Sumapa 79 - Zackray (Pit) Vs. Gorioka (Joker) SSBU Ultimate Tournament

Published 2023-02-16
Sumapa is a weekly Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tournament in Japan.

The event was streamed on:

This Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tournament Bracket features top talent! The best Smash Ultimate Tournament players from around Japan and more attended this Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament.

This is a Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Tournament / Smash Ultimate 1v1 Tournament / Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1vs1 Tournament / Super Smash Bros Ultimate 1 vs. 1 Tournament.

You can check out the bracket here:…

#SmashUltimate #SuperSmashBros #Ultimate

All Comments (21)
  • @teissyu
  • @PassTheSnails
    Fun pit trivia 1. The red emblem on his hand and the gold rings around his arm are not part of his outfit; They are components to the functionality of his Palutena Bow. If he did not have that bow equipped, he would not have them. 2. Pit has three idle stances in Smash. Bow put together, bow together and reversed, and bow broken apart. You can trigger any of these by using a move that requires a certain stance, like shooting an arrow or using a smash attack. Pit holds the bow in his right hand like a sword, and the bow in his left hand like a dagger, presumably to quickly be able to put the two halves back together if need be. 3. If you slightly shield shift as Pit or Dark Pit, they will spin their bows inside of their shield like they’re deflecting lasers with a lightsaber. 4. All of pits dodges, airdodges, rolls and his spotdodge use the dodging sound from Kid icarus, making his dodges one of the few dodges in smash ultimate that are much louder than a normal one. 5. Pit has voice clips for when he is KO’d. “I never learned how to read” “I’m finished” Both are references to Kid Icarus Uprising
  • @mktb8156
  • @uma-sc4nm
  • @dmo1569
    ゴリオカさんスティーブとか使ってみてほしいけどな もっとスマッシュ振れるしもっと飛ぶのに
  • @okamo6242525
    入れ込みブッパは通用しない にしてもここまで処されるなんて
  • @Im0nJupiter
    Gorioka is such a (strategic) masher it's so funny
  • @sososopi
  • @l0vena_ch
  • この二人、よく当たる割に動画あんま無いから助かる 最後はゴリオカらしい負け方で面白かった
  • ザクレイほんとイケメンなって行ってる思う
  • @FenixReZ
    6:54 was not SDI. Pit Nair just has that weird tendency to send opponents behind him. The fact that Zack reacted to it and tried to follow up shows how different he is from other Pits
  • ジョの空前一段落としに受け身とる時代きた。 日本最強の使い手だがらできるのか?
  • かっこいいキャラしか使わないのに視聴者からこんな反応されるの、ある意味某ステカズ使いと対極にいるプレイヤーなのかもしれない