Noam Chomsky - The Jewish Lobby

Published 2016-07-20

All Comments (21)
  • @jameschant2740
    American business interests in Israel are another roadblock to the resolution of the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. A clear conflict of interests exists here. It's the same old story of the subversive power of money over justice and peace.
  • @sys9208
    Small organised minority can control any number of majority.
  • @BY-ki1ml
    Netanyahoo can give a speech to our congress opposing Obama's hesitation in Syria and he gets a standing ovation. How's that for insignificant? Follow the money.
  • Calling the Jewish lobby a 'little' lobby is just incorrect. It is the most influential and effective lobby in the US
  • @changamanga100
    In almost all Noam Chomsky videos on Israel, the sound level drops drastically low ???
  • @johnsmith93863
    If a tiny minority can't dominate the rest, what is a dictator?
  • @Nour_Ayasrah
    i didn't get so many comments here, talking about him being pro Zionism. what i understood was, he is trying to say that the idea of an israeli lobby controlling the U.S is just very convenient when it comes to justifying the U.S support of israel, he didn't say they don't exist at all, he recognizes that they have influence but not a great deal of influence that it can't be dealt with if the other powerful ones wanted to seriously address the issue, but they don't, as it is beneficial to them as well. and look at his other videos, i don't often see people criticizing isreal and U.S policies as directly as he does.
  • @PyroNexus22
    i saw a Jewish guy once. He was just standing there, smoking a cigarette. Best experience of my life.
  • @josephkane825
    Chomsky very conveniently does not address the favoritism from the US Pricing Committee for Israeli Sales, which effectively increases the value of the sale to Israel!
  • @BigManUndead
    A lot you here don't understand what he is saying. When he asks why these companies don't shut down the Israel lobby he is asking a rhetorical question. The "answer" is that they don't because it is a reciprocal relationship between what is called by International Relations theorists the "national interests" (in reality only the interests of the bourgeoise, specifically arms manufacturers and the surveillance state in the U.S.) of Israel and the U.S. When he questions if "small ethnic lobby can control U.S. decision making" he is not denying America's overwhelmingly pro-Israel stance, but giving the true origin of it. The reality is that the American military-industrial complex and intelligence community is getting a great deal from the relationship with Israel, and make no mistake these are the people who's opinions actually matter in terms of U.S. foreign policy decision making.
  • In the United States, when an Intelligence Services of a foreign nation makes contact with you , you are required to report it - BY LAW. ..... And yet, the MOSSAD walks through the corridors of our government with impunity.
  • We have to learn the history through a different race except Jews
  • @petersmythe6462
    I would argue that states do not preserve "the national interest" in some Utopian proletarian sense. They preserve the interests of the ruling class and preserve the internal social order. If they are workers states, they will preserve socialism, even if that requires atrocities (and indeed, these atrocities are justified). If they are bourgeois states, they will preserve capitalism, even if that requires abandoning democracy and liberalism in favor of fascism. If they are fuedal monarchies, they will preserve the lords and and such, regardless of threats to the king, the peasants, primitive bourgeoisie, etc.
  • @maximuscomfort
    Thank you Noam for an informative truth of the weapon systems live testing and the dirty rotten deals from the arms lobbies.
  • @festus569
    At least, I think that Noam Chomsky is wrong about the Jewish lobby's influence in USA. If it's a small ethnic lobby that doesn't mean that it's a weak one. Ken O'Keefe proved very well how influencial the Jewish Lobbies are in American Parliament (the Congress and the House of Representatives). Also Norman Finkelstein proved that when he wrote and talked about the Holocaust Industry and about so called the new anti-Semitism.
  • @DucksDeLucks
    The left's problem is that the only motive they recognize is greed. People feel "safe" ascribing behavior to greed. But greed is not the only source of politics. Tribalism, revenge, and lust for power are also important motives. Israel matters to Jews for one set of reasons and Jews matter to US politicians for a different set of reasons.
  • @dewok2706
    "america sends new weapons to israel because to see how they work on live targets" holy fucking lol
  • @7lllll
    3:40 this was a big aha, i didn't understand what the point of all the massacre was. to test the weapons, that's what it is about
  • @davebass2766
    Jewish or Zionist that is the delineation point. and surprised to hear no mention of the ratioof involvement in gov and other high places of such a small populace?
  • As far as this conversation goes here's how we've all been taught to discern ( actions speak louder than words) and its this measure by which we know fact from fiction..❤️