What dying patients taught this doctor about the fear of death | Fahad Saeed | TEDxRochester

Published 2019-07-22

All Comments (21)
  • @penelope-oe2vr
    When my Dr told me I was terminal, I wold him he was too, so what. He's 75, I was 38. Said I have 12 weeks. I told him nope, I have stuff to do. That was July 2015, im still here. I'm still raising my daughter and making the most of every moment.
  • I'm 76 years old and and have faced the perspective of death. The thought of leaving my loved ones behind was the greatest concern at the time. As I get older and my body weakens and it becomes easier to except the fact that I will die. I wake up each day and thank the Lord for blessing me with the gift of that day. I look at the world almost like a child and reveling the freedoms of enjoying so many things in this world. I'm happy with the things I have and worry less about the things I don't have. My wife and I enjoy so many things together. I worry about the trends out there and wish I could get people to hate less and to use their minds more. Stress seems to guide society today. Its hard to believe how ungrateful people can be. If I die tomorrow I will die with the knowledge that I enjoyed my time here during my lifetime and look forward to meeting the Lord in my next life. Ray
  • @cathylopez3034
    My hero is my husband. He died of pancreatic cancer seven weeks ago today. He received the toughest chemo with no complaint. When it quit working, he tried another. And another. Sicker and sicker, thinner and thinner, never complained. Worried about other people up until the day he died. The most unselfish man I’ve ever known. Even wanted to forego pain meds as much as possible so he could be more alert and active. He gave me and our kids so much love, even more during those 11 months. I will love and miss him forever.
  • @mortpes
    I have stage 4 terminal cancer. I totally accept death. However, our society should allow me more choices about how i handle the last few hours.
  • @harrytherat9830
    My dad passed away last August from brain cancer. I couldn’t understand how for the whole time after he was diagnosed to his final moments he was so positive and graceful. His last words were “can you cut me few slices of cheese?”
  • The one who doesn't have any health problems plzz be grateful and pray or help the needy ones
  • @jvszn
    "All the mortals will taste death, but only a few will taste life" , this one quote kept me going. For anyone fearing death, come one, you have one life as you, lets taste it. Go and hug someone you love right now.
  • @Bozojimmy
    im not scared of death...im scared of suffering till i die
  • I have lost a LOT of family, starting with my parents' drownings when I was14 y/o, and MANY more due to various illnesses and conditions. But, before my late husband, (2019), I had never lived with and cared for anyone on a daily basis with terminal cancer. All throughout his illness, I was astounded at how he never complained and accepted his fate. He lived his life wide open, took chances and seemed fearless to me. He taught me a lot about how to live and he made it easier for me when my time comes. He was in Hospice the last few days of his life and he faced his death with a deep faith, strength and courage. I know my Father's Promises, so that lessens my fear.The last thing I said to him was, 'You have fought a long, hard battle, but you don't have to fight anymore. Don't worry about me. You know that I'm a strong woman and we WILL see each other again. I love you!' A few hours later he gave up the fight. I miss every single thing about him, every single day.
  • @shawnstatzer95
    My near-death experiences completely changed my perspective on life and death. I have a shirt that says do not fear dying, fear the unlived life. Thank you for the uplifting video.
  • @fourtails1192
    Never take your health for granted and never ignore your body when it tells you that something is wrong..God bless you all and peace be with you
  • At the age of 5...The first funeral I attended was my little 3yo brothers, the same year, i went to my Great grandmother's funeral, she was in her 90s...at the age of 5, I knew that age doesn't have anything to do with death. We all die, enjoy every moment you have because we don't choose how many moment's we receive.
  • @Keeks4
    I am a Christian, but several years ago I suddenly became very fearful thinking about death. I did not mention it to my husband or family or friends. A few months later I went to a ladies retreat at my church and the guest speaker prayed for several people who desired prayer. I went forward. I did not say what I wanted prayer for, but the lady started praying out loud and she said “Honey, the Lord wants you to know, the minute you stop breathing and close your eyes, you’ll be with Him”. I started to cry. But from that moment on, that fear of death left me, and it has never returned.
  • @kaw8473
    I'm 29 years old, 18 weeks pregnant and my mother has less than a week to live after being diagnosed with stage 5 cervical cancer. I can't visit her because the hospital's strict covid policy so please call your mom and tell her you love her.
  • @olefella7561
    Wishing everyone here good health, success, and happiness! ❤️
  • @rosedotson2684
    I am a nurse and I am so incredibly impressed with the compassion and love for his fellow humans this man exudes, something rare in most doctors. Thank you Dr. Saeed!
  • @ZanderLeee
    I’m 21 almost 22 and For the past few days I’ve been getting a lot of anxiety about death. Right now as I write this I’m still overthinking and having anxiety. I wish I could come to the conclusion that everything will be okay and that death and time flying isn’t the problem. I wanna be okay with it but I’m scared. And sometimes I feel alone but I always try find a way to tell myself I’m not alone. Like reading these comments. I love life and I just wanna be better so that when I die. I have no regrets and I’m happy. I just think that time is flying by and death is getting closer. But we are human and I believe we deserve better. In every way
  • We spend so much time thinking about death that we forget what it means to be alive. Lets all start to live life and appreciate those around us that remind us what it means to be alive. Peace