Yoga Nidra for Vagus Nerve Stimulation | Calm the Nervous System

Published 2023-07-20
55 Minute Yoga Nidra to Calm the Nervous System | Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Welcome and thank you for being here. Join Kristyn in this 55 minute yoga nidra or guided meditation to stimulate the vagus nerve and to calm the nervous system. The vagus nerve is the largest nerve matrix in the body that runs from the brainstem, down the sides of the neck and into the abdomen, wrapping around all of the vital organs.

Stimulating the vagus nerve can help relax the body, calm the mind, and activate the parasympathetic division of the nervous system, rest and digest. A healthy vagal tone can have so many wonderful benefits for the autonomic nervous system and mental health and well-being, including emotional regulation and a greater connection to Self.

This practice begins with some gentle breathing techniques and self massage to relax the physical body and prepare the body for the deep rest that comes in yoga nidra. Once you find stillness, simply rest back into the experience of deep listening as you are effortlessly guided into a deep state of light altered consciousness or deep wakeful sleep. Along the way, welcome in visualizations, techniques and tools to bathe the vagus nerve and the whole nervous system in healing awareness, releasing tension, and welcoming a deep sense of peace and calm within.

Happy resting.

Find a comfortable place to rest on the back of the body, either on your yoga mat, the couch or even in your bed. Close down the eyes and rest back into the experience of just listening.

Would you like to enjoy live yoga nidra practices with me? Join our new online studio at the School of Living Yoga Circle of Thread! You can join us for live practices and replays. See link below to access a one week free trial:…

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You might enjoy one of these yoga nidra practices to support the nervous system next:

20 Minute NSDR for the Nervous System:    • NSDR Yoga Nidra for the Nervous System  
30 Minute Nervous System Remedy:    • Yoga Nidra Nervous System Remedy  
40 Minute Yoga Nidra for the Nervous System:    • Yoga Nidra for the Nervous System  

If you are one of our students in the Transformational Sleep Yoga Nidra Teacher Training, here at the School of Living Yoga I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Please know we have also have live trainings in Canada and Costa Rica and Online trainings with amazing people from around the world who come together and it’s a beautiful experience. Interested? Leave a comment and let's connect.

Feeling called to join an online Yoga Nidra YTT? See the link below!

School of Living Yoga Online Transformational Sleep Yoga Nidra Teacher Training:…

May you be happy, healthy, peaceful and free.

Kristyn Rose

#yoganidra #vagusnerve #nervoussystem #meditation #TransformationalSleepYTT #EmbodiedWisdom200hrYTT #MoontoMoonRestorativeYTT

