The Knights Templar Are Hiding In Plain Sight

Published 2022-04-04
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Thoughty2 (Arran) is a British YouTuber and gatekeeper of useless facts. Thoughty2 creates mind-blowing factual videos about science, tech, history, opinion and just about everything else.

Writing: Steven Rix
Editing: Jack Stevens

All Comments (21)
  • I think one of the main reasons the Knights Templar are still well known is because the name is cool as hell.
  • @ruicorreia6373
    Fun fact: As the video says, the templars fled to Portugal to form a new order, members of that order where present in pretty much every big moment of Portugal's age of exploration. The Order of Christ, still exists today as one of the honorary commendations the portuguese republic can give. The president is seen many times with a red and green ribbon in formal events, people think these colors represent the national colors, but they are actually representing the Order of Christ (red) and the Order of Avis (green) of which the president of Portugal is the grandmaster, as soon as he/she takes office. So Ubisoft, if you ever want a really cool Assassin's Creed, you know where to do it.
  • @JamesRDavenport
    The best conspiracy theory about the Templars IMO is this one: Before they were disbanded, what was item 1 on the agenda? Having their own Templar state in Europe. What was their biggest job by their end? International banking. Is there a country today with a red and white cross flag known for international banking and unique to all other European nations in its foriegn policy? Yeaaap. It's of course a more complicated story, but the Templars used that land in the middle of Europe all the time and had strong connections with the local cantons who were fighting their overlords in France and HRE for independence.
  • @johnhall8596
    I really appreciated this account of the Knights Templar. The narrative follows precisely what I found when I researched the subject. But I can add more information that helps to open up a subsequent story that the video clip had not intended to address. Before I started researching the Templars, I developed a fascination with everything Portuguese. I even devoted six years towards learning the language. What interested me was why did the Portuguese push out into the Atlantic Ocean at the start of the 1400s? Compared to other European countries, how did the Portuguese gain the incentives (and knowledge) to venture out into the big waters. As I sought to answer my research questions, I visited Sagres, a small town at the southwest corner of Europe's continent and also of Portugal. From the town one can walk out to what is claimed as the location of a school led by Prince Henry the Navigator. Out on a large outcropping, with the sky above and the churning sea down below, it is assumed that it was here that Henry educated the next generation in navigation, cartography, and everything related to serous seafaring. Speaking with a Portuguese friend late one night, he related to me that members of the Portuguese intelligencia think that Henry's school was not near Sagres. This late night point got to my curiosities and I used my annual visits to Portugal to also explore the Knights Templar. While in Paris I had learned of the fate of Jacque de Molay, and the ending of the good days for the Templars. Researching a bit, I found out about a town known as Thomar or Tomar that is located on the Rio Tejo, upriver from Lisbon, upriver from Santarem. Upon visiting Tomar, I found a statue in the town square commemorating a Templar who founded the town. I do have precise research notes in front of me, but I'll use my pretty good memory. Dom Gualdim Pais (1118-1195) was a member of the Templars and he founded Tomar. When the King of France ruined the Templars and burned Jacques de Molay in 1314, the story I put together is that the rank and file of the Templars quietly marched out of Paris and France and headed to already founded Tomar. As was noted in the video, the fleeing Templars were welcomed by King Denis I. The Templars changed their name to the ""Order of our Lord Jesus Christ,"(Ordem de Cristo) or (a ordem dos cavaleiros de Cristo) : and are still going strong today, at least in Portugal. If one looks up prominent members of Portuguese society, essentially every one is a member of this brotherhood. As but one example, the currently head of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, was also a prime minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002. My research into the Knights of Christ listed him as a member, as is every other prominent male member of Portuguese society. But this is only the start of the story that could follow the video. Yes, the Templars continue to this day, in this modified form in Portugal. Getting back to what was my research question, why did the Portuguese push out into the Atlantic and essentially open up an era of global commercial trade that is still defines our world today? . The answer to this question takes us back to Tomar where the Templars had settled. I think this is where Prince Henry had his school. In prior years the Templars were integrated into the Holy Land and once