My Asian-American Identity Crisis


コメント (21)
  • @ZachCrom
    My grandfather : speak Chinese My grandmother : speak Chinese My dad : speak Chinese My mom : speak Chinese My friends : speak Chinese Me : speak English
  • Me: Japanese Also me: Can’t use Samurai sword Ancestors: Shame
  • @sdsaddwsa3514
    Man. As a Korean American myself I found this so relatable. Especially the part where people teased me for not knowing Korean. This was so cathartic
  • I experienced the same thing as a Chinese-Canadian. I didn't know how to read or write at all and I could barely talk just like what Emily went through as a kid.
  • @pop_rox
  • @ScrotN
    Asian American: Can’t speak their language really well. Duolingo: Come, this is no place to die
  • I’m a Mexican-American (entire ancestry is Mexican. I’m not sure if I have Spanish blood or pure Mexican blood, but I am born in America) and I have experienced a bit of what Emily experienced. Ever since I was born, I was surrounded by Mexican culture. I am a mix of what Emily wished she could be, and what she actually is. I am super involved in my Mexican background, and even took up clarinet because I saw it in multiple Mexican videos my dad had. I even started learning some Mexican recipes for the future. However, when it came to speaking Spanish, that’s where I start relating to Emily. My parents taught me the occasional Spanish phrase to respond with. The basics like “Hola” “¿Como estás?” “¿Bien, y tú?” and some others, including Spanish words. Despite this, however, I never learned a lot of Spanish. Whenever my parents talked to me in Spanish, they would have to repeat themselves in English, or if I did understand them, I’d respond in English. Because I grew up in America, I was surrounded by American things, except for neighbors. While America is a mixing pot, it isn’t a real diverse one, at least from my experiences so far. I grew up at schools where I was surrounded by white people, and I mean that in the politest way possible. Because of that, I had primarily white friends. The standard white skin, brown or blonde hair with brown or blue eyes, give or take one or two with dyed hair. I never had a reason to speak Spanish to other friends. The friends I knew who were Mexican spoke English, but still spoke Spanish fluently to their parents and relatives, and that makes me feel bad because, like Emily’s situation, they grew up similar to me. Luckily, I’m still young. I’m taking Spanish classes, and turning my life around language wise. I’m getting more comfortable speaking Spanish in my home, even if it’s just basic Spanish. I’m lucky that I get these opportunities, because I know not everyone is as fortunate when it comes to learning a new language
  • @gabetalks9275
    I deeply relate to this as a Puerto-Rican American because I'm a white passing American born and raised who doesn't know any Spanish, so I feel totally disconnected from my own culture. I've basically fully assimilated into American culture only acknowledging my culture just from the fact that I know that Puerto-Rico is my heritage. The fact that people constantly deny the existence of my ethnicity by saying, "you're not Puerto-Rican, you're an American," because Puerto-Rico is under colonial control by the US just makes it even more frustrating.
  • My parents: "Learn Chinese goddamnit" Me: Angry italian noise
  • So basically Im an asian american, and this other guy is like, “you’re not asian you don’t have squinty eyes!” and I got so mad ;-;
  • My parents are born in Puerto Rico and I was born in Pennsylvania. I can say I’m a Puerto Rican American. As I was growing up I get nervous sometimes and I was diagnosed with Autism when I was 3, but it didn’t stop me from trying new things. Love the animation by the way. 🙂
  • I’m not Asian but I relate to the whole language aspect. My mom’s Croatian so she tried to get my brother and I to speak it when we were kids. But as time went on and we went to daycare we started speaking English more and more because that’s what we heard most of the day. According to my mom we used to demand she speak to us in English. Now I can understand very little. ☹️
  • My Mom’s side: “You’re too White to be Hispanic” My Dad’s Side: Your’re dark to be white” Me: “WHAT AM I THEN?!?!”
  • @annii_66
    this vid is relatable on so many levels. i was born in the philippines, but i moved to another country at the age of 5 and got exposed to english media. as u can predict, that influenced me a LOT, not only did my ability to speak tagalog get completely erased.. i even lost my understanding on the language and culture. i wanted to re-learn the whole language because i didnt want to embarrass my parents and i didnt want to feel disconnected from it, but i never fully committed. i always felt ashamed when i take the awful flight back to the mother land because of my relative's comments. knowing someone, and many other people, have the same experiences as me feels reassuring. Now that im older, ive been trying to learn the basics and the culture of my homeland^^
  • I can relate to this as a Filipino American. I grew up in America so I never learned the language so all I can say is thank you but I’ve been trying to learn the language and I love the food and culture but there’s a lot of times where I would feel closer to my American side but then my Filipino side and I would feel out of place when with my relatives. It’s nice to know a fellow asian has gone through similar experiences.
  • "My dad would call out in Korean and I would call back in-" My sleep deprived brain: "American ..... wait...."
  • "what's your kid been up to?" "she likes to draw" "Oh? Like Fashion design? Animation?" "No, Anime" "*Oh, Ew.*" My Career choice in a nutshell TTwTT
  • I’m Mexican who’s a first generation in America and never in my life did ever think someone related to my issues, this video and the comments by other Hispanics made me feel comforted in a way, thank you for sharing Emily, I feel as of this is an underrated topic.
  • @yuumeko
    Wow, I cried watching this. Thank you for posting. The analog of the potted plants as cultures that we nurture is really apt. I am a Filipino American who never learned the language and grew up also hearing what a 'shame' it was I couldn't speak OR understand Tagalog. To some degree, it's true I wish I had learned, but so I could keep the connection to that part of my identity. But when I or my parents are BLAMED for it, it does make me mad and resentful and I think it's just really disrespectful to the reality that multi cultural people grow up with. I have a lot of strong feelings about it now that I am older because 1) I am going to visit the Philippines soon for the first time since I was, like, a baby. And I feel so weird about it, and realizing I am kind of scared about it. I am excited but I am definitely an impostor or at least feel that way. 2) I have a baby now who is white (Russian)/Filipino and I have just all sorts of thoughts about how to keep him connected to his culture/identity, and feeling bad I can't even pass on Tagalog. I am trying hard to make sure he learns Russian since my husband speaks it at least. I cried when you said you once told your parents you wished they were white. Maybe because I identify with it, maybe also because I'm afraid of hearing it from my own son someday.