what I learned since adopting my cat 🖤

Published 2021-10-05

All Comments (21)
  • @antisocel
    As a person who always had dogs, cats especially taught me to respect boundaries and to ask for consent. Yes, I “ask" my cats if I can pet them. Since then they have been so much more loving than ever
  • @wlk68
    She's beautiful! And the fact that she shows her belly to you - especially when she's sleeping - says that she feels safe with you. She is willing to expose the most vulnerable part of herself to you because she knows she can trust you.
  • @j.uuuuudy
    this is so wholesome T___T as a cat mom this hits in the feels!!
  • @vsachar8318
    My cat taught me what unconditional love is. He truly was my soul mate and best friend. I miss him and cry thinking of him atleast 100x a day.
  • @kasurinjung
    Loyalty is so right. My cat never leaves my side. I cook, she's in the kitchen. I mop the floor, she's on the table near by looking at me doing my thing. I'm working on my computer, she's sleeping underneath the table. I feel the loyalty of the cat is so special and precious. Nice video you have there! Also, I rmb seeing your first video of adopting Uni and now she's so big! How fast time flies!
  • @nonxme7600
    She is so beautiful, I cant believe the previous owner called her, "not cute".
  • i love how you treat your cat like your child and not like an accessory like most people. i got my first cat september of last year and i watched your video because it was my first time and i didnt know much. a year later, this came in my recommended. thers not a lot of people who truly cherish and take care of a cat. love this!
  • @SittieSaheda
    This video is so wholesome!! 🥺 I’ve gone from being a non pet person to adopting 6 kittens when a stray cat decided to give birth in our garage. I’d say I relate to everything in this video. They taught me so much about a part of myself I didn’t know existed. Now I can’t imagine not having them in my life
  • I swear Im crying 😩 I decided to adopt my cat 6 days ago since I really feel down & sad lately being far away from my family. Now my small place feels like home, he goes anywhere I go & he totally makes MEDschool feel less draining and bearable. I love you Galbiy, you came right on time. Thank you for this video! ❤
  • IM CRying. 😭this was such a sweet video!! they seriously sleep all day and then get the zoomies at like 2 am before passing out again :') also uni washing dishes with you 😭💗 i'd love to switch Sushi over to a more raw/unprocessed diet but she's sooo picky with her food, she literally didn't eat for 5 straight days once because she got bored of her kibble flavor 😩 loved this so so much Krist!! gonna go cuddle with soosh now 💗
  • This was such a beautiful and peaceful and honestly truthful video! And it’s funny cause before this video I was so physically and mentally drained but I now I feel ready to get back up and keep on moving trough my day!
  • @lilipad_7990
    this was one of the most heartwarming videos i have ever seen.. thank you so much for sharing
  • @BlackNekoCat
    Super true, having cats made me learn how to enjoy life a little more and be more comfortable with getting through the day at my own pace
  • @Dusty_Inkwell
    god she is utterly adorable T^T her face painting is so unique and cute. Extremely fluffy tri-color kitties are the best. We got one ourselves! <3
  • @himika2115
    I had moved to a new city for my new job 2 years back and obviously my cats also went with me….d job opportunity was great and professionally I was doing amazing but I didn’t have any friends or family there and due to covid lockdown, I was completely isolated…culturally d new place was very different and I just couldn’t fit in… and also had developed multiple health problems….I was really going into a black hole of depression… during that phase my babies never left my side whenever I was home…they were such solace to my aching soul…I’m very independent by nature and wouldn’t confide in anyone with my problems…my babies somehow understood… they r such magical creatures… I always loved them but after this experience they became my support system and Im forever grateful for having them in my life… I truly believe everyone needs to experience love of a cat once in their lifetime… it’s very different but so so warm and special…
  • @frynn1978
    Absolutely gorgeous cat. Her markings are so beautiful.
  • @pirimi
    I have 4 cats and never thought of learning from them, such an adorable and interesting video!! also, your cat is stunning🤍
  • I really learned from my cat (whom I adopted just 5/6 months ago) to take my time, my rest, my comfort and to keep my house clean. Not to let food (packages) sit on the counter (because he'll steal it). I give him lots of kisses and 'I love you's' through the day. And he turned out to be one of my best friends!
  • @savannawood5843
    As someone who currrently owns a cat, You must teach them a routine DONT randomly put ur cat on ur bed in the middle of the year do it everyday if they jump off put them back on they will notice this is routine oriented