Published 2015-09-15
We were fortunate to experience a day where millions of bait fish came into shore along with many sharks and other large predators.

All Comments (21)
  • Back in the day we called it puke Beach you could drive at night, have bonfires,keg parties, good times.
  • @marieruben4695
    I don't understand why people just can't watch them and not try to catch them. Those types piss me off bc they just want to screw with the shark. God forbid the shark bite on of those little kids bc grow people were trying to pull them in closer. SMH.
  • @montview99
    Been going to NSB for over 40 years. Body surf each visit, finally saw a shark in the curl of the wave about four years ago, about a three footer. Scary at first but you get used to it. It's their home. Just use common sense: don't swim when it's murky and if you swim in the inlet you're essentially putting yourself into the steam table of the buffet line.
  • @KaylynLCast
    Just your friendly NSB native here :) I love how we still find it surprising or scary when tons of sharks are spotted in shallow waters in NSB. The jetty of my hometown has always been a safe haven for juvenile spinners, black tips, bulls, and lemons to learn how to hunt bigger prey and thrive on their own before delving out into the more open ocean. They've been doing this for hundreds and thousands of years, and they will continue to do so just as long as we don't drive them away, pollute the ocean, or poach them to the brink of extinction. People act like sharks in the water are an unnatural occurrence and act as though the sharks shouldn't be there in the first place. That's essentially the same as me telling you that you don't belong in your own home. These sharks can be in water as shallow as six inches deep, depending on their size. Some of the people in this video were coming awfully close to disturbing the wildlife. I'd honestly say that they might deserve it if they were bit.
  • happens all the time you should see the mullet run at full bore in october i have sharks swim on top of the water past my boat in ponce inlet all the time such beautiful fish unless they're eating everything you're trying to catch :) i love the reactions from tourists who aren't used to it cause it cause its really an awesome experience great video Bryan
  • @niuniu11
    poor sharks you wont leave them alone! they just want food! that beach has the Bull shark. One of the most dangerous and aggressive species has been spotted in that area!
  • @easttennstudent
    I grew up in Edgewater/NSB and have also caught a Tarpon on a bass pole, quite an exciting thing.
  • @nihilizmskizm
    heard of drones -- come on that should be the first modus operandi
  • I was there yesterday. It really is a beautiful place to spend a vacation. I went 2 years ago and saw some sharks. It was cool until I saw one right next to me..I didn't see any this year which was quite unusual for a 7 day vacation. I've seen dolphins and mistaken them for sharks. Dolphins DIVE sharks obviously don't. Where I was wasn't near where most of the sharks are at. More south NSB there aren't as many, but near the inlet there are most of them. Be careful and don't disturb them because they will disturb you in quite a disturbing way ;)
  • Kid trying to catch. Shark by hand and then with a cast net smh no wonder its the shark bite capital of the us.... It should be the moron tourist capital too! It's definitely not a shark problem its a simple people problem
  • Theres no way id ever swim at that beach. Mistaken identity or not . Its the capital of it. Watched a thing on national geographic said part of it had to do with black tip migration.
  • @Ranger830
    If you come to Florida do yourselves a favor and never fly a drone at the beach! You will never go in the ocean again! There are more sharks than you could imagine! That being said,if they wanted to bite you they would do it every day. Most incidents are mistaken identity or reaction bites. I’m 53 been surfing my entire life and not a scratch! You just have to respect,if you see this going on don’t go in! Lol don’t swim in low light conditions or murky water especially when baitfish are present. It’s their house and they are just doing what sharks do! 😎🤙 Please clean up after yourselves,our beach’s are not your dump! Thanks 🙏