Ubuntu 15 10 Review!

Published 2015-11-16

All Comments (21)
  • @OhHeyItsLou
    So much love! Thank you all so much for the welcome back to making videos. To me personally Linux hasn't brought anything to the table that has excited me over the last 12+ months. My day job has been insanely busy so that has been occupying much of my time. I often am asked what I do for a living and to answer that question, I'm in finance. Thanks again everyone, your encouragement and interest in my views and opinions is what keeps me making videos! ~ Lou
  • @markhodge7592
    Welcome back Lou. You always put out quality videos. So a few months is no big deal if there isn't anything new going on with Linux, and everyone has a life to live too. Glad to see you haven't left for good. Take care.
  • @tuxpowerpc
    Good to see you back Lou, been quite a while. That said, it seems the general consensus is that Linux distros as a whole look old. I wonder if there shouldn't be a polling of the community with graphical submissions to the developers with ideas of what the community would like to see. To me, if they made Unity a bit more customizable by the user may help, at least for appearance sake. But then again, you don't want to break what may not be broken, just improve on what works. Thanks again for the video, and I hope to see more coming!
  • @markzajac
    Very interested in your progress reviews of 16.04. Thanks for the vid.
  • I agree while its nice and its relatively stable I feel like its not what was promised. Hats off to the team that put it together they are addressing concerns so perhaps they can now focus more on getting to the next thing.
  • @JAC3DG33K
    Another awesome review and welcome back.
  • @OhHeyItsLou
    I think I may have made some Ubuntu fans mad...I've been losing subs ever since I posted this review haha
  • @Icyro187
    lol i was on you channel some days ago and was thinking 'what happend 6months last upload' I like your opinion and how you make linux look cool, rocking elementary at the moment but will try ubuntu mate, when I'm not busy. thanks for comming back hope you make more videos.
  • @ashishpatel350
    personally i don't think canonical should make a mobile os. they should make an android launcher and maintain an android rom with google services. and find a way to integrate the mir desktop into that.
  • @JP1989-l9h
    I have been reading things about 16.04 and looks to be more interesting than all of ubuntu versions in the past, looks promising thus far, will cooke has been anouncing some nice things already, id link you guys, but i can't seem to find the link right now, ill keep looking and post it, if it find it and welcome back to youtubeland.
  • @Lumpiluk
    Since summer I haven't been able to get any current Ubuntu-based distro working properly on my laptop (with dual monitors and Nvidia Optimus). First I thought it was just KDE 5 being unstable, but Mint and Ubuntu Gnome have similar performance and tearing issues, whether I use the open-source drivers or not. Bumblebee used to work fine, but now I can't seem to get it to launch. Any advice? I'm getting desperate...
  • @themrtechne
    i have a question.... am i able to install ubuntu onto a pc that does not contain any os at all??? ive been wanting to switch to ubuntu since i first used it but ive been hearing that i need windows to install it. can someone help me out? i dont want to have to purchase windows just to delete it afterwards.....
  • @xxxx-hw5we
    Hello Lou, what's the status of the Fedora Videos? I have an HP Workstation and i'm looking for an OS for it so i am in agreement with Jamin Frenandez request for Fedora 23 Workstation. A series would be better. Thanks