Douglas Murray on the term "white privilege"

Published 2024-04-04
Many of you have reached out requesting to see more of our conversation with Douglas Murray!

Here he touches on the complexities of history and how people with so called protected characteristics have been present in public discourse before 2020.
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All Comments (21)
  • @BassistPaul
    Ah ... the White privilege that saw my father working down a coal mine in South Wales at the age of 14.
  • @jimwhippet3697
    White privilege? What's that? My Mother born 1908 (I'm 77 by the way) was too poor to have a doll. Picked coal from waste heaps to have a fire in the home. Felt hungry all of the time. My male line were coal miners for over 200 years, which meant some of them worked underground from the age of 7. I get very annoyed when I see well educated, comfortably off people spouting this kind of rubbish. What has happened to young people to cause this apparent stupidity?
  • Being hated by everyone, held to a higher standard and blamed for everything is a hell of a privilege.
  • @alanv7569
    I’m 68 years old and still waiting for my white privilege to kick in. Must say I’m looking forward to it!
  • My white privilege is working on a building site 9 hours a day 6 days a week to feed my wife and 3 kids. Iv been doing this the last 20 years. What a privilege x
  • @nidfest
    Douglas is such an eloquent, brilliant man. I love listening to him. ❤
  • @user-zg7lz8ds8o
    I never knew my father. I collected bottles by the side of the road whenever I wanted to have anything over and above the minimum. I knew thin navy bean and ham soup for supper, powdered milk for my breakfast cereal, and white bread with butter and sugar for an afternoon treat. I walked a mile on Sundays to a park in a complete other neighborhood and stood in the back of the line to see what might be left over at a weekly church lunch given out. My mother clawed her way off of assistance, but even with good test scores (not good grades), all my mother could do for me was support me for three semesters of college and then I worked my way through the rest over the next ten years, dropping out four times. I joined the Army and deployed three times and worked my ass off. That is the white privilege I experienced. I have the privilege of having BECOME a man. I have the privilege of being able to point at entitled jackasses and say “FU. Work for it.”
  • Thank you, Douglas. From a white working-class writer who spent his young life trying to defy his rotten education and difficult upbringing and the second half being told he's privileged.
  • @bobbressi5414
    My Irish ancestors were treated like garbage. And that affected me not at all. And even if it did, I can hardly blame the descendants of the people who persecuted my ancestors. It is not their fault. I hate term white, as it is used by progressives. It lumps so many vastly different cultures together with vastly different histories.
  • @LisaG442
    1965 born, white. I started working at 13. My father the sole provider of 7 ppl. All us kids worked if we wanted extras. And half our pay went for rent to our dad. “Once you’re old enough, no one gets to live for free” he said. He himself was taken out of school at 13 and sent to work. I guess my “privilege”comes from my dad actually sticking around and seeing us raised. He didn’t just let us fall up.
  • @i.mantra
    I am white and have never, ever been “privileged” or been given anything for being white. Not at all. The term is so insulting ❤
  • @kec7116
    I read a book from a 19th-century author visiting England. She recounted the sadness of horses descending into coal mines where they would live out their short lives. She, being of the upper class, missed that men, young men, and boys were also descending into that hell. That was the reality for many. Factories, coal mines, and bridge building meant early deaths for these privileged white men and impoverishment for their families.
  • @tekay44
    I grew up in the projects, my “white privilege” is that my dad stuck around and got us out of there.
  • @damoncus8124
    "... people who only have just discovered things and presenting it as though everyone is as ignorant as them..." Best line all year. Describes 95% of most YouTube channels ....
  • @Blackcato333
    If you are not white British your roots are somewhere else. Instead of berating us and trying to erase our history, there are plenty of heritage sites that will help you research yours. We live in the country where our ancestors lived for thousands of years. What is wrong with keeping our British history, values and culture alive.
  • @sophianewtown
    I remember a few years back on Facebook I complained that I don't like this tendency to assume privilege based on skin color. I am a Jew from ex-USSR, a descendant of slaves (the feudal system), and have lived in poverty half my life. I was told "Oh, don't be silly, no one means the whites from USSR or Jews, it's about the actual colonizers like Brits and Spanish - Europeans!". Well, guess what, fast-forward to today...
  • @rodtanner921
    In an honest look at history, no-one comes out looking good.
  • @trishyager308
    As a woman with darker than average skin and a conglomerate of backgrounds, I am so very tired of the divisive woke ideologies. She has a rather smug look as she asked the question, but it sounded like she was actually listening to the answer. That gives hope. A refreshing clip. The reality is we are all being played like puppets. Dividing us is the goal as part of a bigger goal of one world communism. Lord have mercy on us all.