Paranormal stories

Published 2023-01-07

All Comments (21)
  • I’m a RETIRERED RN. When I was finishing up my degree, I worked as an Extern on an Oncology floor, back in the early 80’s. I did this to conquer that requirement of death and dying, and to conquer my fear of the unknown. I was not searching for anything spiritual or paranormal, but I found that portion of my education, without formal instruction. One evening while on duty, one of the RNs became quite busy with admissions and an overwhelming amount of both meds and paperwork. One of her patients was slipping fast into an active dying stage, and the Nurse wanted her to have comforting measures as needed. She asked me to simply go in and sit with her and ad lib her care as needed. I entered her room, finding the patient fast asleep, but sat in the chair with one of my textbooks and simply began studying for my upcoming finals. A short time passed, and I quietly closed my book, realizing I needed to drain her Foley and finish her daily I and O report. The lady stirred and spoke . Believing she was speaking to me, I asked her if she needed anything or if she would like anything from the kitchen. She replied sweetly,”No dear. We don’t need anything at all, but if you’re finished with your studies, would you mind turning off the lights? And, please stay, just make yourself comfortable.” I told her I would gladly do that, and complied with her request, right after letting her Nurse know what the plan was, and handing her the completed I and O report. I glanced at the clock, noting I only had another hour before I was off duty, so I knew that I was basically finished with any charting tasks as I had only this patient for the rest of my shift. I shut off the lights, and closed the door, and settled into the recliner at her bedside. She was asleep, and her breathing was quite rhythmic. A few minutes later, she awoke and exclaimed there was a strange lighted tunnel in front of us, with sparkles moving up and down the tunnel. I personally thought she might be talking in her sleep at first, but proven to be quite wrong. She asked me if I could see the tunnel that was right in front of us. I had to answer her honestly, and simply replied, “No, Ma’am.” She described the tunnel as getting a bit brighter, and found it strange that the Sparkles were becoming fewer and fewer, but there appeared to be one that was getting closer, and she felt she recognized it. She kept stating she wished I could see it, but it didn’t matter was the one thing she knew was REAL. Then she said someone’s name, a male name and was introducing him to me. She told him I probably couldn’t see him because I couldn’t see the tunnel, but she trusted that I was the only person she had met that deserved to learn what this really was. As much as I wanted to hear someone answer her, no other voice was audible to me. But it was apparent to me that a conversation was occurring on a mixed plane of reality, although I could never have verbalized my thoughts with any clarity back then. I had no idea what I was semi-witnessing at that moment. My patient said to her invisible friend and to me that she was a bit tired, and was going tto take a little nap before the next shift change because that’s when it gets too noisy. The room became quiet again, but I kept noticing movement and reflection on the television screen that was up in the corner of the darkened room. At first I passed it off as being a reflection from the light of the hallway passing thru the space between the bottom of the door and the heavily waxed floor, shining up on the darkened Television screen. There were what appeared to be shadows moving Back and forthe, so I figured shift change must be starting. Suddenly, the television screen reflections became very bright, but the television had not even been turned on during my shift, and there was no programming ... not even the static, it’s very hard to describe, but a bright tunnel appeared and two people were walking arm in arm away from the “camera”....and as quickly as it appeared, it all faded back to the silent darkness in the room. Silence. That was what I focused upon! No sounds. No rhythmic breathing. I stood up, turned the light on in the restroom so as not to disturb the lady....... I couldn’t disturb her. She had passed, and I believe I literally saw her as she walked into her new Reality.
  • My mother died when I was in 9th grade. Years later, my new husband and I bought a completely empty house. In it, was ONE thing, a newspaper from the day and year my mother died. To me, it was a happy greeting that she was heartened that everything turned out well.
  • @lorinelson7607
    My dad was very scared to die. While he was in hospice he was looking in the corner and said "mama". I was so happy that his mother came to calm him down. What gets me is his mother died giving birth to him so it's strange that he knew who she was. I miss my dad so much!
  • @susieq2806
    My friends 6 month old baby boy died of Sids. She was totally unable to function at all. One night she heard a voice calling to her,and when she awoke it was her son,as a man,all in radiant light,and he said " mother, i am fine,please don't cry,or grieve anymore. We will be together again, and he left the room. This comforted her,and she wasfine,from then on. ❤
  • I worked in a nursing home. I was in a patients room, she said to me “do you see the Angel? Its so beautiful-I thought she just had dementia. I politely told her no-I didn’t see anything, left , and didn’t think anything of it. I returned about 15 minutes later and she had passed. I will never forget that.
