Wellcast - Toxic People: How to End a Bad Relationship

Published 2014-04-20

All Comments (21)
  • @Kfll
    Severing a toxic relationship is like tearing off a leech, it hurts at first, but its way better for you long-term.
  • Thank you for defining what a toxic relationship IS, and for advising people to hold themselves accountable for allowing it to happen. That's so important! Equally important, however, was a part of accountability that wasn't mentioned and that's the fact that it takes two to tango. 100% of toxic relationships are forever an always toxic RELATIONSHIPS. Both parties contributed. So it's not okay to judge the other person, blame the other person, an it's pretty uncool to label that person as being toxic. Additionally uncool and likewise narcissistic is brandishing anyone forever; it's not as easy, but it is critically important for both parties to work on them SELVES independently (so that everyone can grow from the experience) if they choose, and while I would never suggest forgiving a person who has sub/consciously committed harm to anyone, I will say that if that person goes off and faces their private dilemma, then returns and humbly apologizes (depending upon the offense), we each have the opportunity to be virtuous, to be kind and to be vulnerable in a strong way by forgiving them.
  • @annietheasian12
    is she saying "selfie (1,2,3,4,5,6)" instead of step or am I the only one who heard that
  • @trippy1683
    Now I’m DEFINITELY sure my friends in a toxic relationship. She’s oblivious like all people are when they are used or in a toxic relationship. I’m going to try help, convince her that her friend isn’t actually her REAL. FRIEND. I hope it goes well and she gets the happiness she deserves 💕
  • @PossumGod12
    I had 2 different toxic friends. Here is what they did. Toxic friend one: •Made fun of what I like •was plain mean •attempted to make me and a male friend date, even though him and I both weren't comfortable with dating in 5th grade •broke my only pair of headphones for school •told people me and my friend we're dating Toxic friend 2: •Mocked me •was mean and would NEVER apologize •was VERY rude to me and my other friend •caused lots of drama •tried to spread a lie that I was dating my friend’s crush. Why do these both involve spreading lies about dating? •lied I left the first friend after being super mean to my friend on her birthday. I am trying to leave the other one. I also had a friend who asked me to come back over to her home every weekend. I felt miserable at her house. I kept going because she guilted me into going every time! She was also a ”visko girl” she liked to have her other friends over while I was there. Both times they forgot about me and would only make tic toks and talk about visko girl stuff.
  • @saidazh2245
    strangely i suddenly think that my best friend is toxic... She is that boss typ of girl, always planing and wanting to achieve everything SHE wants. I have noticed, that all the time (even when she is a bit cooperative) we do the things that she wants and everybody just follows. For example, I was suggesting an event and nobody had a problem. Than she comes, has a problem and BOOM. Everyone is on her side... Some time ago i told her that things cant always go like she wants them to be and that she has to respect her friends and their freedom and not always be jealous or mad at someone, if they dont want to do certain stuff or just want to hang out with other friends. She totaly lost it on me, because she was just not used to someone telling her to stop. Logic and facts are no big deal nowadays anyway. We lost two good friends because of her not understanding that and she constantly brings in new people, whom we dont even like. And then we have to try to be friends with them just because of her. She has that special idea of a friendgroup, which is just not logical, considering each and every persons life in our friendzone. Talking to her doesn't change anything. I just have to take some distance to her until she gets it...
  • @havasa1517
    For me my friendship with someone has been good, until recently. She has become more popular, and I'm okay with that, we don't even go to the same school. But now, ever sense the popularity, she only talks about herself and her problems, but if I say anything, she doesn't help me, but changes the situation to her life. She also sometimes puts me down, like I one time jokingly said I'm ugly, and now she calls me ugly sometimes, like if I say in a story about a guy might like me, I will say "Idk why he likes me, I'm ugly" Then she'll say that I'm ugly, but I don't get to mad for that, as she might just be quoting me when I say that stuff, but it still hurts a little. Also, we just have grown apart quite a bit over the last 7 years. But, she also helps me sometimes, so idk what to do
  • @Oliwiaguz
    I just ended toxic relationship with my ex-friends......
  • i would say i'm in a toxic relationship with my parents then (if that's possible)
  • @conkerboy3881
    thank you for making this video. i've known that my brother is a toxic person to be around for years (he's extremely bigoted and can be physically violent, sometimes.). however, this week has been kind of a breaking point, and i think i'm gonna take this advice to cut him off and surround myself with my chosen family. i was looking for advice on how to recognize and remove yourself from toxic relationships, and throughout the years this channel has always been my go to when i'm struggling. this was an amazing project, and i hope everyone on the team knows it's still making a positive impact today. thank you so much.
  • @sydandtaytum
    thinking back on it, i feel like every romantic relationship i've been in has been toxic, but i never recognize it until after the relationship has ended. the guy i'm currently in love with is absolutely making a doormat out of me but i dont know how to 'punish' him or to extricate myself-- i'm way to in love. it makes me miserable, actually. in fact, i dont know what healthy love is. the only kind of love i've ever known is to desperately need that person at all times...how do i stop this in myself? 
  • @qu4rtz732
    I had a friend like that and now we are like ok with each other, we altered the relationship to a better one, after months of me having to deal with their neediness and the toxic relations with them. We're still fine now.
  • @meganjarvis2238
    everybody needs to understand each over needs and  to know  if you are in a toxic relationships to know and trust family and true friends who will help you get through this.  :)
  • @katehartwell5729
    Do a video on loving yourself. I don't feel like I can. I'm tired of crying myself to sleep wishing I could just be someone else for a change. I just wanna be able to wake with a smile and say "I'm happy to be alive." It's even harder to try to hide my feelings to keep those that I care about from worrying about me. Please help me.
  • @bellabelbel69
    Okay, here's a great outburst of someone in need of a psychologist: I've researched some sites before, but now watching this video I can be sure that yes, my best friend is not as "good" with me as I thought. My family and my others friends - who are also her friends - have already said that to me, but we have been friends for so long that I pretended not to know what they were talking about. We are both very similar at various points and I felt we would be friends until we had our own families. But if I tell her "I don't wanna be your friend anymore" it's going to be ... strange, even more so that I'm still in school (I'd have to see her every day) and because I've done it once and I apologized to her after a few days (when in fact she was the wrong one). Anyway, it was very bizarre. In the end, we're still friends. Well, I really don't know what to do. She thinks she can handle it in my life and worse: she said in my face that "she sent me and wanted me to just obey her." And it took FOUR YEARS for me to realize that hey, this isn't right. Besides she says personal things - that I only tell her - to classmates and that really embarrasses me on an abnormal level - in fact anybody else would feel that way. I just know that I'm so deep in this "friendship" that I don't know how to leave :/
  • @thequinnbinn
    WAIT! Why are you saying 'selfie' instead of 'step'? I'm so confused
  • @KaraokeLyricZ
    Thanks for the tip! I was scared to stop being a doormat because I thought that they will talk about me.. I'm gonna try doing this tomorrow. ^_^