Miraculous Ladybug Is Kind Of Sexist

Published 2023-08-16
Woo boy. I'm not expecting this one to go well. It's a very spicy video today, but I think I do have a point with this one. Miraculous Ladybug is sexist. Here's why.

All Comments (21)
  • @starsiadraws
    Let's not forget that Thomas constantly pushed Cat Noir/Adrien out of the story for the sake of propping up Marinette, as if he doesn't know how to write a strong female character without making the male lead "weaker".
  • @DragonGoddess18
    Putting down male characters to elevate female characters isn't social justice. That sounds like social vengeance
  • @stxrstruck6755
    They kinda threw away Marinette's other personality traits in favor of her relationship with Adrien. Like what happened to her being really into fashion and design? Why does she always revert to this clumsy, stuttering idiot when there was more to her character. Give us more reasons to like her, this is why a lot of people prefer Adrien over Mari as a main character, because theres more depth to his character. I blame Thomas for the female character's main focus being romance or related to romance. He refuses to take any criticism constructive or not.
  • @phoenixshadow6633
    It's also that male antagonists like Gabriel and Andre end up being treated as more sympathetic than Chloe. I don't even like Chloe, but somehow Astruc's bad writing forces me to defend her.
  • I’d like to add the constant sidelining or downplaying of Chat Noir. A good feminist story doesn’t have to reduce men just for the woman to appear powerful. It’s actually super reductionist, implying that she wouldn’t be as relatively strong if the men around her were smarter or stronger. It’s a problem a LOT of “girl power” stories fall into and I’m honestly ready for it to go extinct. Write actually strong female characters instead of being lazy
  • @PastelCerulean
    Miraculous is a show that manages to be sexist on both sides. It's like taking the male hero out to save the princess trope, gender-swaping it, and calling that girlpower. In reality, all of Marinette's passions in life mean nothing in comparison to a boy she likes and Adrien becomes nothing more than a trophy.
  • @malik.1688
    Both the misogyny and the misandry in the show are s t r o n g, the show's hands are truly rated E for Everyone.
  • @majdamhaz9557
    I like felix because HES THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS A BRAIN.
  • @mandyyyy1255
    Slightly off topic but it is so obvious to me that the writers realized they totally messed up by making marinette a creepy stalker so they tried to backpedal and justify it by writing the Kim prank backstory in Derision. They were like “there! Now it’s totally fine that marinette is a stalker because of that one little thing that happened in her past that totally doesn’t correlate to becoming obsessive over your crush!”
  • @pootpuff1753
    It's funny how if something is misandrist, it will usually loop around and end up being misogynist too. If a writer is willing to sacrifice character for a sexist message on one side, then that bigotry is likely to bleed into other parts of the story. Miraculous Ladybug genuinely seems to treat women as superior to men, so it holds girls to a higher unfair standard and isn't as forgiving when they make mistakes. Makes me grateful for shows like Winx Club and Sailor Moon that do girl power right.
  • @777Rowen
    As a woman, I couldn’t agree with you more. It isn’t equality if one sex is propped up while simultaneously putting down another. That’s not feminism, and that’s not equality. That’s misangury, hatred of men, can’t remember how to spell it.
  • @ahketen3122
    A thing to bring up is that while yes Adrian (as Chat) didn't stop asking Ladybug out he did eventually learn it was wrong, with one of the episodes (I don't remember which) he goes around destroying the signs that label him and Ladybug as a couple as he realises that she doesn't want to date him. Then during season 5 when Chat and Mari go on a date he calls the thing off at the end because he doesn't want to abuse the fact he has power over her with his secret identity, can you imagine season 1 Chat doing that? He wouldn't have cared. So this means that Adrian learns his toxic behaviour is wrong and stops but with Mari the show treats as funny and romantic with it being brought up by her friends constantly. Her backstory doesn't make it better, she should have been told by everyone that it was wrong (like how she told Chat) and learned. plus why didn't she stalk Luka if she refuses to date people unless she knows everything about them?
  • @nazimouachek2216
    Wether this show was sexist or not won't change the fact that it's a shitty show , and I will never forgive them for what they did to Adrien and Chloé
  • @titanqueen7217
    Oh my goodness, thank you for saying this. The misogyny in this show is so insidious, but if you read into it enough, you can see it. So we’re expected to forgive Andre when he spoiled Chloe beyond reason, and enabled all of her bad behaviour, and is therefore responsible for the monster she became? No! Especially when, in the end, when Chloe goes too far even for him, he abandons her instead of taking responsibility for her actions, y’know, like a parent should. I think the other problem this show has is that Astruc is desperate for people to like Adrienette, and only Adrienette, and therefore, all of Adrien’s other potential love interests are made out to be monsters to make Marinette look better by comparison (With the exception of Kagami, but that’s only because she is later paired with Felix, and therefore not a threat to Adrienette anymore). It’s sickening to me that a teenage girl who was spoiled by one parent, and neglected by the other is made out to be a monster, meanwhile the parent responsible for enabling her gets a redemption. It’s also sickening to me that Lila was made out to be a monster too, as she started out as a sympathetic villain. Was it wrong for her to lie to Adrien? Yes, but was it right for Marinette to humiliate her in front of him? No. Lila could have been sympathetic, but nope, because she likes Adrien, she is a threat, and therefore an irredeemable monster. You don’t ship Adrienette? Screw you, Marinette is perfect, and the only girl for Adrien. Everyone else can get bent in Asstruc’s eyes
  • @Jellygirl313
    Another reason why the movie did A THOUSAND TIMES BETTER than the actual show!
  • @shutup.918
    I think the Chloe part is especially concerning given the fact that she's a teenager on top of being a victim. Astruc basically said that a what 14 year old girl? was irredeemable even though she's in the most important years of her development of self and social identity. Everyone has the potential to change at least to SOME extent but ESPECIALLY teenagers, especially teenage girls too who tend to be put through greater social difficulties during their teen years. Her being 'fundamentally bad' is an awful message to children because nobody is completely fundamentally bad.
  • This is literally everything I feel all the time, like COME ON, for someone who likes to preach about how “feminist” this show is and calls people “sexist” for wanting more screen time for Adrien, Astruc does not do a good job at actually writing a feminist narrative Edit: I’m still so upset about Chloe’s failed redemption because, despite what Astruc tries to claim, she did have a good redemption arc going but they just ruined for literally no reason
  • @aprilvaiarella435
    I'll explain the mess here. Every character in this show except for Marinette is a stand in for a real person Thomas knows. They are either Thomas himself, a rival of Thomas', an ex or someone who rejected him. This is why so many characters are one note meanies or get the shaft in some way. Marinette isn't a real person stand in, she is his ideal both in terms of the ideal woman and in terms of his own power fantasy of always being the best. He can't seperate himself from the ahow because it's all one big Mary Sue fanfic.
  • @papkinn
    For a "empowering girl power" cartoon Astruc surly does love to antagonize teenage girls that are not Marinette or her yes-men. Fact that we got two "unredeemable" teenage girls but main male villain gets redeemed despite years of abusing his son and year of brainwashing and murdering civilians (kids included) that main character thankfully can reverse is absurdly misogynistic. Not to even mention show creating weird suggestion that women are only worth something when they get a partner. Notice how only single girls Marinette knows are the unredeemable Satan reincarnated who are desperate to get with Adrien who's treated as this weird prize to win while all of her good friends are either in relationships, having a crush or are totally irrelevant on verge of being (i miss my aro icon Alix).
  • is incredible how the movie fix MOST of this problens.... Gabe being a truly simpatetic villain, Marinette not being a creeper and adrien being the same cinnamon roll as always... how they made that