The CONSISTENT Laning Mistake Most Players Make

Published 2024-05-17
What's going on gamers!
This week we wanted to take a look at one of the easiest itemisation mistakes to fix which will directly impact your success in games once you correct it: Component Order.
Sit back, relax and enjoy as Phil breaks down for you how you can better navigate the earliest stages of itemisation and massively increase your chances of success. Good luck and Happy Gaming!

You can find our full playlist of DOTA videos from various creators that explain how items and mechanics of DOTA actually work from creators like ‪@zzadrianzz‬ ‪@ZQuixotix‬ ‪@PainDota‬ and ‪@BalloonDota‬    • How DOTA 2 Actually Works  

00:00 - Intro
00:28 - Remember Attributes give multiple benefits
01:23 - A Common Trap for Low MMR players
04:11 - Buying Boots of Travel is (sometimes) a mistake
06:45 - Purchase order of Tranquil Boots ruins lanes
07:54 - The simple question when buying Arcane Boots
08:19 - Breaking down components of Phase Boots & Power Treads
09:26 - Purchase order is dictated by lane matchups
10:25 - Simplifying purchase orders
10:58 - Component order matters at ALL stages of the game

All Comments (21)
  • @zzadrianzz
    Great video and a SUPER important topic in my opinion. I definitely noticed in my Dota journey that taking the time to learn more about which starting items are good in which situations has helped my laning a lot. Great job again :]
  • "Use Your judgment". Meanwhile most players I meet in the game "No damage, no good"
  • Great video. One note I would add is that certain components are really great to buy early for offering later flexibility. The itemization needs of your team often change dynamically depending on how the lanes go and what the other heroes choose to build. As a support player, I'm a big fan of the casual wind lace since it builds into Tranquils, Eul's, Drums, Solar Crest which are all items you might want later in the game depending on if you need HP regen, control, burst teamfight threat, or sustain on your carry. I think Fluffy Hat is another strong item in this regard, for building into Force Staff, Pavise, and Spirit Vessel.
  • @thebigthn
    Thank you so much for this content! I've been playing for a year now and been recently spamming Abaddon pos5. When I started playing him, I start with the correct items (blood gernade, branches, ect). But then I fell into a bad habit of going into lane with Ring of Basillius and no stat items. No wonder I was starting to lose my lane more. I corrected that and been getting more consistent wins in the laning stage.
  • @DegenerateDota
    Thank you for bringing up the point about TP boots! I've tried to explain this to my friends many times!
  • As someone who has been playing a lot of str carries(usual bracer rush)and heroes not really needing a full magic wand(AM), I had no idea it was this imperative to finish assembling magic wand first on Agi, Int and Universal Carries. I've always just ship out 1 set of tangoes and finished components for a bracer/wraith band/null on the first courier ferry and ship out magic wand and boots of choice components on the next courier ferry. Very intriguing and insightful guide and I definitely learned a lot from it.
  • @Cheesusful
    Great video and I agree with most of it especially the point about BoTs, I see way too many necros build it, show up for one kill (which they don't always manage to secure with scythe) and then fall massively behind on their farm... Even when they've won their lane. The one point where I disagree is that I usually backpack my tango rather than an iron branch for my magic stick (swapping an iron branch out when I need to eat a tree) as tango gives you no immediate benefits from having them in your inventory and you usually have some warning before you need to eat them (especially in the very early laning stage where this is an issue) so in the meantime I'd rather have the extra stats (also if you're careful you get something like 3-5 extra health by your iron branch being on cool down when you swap it back in after eating a tree).. I do specify "usually" though because sometimes you do need to be able to tango faster... But then whilst you're regenning health you can swap your branch back in... Its a small difference but it has occasionally saved my life.
  • @cmanatlan
    On strength heroes, like a lot of offlaners, playing from behind to finish bkb, I feel like the ogre club is much more value than the mithril hammer. The dmg/gold is the same and you also get 180 HP. Not to mention you get the stat boost a whole 600 gold earlier. But on a carry who is afk farming until they have the whole bkb then your reasoning makes sense.
  • i notice the B.O.T strat when i was climbing in ancient i was like "wait a minute i got low cooldown i can help the team while killing and having a map presence" and some games it made it easier and some games when you get stomped you just go and adjust
  • @PositivelyHazo
    Loving the content so far, a well deserved sub. Best of luck with the channel <3.
  • Really well-crafted breakdown of of the factors in early item choice. Subbed. 👍
  • @trashpanda999
    Great video! I can see the effort you made. I've always wondered when watching the pros choose their shoes, especially supports. Why do they go tranquil early, why phase boots, even sometimes I see brown boots 40 mins into the game. This video gave me a slight idea about it.
  • @vatskiysas
    Love your videos! Very interesting to watch, very informative. Makes you think where you could be better
  • @Nerot_kama
    u sure loving what you are doing, dang doing something like this . requires effort! GJ
  • @VongolaSekundes
    Thanks great video even tho i've already knew all these. Any chance you could do item choices for carry in various different match ups? this is a struggle for me
  • @lancea1202
    Very educational video. This definitely will help those like me in the lower mmr brackets.
  • @tuvarkz9324
    There's some games as pos1 where either grabbing 3 runes or getting an early kill/assist means I sometimes start lane 1/2 CS away from being able to ship in both bracer/wraith band recipe and magic wand, isn't it better at that point to delay wand by likely 10 secs tops and get the upgraded regen+damage/armor+AS early rather than delay whatever amount of seconds it takes for the non-upgraded courier to waddle back to fountain then back with the bracer recipe?
  • @Ysppp
    how about choosing which items to sell/replace, for example, i play centa with 1 boots, 2 bracers, wand, blademail, and blink, then i need to make room for my next item in this case shiva or shroud. which should i sell? bracer or wand?