Are We In A Video Game Crash? | Asmongold Reacts

Published 2024-05-27

All Comments (21)
  • 2003: I go into a store to find a game. 2023: I go into a game to find a store.
  • @stahliboi6249
    Yeah the triple A scene is a fucking joke. They've been making the same shit with better graphics for what feels like the last 10 years.
  • @Xombiiii
    The problem is the total lack of respect shown by publishers towards consumers. the majority of AAAs these days are full of microtransactions, while their prices are constantly on the rise. Just look at the latest invention from these clowns 110€ for a 3 days pre-release ...
  • @chambersight
    Three things anyone can do to stop the downfall of quality: 1) Do not buy poorly made products. Do your research first. 2) NEVER pre-order products 3) Regularly audit your reoccurring subscriptions and purge unused items or things you are unhappy with By the way, these strategies can be applied to almost any product: video games, movies, cars, tools, etc..
  • @vampire847
    We are in the middle of a AAA entertainment crash. It's not just Videogames. It's TV series and Movies as well.
  • @PamelaJGranados
    When the shareholders come first instead of the customer that’s when you get enshittification
  • @theswede3286
    Groceries alone are a huge hit. They've almost doubled the last couple years. Takeout has gotten much more. Chinese used to be the "expenisve" take-out that you rarely got. Chinese is now cheaper than Wendys, McDs, etc.
  • Same with movies, people don’t want generic trash, they want creative products not cash grabs or pandering to the widest audience possible
  • @AdhalMK1
    They are losing money because they spend hundreds of millions on a game then just go on to bash and insult their main player base inside and outside of the game.
  • The biggest problem in gaming is now. Devs are focused on die and graphics instead of the smile factor. Always want the same experience smile and get excited to play the game.. It doesn't matter what type of games I play but I want that experience. If it cannot catch that then those devs don't understand the terms of game.
  • Valve understood the "dog fooding" decades ago. They play their games and get feedback from the company company's employees before releasing a game. If the employees think the game sucks. They scrap it or change things in it. Half-Life the game that started the company. Went through several versions before the public(we) got it!
  • @jz5811
    3A games need to crash to resurrect. Gameplay is the king not the MESSAGE!
  • @dh7367
    We had a video game industry crash back in 1983 before my time and it culled a lot of companies putting out shovelware and bad products. It needs to happen again to get rid of greedy studios repeating history.
  • @Guirko
    Yup, it really is as simple as "games are just f*cking bad." From a gamer's perspective it's so damn obvious what would make a good game, but devs and publishers are either completely ignorant or straight up don't care. And when they do happen to strike gold, they'll suck out all the fun with microtransactions incentivized by an insufferable grind and limited base game features.
  • Game dev here. it's not that devs dont play games. Its that people at the top of the food chain (creative directors, art directors, directors in general) are generally 45-50+ years old. Which means they are disconnected with the trends and games that the young/mid aged people (25-30) are playing. I have close to 7 years of experience and trust me, its a recurring problem everywhere, the devs want to make something fun, but its not up to them whether or not it happens.
  • @khatdubell
    I've developed a new game buying strategy. First, i wait for it to come to PC. Then, i wait for the community to fix it. Then, i wait for it to go on sale. Then, i'll consider playing it.
  • @Primarina341
    Not only will people bring up helldivers in 10 years.... People STILL bring up the mass effect 3 ending
  • @mlsanders4800
    As someone in the UK, it baffles me that so many people in the UK and Europe mention the video games crash of the early 80s, as it didn't affect the UK or Europe at all.
  • @user-dq9pm8ug6b
    I'm working in the industry for like 15 years now and yeah I often met people that don't even play games and are in director or lead positions or producers etc. and focus on the wrong things Another thing is they are also on copium man. Like one of the games (was a somewhat bigger title in development) the game was just not fun in internal playtests, shit was constantly broken and unplayable, focus on absolutely stupid ideas/gimmicks and in meetings the leads where like "we have a really good thing here guys just keep it up, it will be great" and me and my buddy were just looking at each other in disbelief and were wondering if they even played the game, the core was not fun or even there.