How Rich Is Parker Schnabel From Gold Rush

Published 2024-06-21
How Rich Is Parker Schnabel From Gold Rush

Parker Schnabel's journey to wealth is a riveting tale that began with his grandfather, John Schnabel, chasing gold in the Klondike during the early 1900s. Despite numerous hardships, John's determination paid off, making him a millionaire miner. Inspired by his grandfather, Parker started mining at the tender age of five. By sixteen, he was already running his own claim and earning a reputation as a mining prodigy. But just how rich has Parker become? The answer might just surprise you.

All Comments (21)
  • One of our favorite shows. Parker has really matured into a fine young man. We are so impressed with his work ethic and business sense. I wish we get to see his parents at least during each season.
  • @xuereb2867
    Back when I was younger I would watch him and he was the most underwhelming from the show but I guess he pulled his $hit together.
  • The young man worked for it. He should be a model to younger men everywhere if you work hard and smart, you can become successful
  • @PopPopJoe
    Good man there!! Grandpop would be / is so proud! Keep it up!!
  • Good show, my question is why don't they show the big nuggets found along with the fines at the weigh in.
  • For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? [ Mark 8:36 ] Love not the world, nor the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. [ 1 John:2:15 ] The love of money is the root of all evil. [ 1 Timothy 6:10 ] Loving one another is the solution to: GREED MONEY COVETOUSNESS CAPITALISM WEALTH WARFARE POVERTY HATE PRIDE INFLATION DESTRUCTION DIVISIONS
  • Thumbs up on the video. Thumbs down on the BS thumbnail photo.
  • @brake1adam
    Is this kid really worth $4 billion dollars... I guess he could be he's worked since he's 10 years old everyday super hard always putting in the hours and building the teams buying equipment reinvesting everything He's brilliant hard-working and very smart but I would say he's probably worth somewhere between say 40 and 100 million not 4 billion like it says in there clickbait picture... Congrats on your success...
  • Merci parker ❤❤❤❤c est dommage que discovery channel france n a pas parlé la mort de ton chien dozer car je te suis le debut
  • @rg3746
    Parker won't have a family/heir-by-blood if he does not marry Tyler Mahoney.