All Comments (21)
    I am constantly stressed and on fight mode due to complex ptsd. Woke up after 1 hour sleep as usual all tence and stressed. Searched for relaxing videos and deep sleep music. Came across yours and now after 20 min I am relaxed. I can never relax fully and will use this over and over again. Your voice is so warm and soothing and I thank you from my wounded soul. This should be the medicine doctors prescript to us.
  • @katinamakris4025
    Im 65 yrs old. On the verge of another nervous breakdown ( had 2 in younger years) . Too many severe life stressors in the last 18 mos. & I’m Alone. No family for support. This guided meditation gave us is the most profound healing I’ve felt in ages Better than Valium. Beautiful work Krysten. 🙏🏼 Thank you for saving my sanity & nervous system tonight. I’m so at peace this moment. You are a gifted person
  • I work with many voices and vocalists that require my deep attention and intuitive work that if I am not careful, can overwork my central nervous system. Your offering really helped to bring my heart rate down and calm my overactive mind. You've helped me to serve better and be available for my students and I thank you deeply for your help and care. Thank you Kristyn.
  • Thank you so much for all your offerings. These meditations have changed my life, and helped me to overcome a 17 year opiod addiction. I just want you to know the kind of impact you are having on my life, and the life's of the people I care about. I love you Krysten. Also, I would love to see a yoga nidra for chronic pain sometime.
  • @pyewacket8003
    This was a five minute video, right? Right?! 😅🤗 I either dozed off or was in the deep state for most of it, either way! Marvellous! Thank you! 🥳
  • @lisaduggan7215
    I live with complex trauma and complex ptsd. Your meditations help so much. When I wake in the middle of the night, i turn to your videos, edp this one. So soothing and conforts my nervous system. I've learned so much about the vagus nerve and I use essential oils while listening to your videos. Thank you so much.
  • @kathleenneff
    Wow. Just wow. I honor you Great Being of Peace and Love 🙏
  • @renukaselvamani
    I went to sleep listening to this last night. Woke up with no pain or numbness that used to happen often. Thank you for this !
  • @sarahrose8361
    W O W 🥳🥳👏🏼👏🏼 I have never been more relaxed in my entire adult life. I legit did not feel my body for a good 45 minutes. I was simply a pool of conscious awareness 🫠 and it was heavenly bliss. Thank you very much for all your hard work making this video. You are truly making a difference in people’s lives ❤
  • @ripley2164
    This was the most powerful, all encompassing yoga nidra experience I've ever experienced. Right after I listened to it, I fell asleep. When I woke up I felt as if I had slept deeply through the night but only a few hours had passed. This is pure healing magic for me because I usually have trouble falling asleep. Thank you for your expertise in this area and for sharing your knowledge so generously. Your voice is soothing, your pace and the spacing between words are absolutely perfect. The background music is not overwhelming and the content is exactly what I've been needing for a very long time.
  • @shawngoldman3762
    Stressed teacher here with high BP, diagnosed with a slew of medical ailments, and I am now doing yoga Nidra for 1 hour a day. I can see my symptoms improving. Namaste, Shalom❤❤❤
  • So many thanks Kristyn, for this one and all your beautiful Yoga Nidra offerings. I continue to listen daily these last many months, and this practice, and the deep love, compassion and service with which you offer it, is bringing great healing into my nervous system and my whole being. Thank you from my heart. Thank you also for making more available to download, I've just ordered another bunch to listen offline. Elaine in Ireland
  • Twenty years ago I had an open RNY gastric bypass that turned out to be botched, leaving me with a horrific case of pancreatitis followed by nine years of chronic pancreatitis. By the time the bypass was re-done, repairing the damage, my vagus nerve had been severed four times in the center of my abdomen. Now there is a great deal of scar tissue around the vagus nerve in that region. When the stress in my life reaches the boiling point, I get pain at the 9-10 level right where the incision was. The pain gets so bad it causes nausea. I’d really like to put an end to these attacks so I can have some semblance of a normal life. I’ll start trying this exercise in the evening before sleep, or maybe as I’m waking up in the morning, or both. I also add a magnesium supplement to my diluted apple juice as magnesium helps us manage stress better. It’s the one mineral the American diet is extremely deficient in…and it’s all by design to keep us stressed out. Thank Heaven for content creators like Kristyn Rose. 🙏💕🙏💞🙏💖
  • @promethia246
    Wow I had such a unique experience here! Towards the end I felt myself sit up and I became sort of light headed, like when you sit up too fast, only to realize I was still laying down! I wonder if that could have been the beginning of an out of body experience… thank you so much for this 🙏 that was extremely relaxing
  • @JennyGriffin888
    Thank you so much, Kristyn 🙏 Your language is so poetic. I loved the vagus nerve focus and the feeling of deep surrender here as the raindrops fell 😊 ❤
  • Namaste! 🙏 I practiced at 11 P.M.on Sept. 19, 2023. Prior to this practice, I had woken up from a nap feeling bummed out and sad as I was cranky from the noise others were making and was upset about other stuff that will sort itself out as I simply focus on myself. The pace of this yoga nidra was slow enough for my mind to unwind and for my body to gradually let go of tension. I visualized cooling and healing rain drops falling on each body part, and that brought such inmense relief as I heard each drop make contact and melt. The waves of relaxation with the breath also felt cleansing. Resting as the vast sky and planting my Sankalpa everywhere started to help me feel better. Even though, part of me feels like I need another yoga nidra to fully wash away perceived disappointments from not seeing those close to me physically and only having mini-squabbles with family members in the last few days, this yoga nidra helped me reconnect more fully with my inner experience. I feel so much better as the moments pass. It's as if heavy mud that was caked onto me is finally dissolving away. Thank you so much, Kristyn! This was a gift akin to being given access to a cooling shower when I most needed it. I am going to see what other nidra you released recently and go from there.
  • @zenexperience.
    Thank you Kristyn for sharing your "class" with all of us. And for every human being who reads this message: affirmations are the first step towards the happiness of the soul and the serenity and health of the physical body. Be happy! And believe that you are a wonderful human being who deserves all the good things in the world
  • @diannchemam3628
    Such an affective, healing , authentic yoga nidra! Thank you again, Kristyn 😍 Namaste 🙏 Diann