Volunteer & Donate Opportunities to End World Hunger

Published 2016-08-20
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The State of Food Insecurity in the World has said that 50 million Americans experience food insecurity in 2009 including 17 million children, in developing countries this number was near 1 billion.

The goal of O.F.O.C is to help these people build a sustainable future for themselves, their children and their fellowman. The famous philosopher Simone Weil wrote once that feeding the hungry of the world when you have the means to do so is the most obvious of all human obligations. This we believe holds firm, but O.F.O.C moves farther past just simply feeding everyone one time or having to constantly keep on it. We're creating a system that will help feed them, and keep them fed, FOREVER!

There are many global initiatives to end hunger. Like the EndingHunger campaign online that raises the awareness of this global epidemic. The global policy to greatly reduce hunger and poverty was recently just approved by the sustainable development goals, which is great progress. At O.F.O.C we are focusing on much more then just food alone, we're focusing on communities that will thrive forever in to the future.

So when you find yourself reaching for your wallet to donate, know that every dollar you donate is going to be recycled again and again as these self sustaining communities continue to build themselves up, it's not simply used for helping one time, it's undoubtedly going to be used to help people eat for the rest of their lives and never feel insecure about food again, and that type of donation is something you can feel proud of doing today, knowing full well your investment is truly that, an investment for the future of the betterment of mankind as a whole!

Or... When you donate your time and expertise you will notice that every hour you give to this cause will again be used to create a force that will end up taking care of itself over time. Which is the goal: ultimate self sustainability, thusly ending hunger, poverty and giving children the opportunity to thrive in the world without having to worry about where their next meal is coming from, where their going to sleep and who is going to love them.

This you feel now, just like we all have when we've come to this project IS a major game changing opportunity that WILL change the face of the Earth as we all know it. O.F.O.C has been actively pursuing this idea since the early 1990's learn more by visiting:



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