The Insane Imperial Ship which BROKE Entire Planets

Published 2022-09-08
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Today we'll take a look at the Empire's Torpedo Sphere -- a uniquely specialized ship used almost exclusively to break open Planetary Shields. We'll discuss everything you need to know about the torpedo sphere on today's Star Wars video!

Torpedo Sphere render by 1st Fleet:

Music by Unfound

Intro/Outro Music: Home - Resonance
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All Comments (21)
  • The Torpedo Sphere itches the "giant geometric death machine that looks silly but works perfectly" scratch the Borg imparted on me so I immediately loved it on sight
  • I kind of like the general idea. It has a dedicated role. It has reasonable limitations given its role (though I don't see why it couldn't carry some fighters). It's strong, but not OP. It's not stupidly big. A few dozen of these make a lot more sense than a Death Star, and would cost a lot less also.
  • In theory, torpedoes could be shot down before they even have a chance to weaken a shield. That's probably why bombers have to close the distance before they can unleash their payloads against big warships. In other words, torpedo spheres are not without drawbacks. They're certainly no substitute for a Death Star. And I can't imagine they're much better armored or shielded than anything else in the fleet.
  • Looks like something from Dune, it's such a weird and cool design! Also, as an aside, it's Canon according to the Rebel Handbook and Wookieepedia, which is awesome! Also loved seeing it in the Rebel Handbook, but was disappointed when I found out the artwork might've been traced, back when all that was going on.
  • This is one of the things I love about Star Wars. So many weapons that are so OP and yet no one cares because it’s fun and cool.
  • When West End Games first came up with the Torpedo Sphere for the RPG, our GM's immediate reaction was "they made this up so players could blow up something other than the Death Star".
  • @tkc1129
    I thought the good idea would be to retarget the torpedoes to attack the shield generator as soon as the shield was penetrated and torpedoes slipped through. Even if a hole was in the shield, it's very unlikely it would be between the Torpedo Sphere and the shield generator. A torpedo can make a turn after slipping through the shield, though. That's why I am a bit disappointed in this design's practicality.
  • @DarkNova50
    Kind of a prime example of "Cool, but Impractical." With an upgrade to their sensors, I don't see why a handful of star destroyers couldn't replicate the requisite firepower needed to collapse a shield's weak point, and you could have multiple battlegroups target different points of the shield to up you chances of collapsing a single section. And it wouldn't require a purpose built vessel that gobbles up valuable resources - resources that, once spent, are completely unavailable if you're not in the specific situation where one of these things is required.
  • 3:54 I see a few issues with your issues: - planetary shields are not just one emitter. They are several emitters. You can not place sufficient Ground/Space weapons at every generator to challenge a torpedo sphere. There will be a weak spot. - if you as the defender shoot to early at the opening hole, you end up hitting your own shield. Just weakening it more. If you shoot to late, your weapons have probably already been hit as well - I doubt that you can have a area shield protect a planetary shield generator while in operation. Put a area dome over a planetary generator, you just took out that planetary generator as surely as enemy actions. Remember Corouscants double shield? They had to have holes in the lower level, just to generate the upper level. - If you drop the area shield to re-engage the planetary generator, that is a window. Just have a lowly ISD take over supressing that planetary shield generator and go for some other plantery generator with the Sphere And that assumes the enemy can not just overpower your much weaker area shield - Storytelling wise, a Torpedo Sphere is a Siege Tower. Or maybe ramps. It will give the enemy much easier access to beyond your walls (the planetary shield). It is a highly specialized siege warfare tool. Something you sally out to destroy. Something the regular army has to protect.
  • @DIEGhostfish
    I think we only have 3 examples of these ships dying in Legends. All three of them to ramming. Twice BY SSDs like Grunger's Aggressor at Tralus and another during the Imperial Mutiny. And another by the Black Ice from the WEG sources referenced in your last book.
  • @Starman_Dx
    "Do you really need more than that?" Palpatine: Yes.
  • In the Empire at War: Remake it's the best response to any Golan station(they are really good in this mod, Golan III tears 3 Allegiances to pieces) from outside of its range. Fun ship, awfully vulnerable to any form of concentrated fire.
  • Rebel 1 “Sir, an Imperial ship has entered the system.” Rebel 2 “No matter. Our planetary shields can withstand anything.” Rebel 1 “Sir, it’s a Torpedo sphere” Rebel 2 “Oh sh-“ Dies from torpedo volley Imperial Officer laughs
  • @macwelch8599
    The Empire had some cool toys, too bad they didn’t use them
  • @KrisHandsome
    I’ve always liked the torpedo sphere. As much as I like the triangle ships there’s just something about this thing that’s cool looking. My assumption is that there weren’t anywhere near hundreds of them. That’d likely be way more than all SSDs of all classes in service, but there were probably more than 6 around.
  • @Paul-A01
    This doesn't make sense. The shield will be weakest furthest from the generator. If it can only open a hole for a few seconds, what good is it? Can a ship enter atmosphere in that time?
  • Darth Vader: "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force."
  • @Frenchguy261
    Imagine if the First Order used a Torpedo Sphere at the start of The Last Jedi.