Moral Orel | Bloberta Puppington

Published 2022-06-17

All Comments (13)
  • @Emlyn1133
    The similarity between their relationship and my own parent’s relationship is… concerning to say the least 🤠🤠
  • I mean she did get abused but she also forced him into alcoholism and marriage soooo….
  • I used to feel sorry for Bloberta, but after seeing that she manipulated Clay into a wedding, I think she kinda deserved it.
  • She’s the one who ruined him. He’s a shit person. But she kickstarted it.
  • i think that no matter what happened to them, they were always going to end up like this. miserable and alone. with bloberta's oppressive family, even if she hadn't met clay she would always feel short of herself, apathetic in every way. and even if clay never met bloberta, he was always going to turn into a miserable asshole, with or without alcoholism, because the only other away that wasn't going to happen to him is if he went to therapy, and lord knows he wouldn't even consider that.
  • @murakyo79
    Bloberta couldn't resolve any problems in her life. So she created problems in Clay's to fix them. It didn't work.