End your Bad Loops & Grow out of old Patterns 🦋 Oil Painting and an honest Conversation 📖

Published 2024-07-27
Evolve or Repeat 🦋 first 500 people using my link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare" skl.sh/valerielin07241

In this video I will try to break down my past behaviours and worldviews which have kept me in a painful cycle. No matter what you achieve in life you will always feel empty, if you don´t understand where true fullfilment comes from... And once you feel fulfilled and can stay in the present moment you operate on a different level, which I will focus on next with more consciousness.

With love,

🌸 Prints : www.valerielin.com/
🎻 Vlog Music: www.epidemicsound.com/referral/depurf
🦋 One-on-one calls (Mentoring) : calendly.com/itsvalerielin

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All Comments (21)
  • For whoever is reading this: don't get stuck in the idea of ​​having to heal yourself, don't make that your identity. We are human beings. Being human means feeling things all the time, experiencing and experimenting. Life doesn't have to be hard, and it doesn't have to be easy or perfect, it just is what it is. Something magical, fluid and uncomfortable. Life is always changing because we are always changing. And that's okay. We are always searching for "how to be better", "how to be more productive", "how to be happy", how to be this and that. We are always searching for meaning and definitions to tie ourselves down, and it shouldn't be that way. We are not problems that need to be solved. We are complex beings. It is important to find balance while we exist. It's okay to cry, it's okay to suffer, it's okay to be kind to yourself, it's okay to feel angry, it's okay to be discouraged. But don't let thoughts and feelings define who you are. Don't let the constant thought of having to heal define who you are. Don't be afraid to be human.
  • @cigdem844
    You know it’s strange how you call yourself lazy so easily while I’m always inspired by your hardwork. You paint, you take videos, edit them, you design your house, sell your paintings, create videos for other media etc. Maybe there are times when you struggle to work, study, or even just prepare dinner. But you have created a whole world here which inspires many people from all around the world. You can be perfectionist but this is not something that a lazy person could have achieved:) lucky to have you on youtube ❤
  • I still remember after so long when in the Berlin Library you asked me for a tissue, I told you in my horrible German that I liked your art, I don't know why I didn't speak to you in English, I could have told you more things...Today after so much time, and having seen your videos and the changes, I would like to tell you that I really appreciate how you express yourself. I congratulate you for being so brave to show your lights and shadows with people. You are a very good communicator and it is always a pleasure to watch your videos and reflect with you. Thank you so much :)
  • @Alinda1308
    Thank you, Valerie, for having been so honest. A couple of days ago I had a revelation about myself too, not a pleasent one. I have realized that many times I expected kind of a "special treatment": I wanted to achieve more than the others but doing less. It was an unconscious thing, I didn't know I was doing it. I thought that things must be easier for me because "I'm such a good person, I respect everyone, I follow the rules", etc... And I had to understand that I am unique, as everyone else, but not special. In order to achieve what I want in life I HAVE to put effort, to make sacrifices. As everybody else. As I said, it wasn't pleasent to understand this. I understood that sometimes I was in the wrong because some people made me notice this kind of pattern but I thought I was right and they were wrong. Again, expecting empathy because I did always what it was expected from me. But it was liberating to understand that no, I'm not special and that sometimes I am wrong. It was humbling and it helped me to understand a valuable lesson ❤ I am glad that the same thing happened to you (don't get me wrong, I'm not glad that you had to suffer, but I am glad that you have learned an important lesson). These moments are precious and I hope that one day I'm gonna discover more of these flaws of mine, so that I can correct them
  • In my youth, I once heard someone say that if everyone around you is the problem, YOU are the problem. I found it profound and true, so throughout my life, I have witnessed this with people who find that they are butting heads with everyone around them, they don't realize it is themselves that are the issue. Good for you for coming to this heavy realization and for working on it, it isn't easy to be vulnerable and try new things that make you uncomfortable to improve your life, but you are on the right track, find what grounds you. For me, I am reading scripture and particularly the Psalms, a commentary called "A mentor commentary on Psalms" by Allan Harman. I'm finding it transformative and helping me understand my life's perspective. I wish you all the best and hope you find what you are searching for to live a happy life!
  • Dear Valerie, you are a marvelous creation of God. And through your suffering you are finding your way towards greatness.. do not give up. Love yourself with all your might bcoz you are worthy of all the love in this world. Bless you ! Love you. The mirror ball in your room is just like you.. its broken into millon pieces but when the light shines on it.. it creates magic and lights up the whole room.
