YOU ARE Extreme Confidence Affirmations | Subconscious Programming | Binaural Hemisync

Published 2022-08-16
I've gotten many requests to do more affirmations in the You Are format, so here is some ultra self-confidence focused on relentless positivity. The binaural frequency is theta, and the white noise hemispheric synchronization helps to utilize both halves of the brain.

© Aug 12 2022 Alpha Affirmations™
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You have powerful confidence within you. (x3)
You were born a glorious champion.
You are a triumphant champion.
You are always victorious.
You always embody excellence.
You are a glorious champion. You are supreme. You are golden.
You have serious value, and worth.
You have tremendous value, and worth.
You have powerful confidence within you.
You are proud of yourself.
You are proud of who You were, who You are, and who You will be.
Your consciousness is your reality.
You write your own story.
You are honorable, filled with strength, courage, and character.
You are proud of yourself.
You are always getting better.
You are proud of how far you've come, and you're proud of who you are now.
You are always improving.
You are always reaching higher and higher heights of excellence and success.
You are an absolute champion.
You embody victory. You embody power.
You are a winner.
You win at everything.
You win all the time.
You never get tired of winning.
You are glorious.
You are magnificent.
You are superb.
You are radiant.
You are golden.
You are triumphant.
You are victorious.
You are lucky.
You are skillful.
You are talented.
You are excellence.
You are tremendous success.
You are glorious magnificence.
You are the chosen one.
You are the golden one.
You are privileged.
You are fortunate.
You are noble.
You are dignified.
You are honorable.
You are courageous.
You are superior.
You are brilliant.
You are beautiful.
You are brave. You are bold.
You are confident. You are bright.
You are powerful. You are robust.
You are generous.
You are financially rich.
You are so financially wealthy.
You are the strongest.
You are the greatest.
You are an absolute conqueror.
You are an absolute master at life.
You are a master of success.
You are a master of excellence.
You are brave. You are courageous.
You are strong. You are confident.
You are a winner. You are a champion.
You are expanding financial wealth.
You are growing more financially wealthy.
You are increasing in financial wealth rapidly and constantly.
You are increasing in financial wealth infinitely.
You are always increasing in financial wealth to greater and higher heights.
You are financially wealthy.
You are tremendously financially rich.
You are free. You are carefree.
Everything You do is a success.
Everything You do is a massive success.
Everything You do is triumphantly successful.
You are successful in all that You do.
Everything You do is outstanding and magnificent.
You easily imagine excellence.
You always imagine greater and greater excellence.
You always imagine success.
You always imagine greater and greater success.
You expect to succeed in everything You do.
You are successful at every single thing You do.
You excel in all that You do and success comes easily to you.
You love and accept all things great and excellent and good.
You love and embrace all things wonderful and beautiful and prosperous.
You love and welcome all things good, all things of abundance and freedom.
You embrace financial freedom and prosperity.
You now embrace the life of your dreams as a current living reality.
You live a life of luxury, financial prosperity, financial wealth, financial riches, infinite monetary abundance, and perpetual health.
You are so grateful. You are so happy.
You focus on all the great things in life.
You focus on the good and noble and beautiful things in life.
You are surging positivity and positive energy.
You are filled with gratitude now.
You are overflowing with gratitude and joy right now.
You prioritize success, financial wealth, and winning in your life.
You are always successful, You are always financially wealthy, and You are always winning.
Awesome things are happening to you now, You can feel it.
Everything is falling into place better than You could've ever expected.
Every day in every way, things are getting better and better for you.
Vast improvement comes quickly in every phase of your life now.
Positive success energy fills your consciousness. your consciousness is rising.
You are overflowing with positive success energy right now.
You are strong, You are noble. You are capable, You are talented.
You are full of beautiful, and noble energy right now.
You conduct yourself with nobility and honor.
You conduct yourself with superiority and nobility and strength and courage and honor.

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All Comments (20)
  • Hearing You instead of I is so much more powerful to me. Sometimes you don't believe in I and need someone to tell you *you*. Sometimes its like your subconscious talking to your conscious. THANK YOU FOR THIS. Helped with my general anxiety.
  • @haydenrose866
    If I’m speaking Affirmations with my Own Voice. “I” seems much better because I’m directly referring to myself about myself. When I hear “I Am” affirmations on a YouTube Video from somebody Else I feel like I’m Listening to somebody Else Give themselves Affirmations. So the “You Are” Affirmations on Video are very Effective for me and many others!
  • @MOTSAR42
    Never was told this as a child, feels good to here it thank you
  • Your work on this channel is so good and so effective that, at this point, my mind enters a conditioned state of ease triggered by these affirmations — especially when I hear them recorded, though, by now, also in my own mind — whenever I return to them. Thank You! My gratitude is beyond what I can write.
  • @iHayd3n18
    i feel like “you” works a lot better to me. it feels like i’m getting assurances from someone else, which can also improve your confidence up to where you start believing yourself.
  • @cmanizzle
    This is amazing. My internal self talk uses “you” not “I” so I’m way more receptive to this. I know that sounds weird but when I talk myself through tough situations I do it from the “second person” as to make sure I’m staying as clear and objective as possible.
  • @xxxqwertxxx
    I love this so much! The “you are” affirmations from a strong, masculine voice is just perfect. Thank you!! 😭
  • The "You are" affirmations work so much better For me, please we need more,thanks !
  • I just wanted to say thank you. I am meditating everyday thirty minutes to one hour and I always listen to your affirmations. Every day I feel better and I feel that I'm getting closer to my true self. There are no words that can express my feelings. But I know some people can understand my feelings completely. Thank you for this. I'm grateful for your work.
  • @ravneetkaur5442
    This feels like my higher self talking to me ! Instructing me ! And an immense feeling of gratitude flows down the spine ! Being eternity itself ! I visualize golden light while listening it and a hand coming out of it andd am just kissing it over and over with gratitude ! Feels so powerful ! The real self is bliss the home 🏠
  • We are grateful to have creators like you. You are the best. 👍😎
  • Absolute glorious. I am becoming the best version of myself.
  • Amazing!!!!!! Amazing!!!!!! Thank you for this. Your tone and conviction in your voice is perfect and very motivating and empowering. I wish wish wish you would do more “YOU ARE” affirmations. Simply because I personally find with “I AM” affirmations you have to be actively saying the affirmations back to yourself there and then. Otherwise it sounds like you are listening to someone else say it to themselves if you’re just listening to them passively. I love to listen to “I Am” affirmations actively and say them back to myself for a whole hour or so. But when I don’t have time to actively listen, I passively listen to “You are” affirmations. Especially being said by someone with a voice like yours that sounds like a warrior or god like being is giving me plaudits. Then sometimes I catch myself being active with the affirmations and say the “you are” affirmation back to me in “I am” form now and then. Anyway good work, I really hope your channel super blows up. Keep going and delivering the goods 💪🏾
  • @sinotna1able
    This is great! "You are" is definitely better. A longer version of this with some affirmations added for procrastination elimination, wisdom and wealth would be perfect