Women In The Church šŸš§ These Truths are Only for Women - Derek Prince

Published 2013-04-29
Derek Prince Sermons: Women In The Church - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. For many, the issue of women's place in the church is a topic fraught with confusion, misinformation and hurt feelings. What is the scriptural model to which we should conform?

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These Truths are Only for Women

00:00 Introduction
03:37 We live in a fallen world
04:37 All happy weddings ultimately end in funerals
05:44 Prophetic Backdrop
12:21 Apostasy manifested in humanism/feminism/secularism
18:47 Rebellion Provokes Godā€™s curse
22:21 Godā€™s Original Pattern for Women
34.31 Man to ruleā€”be the governor (head)
47:08 Specific Ministries Open To Women
52:50 Limitations set by Paul
58:41 Requirements For Married Women
1:08:13 Women are different, not inferior
1:13:53 Delinquent males & Rebellious females

Table of Contents:
I. Introduction
1:38 A. Ask forgiveness on behalf of males
1. Butā€”we live in a fallen world
2. More unrighteous than righteousā€”more sad days than glad days
3. All happy weddings ultimately end in funerals, etc.
B. Pervasive root cause: manā€™s rebellion against God
C. My aim to be objectiveā€”based on Scripture
II. Prophetic Backdrop
A. The prophetic word offers us light in darkness (2 Pet. 1: 19)ā€”without it we do not
understand what is going on around us and we do not see where we are headed
B. First, falling away (NKJ); rebellion (NIV); apostasy (NAS)ā€”(2 Thess. 2: 3; compare
Acts 21: 21) then, antichrist
C. Deliberate rejection of Godā€™s revealed lawsā€”manifested in humanism/feminism/-
D. The original rebellion: man abrogating the right to determine good and evil
(2 Thess. 2: 3)
E. Result: lawlessnessā€”warning to believers (Matt. 24: 12)
18:47 F. Provokes Godā€™s curse (Is. 24: 4ā€“6)
G. Rebellion takes three main forms:
1. Transgressed laws, e.g. Ten Commandments
2. Changed ordinanceā€”way of life, especially family
3. Broken everlasting covenant, i.e., apostasy of Christian church
H. Picture of society without restraint Is. 59: 14, 15)
III. Ordinance = Godā€™s Original Pattern
A. Two basic human relationships
B. When these are out of order, it affects all human society
C. Jesus went back to the beginning (i.e., Genesis) (Matt. 19: 3ā€“5)
D. After the fall
1. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law (Gal. 3: 13; compare Deut.
28:15ā€“68)ā€”but not yet from the curse of the original fall (Gen. 3: 16ā€“19)
2. Man to ruleā€”be the governor (head) (Gen. 3:16; compare 1 Cor. 11: 3)
3. Other forms of teaching open to both men and women: intercession, worship,
healing, Christian character, etc.
IV. Specific Ministries Open To Womenā€”Single Or Married
(Examine four New Testament lists)
A. Prophecy, serving, exhorting, giving, showing mercy (but not teaching or leading)
(Rom. 12: 6ā€“8)
B. Praying or prophesying (1 Cor. 11: 5)
C. Prophets, miracles, healings, helps, administrations, tongues, interpretations (but
not apostles, teachers) (1 Cor. 12: 28ā€“30). But always remember the more
excellent way: love (1 Cor. 12: 31)
D. Prophets, evangelists (but not apostles, pastors, teachers) (Eph. 4: 11)
E. Hence the limitations set by Paul:
1. Not to participate in governmental assemblies (1 Cor. 14: 34)
2. Not to teach where this implies governmental authority (1 Tim. 2: 12)
3. Not as pastorā€”who must be husband of one wifeā€”ruling . . . (1 Tim. 3: 2ā€“4)
4. [Phoebe a servant (deaconess) and ā€œprotectressā€ā€”Rom. 16: 1ā€“2]
V. Requirements For Married Women
A. Submit to husband as to the Lord (Paul unmarried) (Eph. 5: 22)
B. Even to unbelieving husband (Peter married) (1 Pet. 3: 1ā€“2)
C. Women are different, not inferior
1. Some areas in which women excel:
2. Three Marys stayed close to Jesus to the end (John 19: 25)
3. Many other women afar off (Matt. 27: 55ā€“56)
4. Mary Magdalene first witness of the resurrection (Mark 16: 9)
5. Women sent to tell the apostles of the resurrection (Matt. 28: 5ā€“7)
6. The Bible leaves room for exceptions, e.g. Deborahā€”but only one out of 13 judges
7. We honor women who have stepped in where men have defaultedā€”but not as
a permanent practice (e.g., in CIS)
VI. Critical Problems Of America
A. No. 1: Delinquent males
B. No. 2: Rebellious females
1. Each problem increases the other
2. Family reconciliation to avert desolating judgment (Mal. 4: 5ā€“6)
3. Do you need to repentā€”renounce rebellion?