  • @quart1111
    What you think, you become What you feel, you attract What you imagine, you create
  • @andadassi
    As I finished therapy, your video was the first thing I did. You my Angel, with all of your dark and bright sides; you know why? Because I went through all of your thoughts and feelings in a parallel world and deeply understand what you are saying… in every single video you shared… Thanks Valery for your existence 🤍🤍🤍
  • @dweamy1
    As a woman, especially a young woman, you are getting to know yourself. Bear in mind that hormones may also play a part in our outbursts and emotional reactions. Thank you for being so vulnerable with us, realising the dark side of ourselves is not an easy thing. I also get triggered, but have learnt to keep quiet, I go and think revengeful thoughts, then I let it be. I just need space to make peace with what has happened.
  • Valerie, sometimes we have to focus on the good within us, not so much on our negative aspects. Good overcomes darkness, strength overcomes weakness. You are a beautiful person with a beautiful heart. There is no way that you can paint beautiful paintings and have darkness within you. Don't allow negative thoughts to lie to you. Stop them before thay enter your mind completely. Replace the negative thoughts with new thoughts. Hopeful thoughts, positive thoughts. Force yourself to do so. It takes 21 days to create a new habit. Take Baby steps, that way you don't overwhelm yourself. It takes strength from within to change a mindset. You got this! You can and you will overcome your negative thoughts and habits. Stand strong, focus and take baby steps. Lift yourself up, your words to yourself are the most powerful words you'll ever hear. Much love! 💙❤💙
  • @TheAgelessAlien
    “Why do I have to create chaos to preform at my best.” This hit hard, I really resonate
  • It’s fascinating how similar we are, despite the differences in age and continents. As a painter and illustrator, the mention of embracing the chaos struck a chord with me. Your perspective on painting angels as a reflection of your inner darkness resonates deeply with my own journey. For years, I avoided that darkness, but over time, I’ve come to see it as my strength. I truly believe that mastering the balance between the darkness and light within us is the key to finding true peace. NB : I love ❤ your Channel and your Arte 🎩 you are a real old soul ❤
  • Thank you so much for sharing yourself in this way. You’re someone I look up to (full time artist and youtuber) and I felt I wasn’t enough to achieve the things I want because I struggle with my emotions and self-esteem as well, but seeing you struggle too and it hasn’t stop you, is inspiring. This videos makes me feel less alone, especially today, that I found out my ex-boyfriend has a new girlfriend and he seems to be taking steps with her he didn’t want to take with me. Thank you
  • @moanamiri
    I’m halfway through and this video feels like a gentle hug, feeling of being understood, a motivation to continue healing & embracing a true-self and a proof that I’m not alone in this!! I know that it is not easy to talk about your life and healing journey even to a person but you are literally shining through!!!❤ And the painting is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen! I’d love to purchase it for my future home!! I think finding this video was meant to be! Some random thing just triggered me and it made me realize I still am not being in control of myself and my feelings. I was searching videos because I’d like to end the resentment I have towards all of the things piled up for years and years. I really thank you for what you do and you simply existing in this world ✨ I hope your healing journey continues to bring strength to your emotional intelligence, love through your heart and soul and please don’t you ever chance your lovely self!!!❤
  • @theresekim
    Thank you, Valerie, for wanting to help people by sharing and being so honest and open. I know many people will relate with you and can benefit from your insights. God bless you.
  • Hey Valerie I’m not sure you would see this but I just wanted to say that your videos are like a therapy to me it helps me to overcome my darkest hours and also inspires me to paint.i just wanted to say thank you and keep going Sending Love
  • @angelartamesia2
    Valerie, I have watched your channel grow and develop from the very beginning. Like one of the comments said, it is unusual that you do call yourself lazy, but so am I and so are other people who have learned to grow and become successful. Everyone is lazy at one point in their life. I am so inspired by your videos. When I was at my lowest point, your videos really helped to soothe and calm me ( I even wrote that down in my diary!) I am so grateful for your videos, I am so happy that you are realizing that you don't have to be perfect, you don't need to be the best or that you don't need to suffer. I have realized that as well. Thank you Valerie🙇‍♀
  • Love it when you speak freely - “SO REAL” 🙏 So refreshing ❤
  • @fizakhan9999
    Dear Valerie, This is truly your most honest video so far. I’m 23 years old and I aspire to become a good artist , breaking out of my old patterns where my life revolved around academic validation and seeking love from outside. I relate to everything you talked about in this video. I paint flowers because I find them most beautiful and yet the flowers that I’ve planted in my balcony are dying. I’m becoming more and more aware and constantly trying. More power to you💌