United States US Imperialism and War Criminals secured the capture of 65 young chimpanzees from Africa for use in military flight experiments at Holloman Air Force Base in Alamogordo, New Mexico, In these prisons, chimpanzees were frequently caged alone and deprived of the freedom, autonomy, and meaningful social interaction essential to their well-being. There were no families, no companions, no grooming, and no nests, loneliness and psyclogical toll that went on for so many years that most chimpanzees would sink into depression PTSD and more, Most chimpanzees in U.S. laboratories were intentionally given diseases—such as HIV, hepatitis, cancer, respiratory viruses, malaria, and heart disease—even though advances in technology made these procedures irrelevant and decades of experimentation determined that chimpanzees’ bodies do not react in the same way to these diseases as humans’ do, Chimpanzees were also imprisoned in commercial laboratories, Pharmaceutical giants and Big Pharma infected chimpanzees with hepatitis C and subjected them to invasive liver biopsies and other work,

Cats in Laboratories thousands who are UNALIVED and sold to schools for crude classroom science dissections Indeed thousands of the cats who end up in laboratories or in classrooms are stray animals who were betrayed by animal shelters, mandatory “pound-seizure” law had compelled local animal shelters One pregnant cat who had been purchased from a local animal shelter for $15 gave birth to eight kittens the very day that she arrived at the university A chemical was injected into the kittens’ brains, and all the kittens were UNALIVED, Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School 46 groundhogs Ohio State University 140 alligators macaques monkeys imported via Wildlife Trafficking Black Market Trade, Inside the Barbaric U.S. Industry of Dog Experimentation and puppy mill's beagles They are force-fed laundry detergents pesticides and chemicals injected with lethal pathogens salmonella or rabies, Animal Testing Human health Vioxx catastrophic causing a huge number of cardiovascular problems Vioxx is estimated to have UNALIVED 60,000 people, NASA’s Space Long and Controversial History with Animal Experimentation, The negative impacts of animal testing on the environment pollution Disposal of animal carcasses and biohazardous waste that includes the animal bodies fluids and supplies such as syringes creates air soil pollutant Consequently public drinking water is infected, ETC!!!
#Conservation #TrueCrime #Vegan
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