Lord Michael Heseltine | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union

Published 2019-08-27
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An outspoken critic of Brexit, Lord Heseltine’s political career has spanned over five decades. Serving in both the Cabinets of Thatcher and Major, Lord Heseltine was Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State from 1995- 97. Throughout his political career, Lord Heseltine has been a proponent of Conservative modernisation. His support for the regeneration of Liverpool in the early 1980s and opposition to the Poll Tax of 1990, resulted in his eventual alienation from the Thatcher administration. Lord Heseltine was Treasurer of the Union sixty-five years ago this Trinity, going on to serve as its President the term after.

ABOUT THE OXFORD UNION SOCIETY: The Oxford Union is the world's most prestigious debating society, with an unparalleled reputation for bringing international guests and speakers to Oxford. Since 1823, the Union has been promoting debate and discussion not just in Oxford University, but across the globe.

All Comments (21)
  • @user-SBURCHILL
    Heseltine will be remembered more so than many of his contemporaries. As a Statesman he remained committed to certain consistent considerations..formed as he mentions through historic realism and realistic reasoning. I fear for our current crop of politicians who and by profile is garnered through social media polls rather than conviction led politics. People in latter age tend to be more reflective rather than motivated. It is to Oxfords preeminence that would engage him to a packed audience
  • @user-wg5jk8sq9z
    I am also happy to go down the memory lane in remembering that we used to study Heseltine's speeches with my fellow toastmasters in Ethiopia many many moons ago. A great orator, among other things.
  • @idctnz949
    I have been a socialist all my life and will continue to be so, but truly admire this Heseltine speech and his common sense. Thank you Sir!
  • @mickey841q
    A decent, one nation Tory. Was out of step with the right wing Thatcher. Fair play to him, he stuck to his principles and resigned over Westland and told Thatcher where to stick it. Went to Liverpool and did good work there getting investment in the city as Thatcher & Co weren't interested in Liverpool. Came very close to becoming PM in 90 when he challenged her, but fell short once Major came in to the running. A Tory grandee now and a decent guy for a Tory.
  • @DrBhagirathSN
    Thank you for putting the right perspective on the immigration of Indian Doctors and Nurses into UK. Needed to be said out loud!
  • @eamonndoconnor
    He has an impressive knowledge of history and his place in it. Furthermore, his analysis of Brexit is a rational, logical and realistic evaluation of what life outside will mean for Britain. A marginal power, diminished, adrift and with fading influence, buffeted around on the tides of bigger forces. He is wise and sees things clearly. On another note, the questions from the students at the end were very unimpressive, they were no match for Hezza 🤝😎.
  • @ludovic2431
    Visionary man. Clever guy. A man with experience.
  • @niguel4438
    It s not uncommon for retired government seniors, free from the shackles of the government whip, to suddenly become seemingly wiser and more balanced in their views of the country and world. Sadly not in this case. Firmly stuck in mode Tarzan.
  • @lizgichora6472
    Thank you for the analysis, " Power and Politics ", Save Values and DEMOCRACY. Thank you Lord Michael Heseltine.
  • @dt6822
    Some men pretend to do the right thing because it appeals to most people; and some do the right thing because they are righteous. Lord Haseltine, you deserve that title - the sign of a just society is one in which old men plant trees whose shade they know they will never rest under. A true father of his nation, and of the European peoples. Insieme! Unite unite Europe.
  • @danremenyi1179
    Heseltine has become a delightful old man. Where was he when he was needed? Why can't he say even now that the 2016 Referendum was driven by lies and the leave campaigner overspent and therefore its result should be declared null and void?.
  • @brevobrevo
    Everyone else takes a seat, Michael decides he wants to stand at the podium
  • @treborob
    Not a Tory, but agree with this man totally on Europe.
  • Princess Anne may have been the best queen the UK did not have, but Michael Heleltine was definately the best prime minister the UK did not have.
  • This is supposed to be an educational platform YouTube/OxU. Is two ad breaks in the space of 4 minutes really necessary? Switched off after 10 minutes. Not buying Premium.