Repeating Situations Along Your Spiritual Awakening Journey?✨ | Alana Greene

Published 2022-07-14

All Comments (21)
  • Yes!! 🙌 Don't get down on yourself over the lesson, just rise to that challenge with a new view, like "I didn't get this the first _ times, but I do get it now. I have a full Book on this Lesson, learning it fully than what one small Page would have taught me, thus I am stronger for it!" I actually caught myself in a pattern a few times and was finally able to pull MYSELF out of it! And hey, I could NOT do that before. I've come a long way and I tend to lose sight of that too. So thank you! and, yes! shine your light bright for those in the back! Mhm! Thank you for taking the time with this video. And even though I've learned a ton I never thought I could, honestly... I still have a lot to learn, I know it but your Video is helping me kind of make my journey more clear. Like, you helped me realize it's a lot like: my map may be all wrinkled up, but when smoothed out, can read it clearly if just take the time. The information is there, just gotta be paitent with it and onself, yep! Love & Light to ya always! 💛✨️
  • It feels even more painful each time it comes back around! So you can’t ignore it! Aghhh it’s so painful! Thank you -we are not alone ♥️
  • Blessed with two Alana videos…. PLEASE KEEP SPEAKING YOUR MIND!!!! I love your energy forecasts and feelings, always resonates
  • @jimini1976
    General Tso's is my favorite. Thanks for spreading good vibes..hungry now :)
  • @acgillespie
    Good to see ya and been thinking/wondering about ya. Don't be a stranger and be a good girl
  • That’s mad still I needed to hear it again It’s maddddd You know what’s mad tho The fact that when we are reliving cycles We no we are But we don’t listen Because we are a slave to the sin we pick until we overcome
  • @Joshmasanow
    You are such a beautiful soul Alana! Thank you for the message. So grateful god is communicating with us all the time. Blessed
  • Sending you love Alana. Keeping you in my prayers 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I did need to hear this. I parted from a narcissist recently and one before him Now I'm walking alone happily healing. I got on lexapro for the thoughts. It helped greatly. Just pulling 16 hour work shifts now and chasing the cheddar instead.
  • @bobsteel6916
    Bob was here and loves to listen to you, because you are awesome 👍.
  • @Sphinxso
    Yep for sure! lol it just goes round and round. Thank you Alana! ☺
  • Literally at the right time I needed this! 🙏🙏 I keep repeating jobs I know I'm not fulfilled in and cause me so much anxiety but I'm so scared to change and take the responsibility to achieve what I'm capable of..I need the money now but don't wanna be roped back into repeating cycles.. love u so much Alana! 💓
  • I love General Tso! I will fight his wars so long as he is the Chef! 😊
  • Yes yes my dear I needed to hear that.My purpose is something that can change the world.Yes and I do repeat myself repeat myself.Haha