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All Comments (21)
  • @sandramiller553
    Iā€™ve been a stay at home wife and raised 5 children. Other women put me down for not working out the home but I have had a happy home and my kids are Christians and are happy with their children and contribute greatly in this world. If family goes then all goes.
  • @JeweLinHisHans
    I still remember when I first met Jesus and started reading His Word. I thought...oh no...I canā€™t do that! How can I be a biblical woman? That sounds...awful. I repented right away, but the feeling stuck for awhile. Nonetheless I was determined to follow Jesus and not just read His Word as if it was a timeless pretty song , but instructions to act out. Now I had already had a desire to be a stay at home mom from childhood because my mother was and I wanted to be like her. But in practice, before I met Jesus, I was a disaster. It turned out I hated cleaning with a passion, was such a bad cook I had ptsd in the kitchen, and I refused to have more than one child because I nearly died giving birth and swore it off forever. So when Jesus pointed me back to being a housewife and housemom, I thought...are you sure...I mean, you know me! But then I started doing everything for the Lord. I was no longer cleaning my house for people who never said thank you and always wanted more and left a mess as soon as I removed the first one....I was no longer cooking because I had to feed people (which werenā€™t ever happy with my blackened creations that truly belonged in the trash) I was cooking because this pleased the Lord. I turned on praise music and stayed worshipping as I worked...and discovered...when I did this...I loved it all! I was dancing in the kitchen with Jesus. And while Iā€™m still not the best cook, Iā€™ve managed to find a few things I can cook well enough. But itā€™s the time spent with Jesus in obedience that makes it all work and keeps me from focusing on please and thank yous that were never said and food in the bin folded up in napkins. I also discovered how to submit to my husband. He might be my manager but I have direct open door access to his CEO (not to mention Iā€™m His beloved daughter!). So instead of bickering with my husband, I just go to the CEO and plead my case. Sometimes, if not most times, it turns out Iā€™m in the wrong. But many times God intervenes on my behalf and sorts things out as well. Anyway, being a biblical women turns out to be pretty cool! Another thing Iā€™ll mention was that as I read the New Testament and specifically Paulā€™s instructions to women in the church I was also a bit...disappointed. I had all these ideas that I would be some great woman of faith and be a teacher like these other women Iā€™d seen...but when I read the Word I deflated immediately. Well now what, I thought....what can I do? First God had to realign and refine my motives but eventually Jesus turned me into a prayer warrior. He even personally taught me about spiritual warfare. Which was terribly awesome by the way. Once I started walking in obedience to that...there was this time when Jesus let me see something Iā€™m not sure I can share, but it made me rethink things from a new perspective. We ha no idea how powerful prayer and intercession can be because we canā€™t see the results 99% of the time. But just because we canā€™t see the results doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t far reaching and full of power and significant contributions to the kingdom of God. It might turn out that the very things we see as small and low on the scale of importance when compared to the mighty men of faith...it might be the very thing that allows them to stand at all. Another benefit is since I do all this in private with God...well Iā€™m not in danger of being puffed up by pride and all my reward is stacking up in heaven. I mean, thatā€™s a huge thing!
  • It's 2023. I'm 35. I stay home with our 4 year old. I cook. I clean. I play with my boy. I love it. Loving and caring for my family is what I was made for. It is my service to God.
  • I just love this man. I seek Truth and I found him and how I can't stop listening to him. Derek Prince was born to do what it did here on earth. I'll be looking for him in Heaven.
  • I am so happy his teachings are recorded, I am blessed and benefited from his teaching always . Thanks for airing them.
  • @bornagain469
    He is my pastor. I learned so much from himā¤ļø Thank you Jesus for sending us this sound doctrine ministry ā¤ļø
  • @dianeareola5795
    After 35 years of marriage I now have some structure and peace in my marriage. I have been doing it my way from the start and did not know why there was so chaos in my home as a Christian. Thank God for good teachers. We cannot run away from God he is there for all of us. The holy spirit will lead our willing hearts to the right places. I have heard many messages like this one but it is only now that I have been delivered by the word of God. and I welcome it. I now feel like this is day 1 of my marriage. May the Lord continue to teach and help us as we continue in his word. IJN Amen
  • This man makes my heart smile!!! I have ALWAYS been against feminism. I find it disgusting. I used to think that it was because I was an "old fashion girl", but I see now that it's because I'm a "Born Again Christian girl/woman". May Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ Bless us all and keep us strong in these end times!!
  • My mother n law who turned 100 next month was a 4 lbs baby the Dr gave up on her now she outlived him .. she was a nurse but had to stayed home a raised her five boys while her husband traveled a lot for work.. she teaches them values and they were all brought up in a Christian home .. her son introduced me to Derrick Prince Ministry I have learned so much .. I put the iPad by her bed and play his sermons and she remembered him .. with a beautiful smile on her face this is what helped to relaxed her . She had taken in so many children and taught them about Jesus. That seed had been sown thank God ..God bless this ministry this man of God he had left a good legacy for this new generation ā¤ļøšŸ™šŸ½šŸŽ
  • The bible is always right. I use to get angry when this scripture was preached in truth about our role. I am a woman, i believe the bible. It mean what it says. Thank God for truth....
  • @quivalla
    A woman gave birth to the Son of the Living God. Nursed Him, nurtured Him, comforted Him and clothed Him until He was ready to Save all of us by dying on the Cross and resurrected by the Father on the third day. It is the most important act by a human in all of our history.
  • If this hurts you as a woman, you must expose the lie that Satan has taught you and you have accepted. There is a wound there that another person has inflicted upon you, and now you attribute that character to God. We are pivotal and important to the kingdom of God, just as much as men. We are warriors of Christ as well, our sword is the word of God, and our prayers. Our ministry is one of grace. Christ Himself submitted, the King of kings, lowered Himself and in due time was honoured. Our role is just as important as a mans, it just takes a different form. God bless my sisters. If you would like prayer for something, comment below and I will pray for you Xx
  • I used to be a career driven woman, then I realized that I cannot do both family and career, one would have to be sacrificed. I chose to sacrifice a career, and it was the right decision. We have enough to live on, and my kids are a lot happier a lot calmer, and I donā€™t miss the career.
  • He teaches with love,which helps one to receive, even if it's a hard word. Thank God the Father for these teaching. šŸ˜—
  • I have been a fighter of these scriptures for years, calling them cultural, but through prayer, and this video, I actually understand and am extremely glad to be a woman, a helper!!!
  • @visionlandmusic
    Now in 2020, I can verify that Derek Prince was right about feminism, apostasy and the judgement of God on the church.