at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea, one is close to the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Arab world. The Arabs had a fully developed trade with India, especially a trade in spices, which were so important for the preservation of proteins in meats, fish, dairy. And these spices as preservatives of foods is what the Europeans needed to raise their nutritional standards. My understanding is that the Templars had gained this knowledge regarding Arab trade with India (and later Ottoman trade) and also had the charts of the seas to India. Another dimension to this story is that as we get into the 1400s there are going to be hostilities developing towards non-christians in Al-Andalus (today's southern Spain), and the Jews feeling this pressure that would lead to the Inquisition in the 1490s, started to migrate out of Al-Andalus and over to Portugal where the anti-semitism would remain less pronounced. When I visited Tomar I understood that there had stood a synagogue of importance. So the understanding that I formulated is that there was a synergy forming in the location of Tomar: of Templars, with their wealth and knowledge of the eastern Mediterranean and the cartography of the Arabian seas and Indian Ocean. Then you have the Sephardic Jews with their background in and orientation towards taking risk and going forward with merchant activity. Add to this Prince Henry, who was royalty, but without responsibilities associated with ruling Portugal. My understanding is that in Tomar, Prince Henry would lead the way for ultimately getting to India by developing seafaring capacities that would carry their modest ships around the Cape of Good Hope and on to Kerala, India. They came up with designs for the "caravel" with its extra thick hull made of oak and a triangular, lateen sail that allowed the boats to beat into the wind. We could think of Tomar as where astronauts of the 1400s learned what they needed to know to undertake the great seafaring adventures. The future captains got their schooling in navigation, learned of the sextant (from the Arab realm) for plotting latitude, and all of the other essentials for pushing out into and traversing the great Oceans on the way to India and beyond. Based upon my research, intuition, and carefully speculation, we need to think of the Templars as evolving and seeking out new challenges and creating new opportunities. In this sense, the Templars helped to define the "Age of Exploration and Discovery," and changed the course of world history. If one visits Tomar today, on the edge of town and up on a hilltop, one finds a convent that was transformed to accommodate the Templars. Integrated into the convent I found a replica of parts of the Solomon's Temple, complete with symbols that suggest a secret society rooted in the mysticism of the Holy Land. I was hoping for a museum in order to gain better background, but my sense is that the Portuguese have not fully researched this story that I have tried my best to put together. Maybe others contributing to the comments can offer their insights into what I have laid out in the lines above, JH
  • @tobins6800
    One thing that was left out. The order to disband the Templars was issued on Friday the 13th. Thus making that day unlucky forever.
  • @drewskij2175
    There's more interesting aspects of the Temple Knights, eating habits, their daily routines and their absolute love for their horses. You'd be hard pressed to find a military order that took better care of their mind, bodies, weaponry, armor and the horses they took into battle throughout history. Were they perfect no but extremely interesting to say the least.
  • @VadersFirst
    I have personally met and spoken with a Templar. I spent two years abroad in Brazil as a missionary. During my time there, I met a lot of different people, including a lot of Freemasons. Their presence is pretty strong at least in southern Brazil. In one city I lived in for a while, called Rio do Sul in Santa Catarina, there was a particularly interesting experience. I was going around home to home trying to find anyone who would talk to me and there was this one elderly man who seemed interested. He had a decent house from the outside but nothing to tell stories about. I went inside his home to talk and he took me to what seemed to be a study/den. Think about the classic rich boomer studies you see in movies where everything is kind of dark, elaborate wood ornamenting, etc. One detail that I noticed was his ring. I asked him about it and he told me something that I had never heard before. He told me that he was a Templar. Obviously I asked him to clarify and he mentioned the order of the Knights Templar. Part of the story he told was that of the Freemasons. According to his story, the Freemasons took many aspects of the Templars but the remaining Templars had moved over to the Freemasons. With this group, they started a diverging branch of Freemasonry called the Templars. What that actually does and what it comes down to as far as I understand, it’s the exact same thing and there’s nothing particularly special about the Templars vs Freemasons, except the Templars are very specifically Christian Freemasons. That’s it. Anyway, thanks for listening to my TED Talk.
  • @martiuscastle
    That cross was on the sails of the first ships to arrive in Brazil, and gave the later its first name: Land of the Holy Cross. The cross is to this day engraved in the founding stone the portuguese left at that occasion. One of the reasons we (Brazilians) call our country "The last crusade".
  • The Templars didnt just go to Portugul . The Pope had already excomunicated Robert The Bruce. When a King is excommunicated so are all of his subjects. Meaning Scotland was a huge hiding place for former Templars to flee to. Those Templars fought for Robert the Bruce in the Battle of Bannakburn. Robert was so grateful he gave permission for them to use his name to knight others into their order......The Scottish Rite....
  • @luispinheiro2567
    As a Portuguese, i´m proud of our Templar Legacy. Portugal was raised as a Templar country and ouir first King, Afonso Henriques was brother of the Knights Templars. The Reconquista, our own crusade against the muslims, was aided by the Templars and other Orders. When the Templars ended, the wise King Dinis renew the Templars Order in the Order of Christ (Ordem de Cristo) transforming the red cross, putting a white cross in the center, meaning that the previous Templar Order was purified. This new Order of Christ (Ordem de Cristo) funded the Age of Discoveries (the sails of the Portuguese ships were displaying the new red and white cross, and not the royal portuguese coat of arms). Thus, many of the countries of the many viewers of this video, owe, in fact, the discovery of the World by the Portuguese (renewed) Knights Templars.
  • @MKahn84
    I've long said that the Knights Templar still exist, and that their treasure isn't buried anywhere. Except for some relics they consider very important, I believe their treasure is all in normal investments - real estate, stocks & bonds, banks, etc. They've been investing and using their vast wealth to support their organization and ideals for centuries.
  • @Pastel_of_Nate
    King Dinis, the Portuguese king at the time. When force to destroy the templars order in Portugal, literally just changed their name because the order was very lucrative and useful to him.
  • There is a documentary that talks about how they found a false wall in the Templars treasury that led down into a cave, that led to the ocean. Pretty much meaning the king was coming after their money so they took as much of it as they could, put it on a boat and built a false wall so no one would know how they got it out.
  • @CaptApril123
    I was not aware of the Templers basically becoming a banking system. I knew they were wealthy but had no idea of their financial dealings. Excellent video.
  • @dutchboy9273
    "The Knights Templar are hiding in plain sight"? Yes, we are.
  • When Philip had the KT 'rounded up' on Friday 13th 1307, he did NOT find the KT finances. 1 - The KT fleet had already sailed from La Rochelle heading for the Orkney Islands then Edinburgh, see Rosslyn Chapel with St Clair (now Sinclair Custodians). 2 - The 'Wealth' of the KT was swiftly 'relocated' into the then nine cantons of a country that became SWITZERLAND (which has NEVER been invaded to date - think about it). Sincerely/So Mote It Be.
  • @ruipac22
    I’m portuguese and I can assure you that the mysticism is still alive here. I’ve always been fascinated by the Knights’ history and I’m quite sure they’re still around. Anyways, great video!
  • Amazing that despite them being disbanded it’s still a household name even in the 21st century. Interesting though the Papal Inquisition, Hospitaller Knights and Knights of Malta still exist.
  • @earthling-fh2mg
    They do still exist. I just don’t know who’s side they’re on. I’m Scottish but worked for a Colorado based company and, in 2018/19, I was in Colorado Springs visiting HQ. One night in my hotel bar, I got speaking to a guy who told me he was head of one of the KT orders and we had a debate about the world situation, me from a Conspiracy viewpoint and he, agreeing with me on the majority of what I was saying, argued the KT point of view. I thought, of course, he was probably full of it but I looked him up online and, lo and behold, he was, in fact, what he said he was. He had suggested that, if I wished to consider joining, he would welcome it however, I still questioned whether the KT were what I consider to be the right side so I didn’t follow up. It was a fascinating discussion and evening however and boy could this guy drink!
  • @tlee656
    The Curse was not just as simple as those two kings. It extended to their families too. It was startlingly accurate. They were decimated by it. It would seem that God heard Jacques, and responded.