  • When I was about 10 years old I accompanied my grandmother every Saturday when she would go to the cemetery to visit my grandfather's grave, then we would go to a rest home where we would visit her mother, my great-grandmother, "Granny." My great-grandmother was quite elderly, blind, and bedridden but incredibly enough very sound mentally. When I was 13 my grandmother passed from metastatic breast cancer. My grandmother was very close held about her cancer diagnosis and never brought it up to her mother. Incredibly enough, my great-grandmother was still in the rest home, and she was still mentally cognizant. My aunts and I paid her a visit after the passing of my grandmother who had 2 living sisters, my grandmother being the youngest. My aunts decided that they would not tell my great-grandmother that her youngest daughter had passed but during our visit, my great-grandmother suddenly blurted out "Maria came to visit me and she said it is beautiful in heaven and I am going to love it there." We were all speechless and my one Aunt who had been taking my grandmother's passing very hard began to cry. My Granny, at 101 years of age passed away shortly after this event. I am 72 and have metastatic lung cancer, I am in palliative care and realize that there is no chance of "recovering" from my cancer. Throughout my life, I have had many "unusual" experiences convincing me of life after death. The words from my Granny were just the beginning!
  • @martymayes2906
    I am terminal, so I naturally find myself watching videos like this from time to time when I feel brave enough to explore my future mortality. I spent 25 years in emergency services, as a police officer and a fire fighter. I was shot once as a cop, I have had building fall on me a a fire fighter. I mention that, becasue I lived a life I thought had prepared me to understand my death, if it came. Of course, I have been with countless people as they passed due to my job. I never found any of it peacful, but that was due to it being violent and tragic in most cases. So, I ramble through these thoughts, now as I lay dying under the slow consumption of cancer, I am afraid. Not becasue I am dying per se, but becasue I am losing for the frist time. I have fought death on so many levels and in so many ways in my career, and now it has the upper hand. I will hopefully find that peace you say is waiting for me. I know God and his presence brings me comfort, for I did what I know He asked me to do on this earth for Him. But in the end, I am human and we have our fears and frailities. Today, I feel brave enough to say I am afraid, and that's ok. I have a lovely wife at my side, who made it possible for me to "come hone" for my remaining time. (back to the town where we met and got married) I am not sure why I wrote all of this, but thank you for letting me be here. As we use to say when we got into a tight spot at work, and knew it might not turn out well, see you on the other side.
  • @Ms.Stephanie.C
    When my firstborn died at age six from a very rare brain cancer, I don’t recall anyone explaining it to me very well about why it would be bad to give her an IV or food, or water. I just remember she didn’t want anything. I always felt guilty that I didn’t try harder to make her eat or drink, so it’s good that you’re explaining this to people. She did go through 4 days of what they called a “semi-coma” before she passed away. She also told me she saw Jesus, a few weeks before she died. 💗💗💗
  • My grandmother passed at 102 years old. Her husband Bill (my grandfather) was gassed in WW1 and died shortly after the war. I was at her bedside when she passed and she was fairly well out of it at the time. Suddenly she sat up, eyes wide open, a big smile on her face with her arms raised toward the ceiling. She said, "Oh Bill, it's so wonderful to see you!" Then she flopped back on the pillow and died. Blew me away, but she died happy, that's for sure.
  • @torqueguy1
    One day before my mother passed, she was in a coma. The whole family has gone up to her hospital room. While there, the Dr stopped in and informed us that she was in a coma, would not come out of it as she has started the dying process. Shortly after he left, she started mumbling something. My sister ran over and sat on her bed and put her ear closer to my mom’s mouth to try to hear what she was mumbling. My sister stood up and ran out of the room crying. I caught up to her in the hallway and asked what did mom say? My sister said that mom said her parents had come to get her and she wanted to go with them. True story from a real person who witnessed this
  • @fawnburgess1441
    I was a covering RN at Hospice in Lansing MI back in 2005, for another nurse who had sadly died and her associates were attending her funeral. Her name was Lisa, and her patients adored her, many were counting on her to be in attendance at their death. I was to visit her patients that day, and one was actively dying, any moment. I drove out the see her first. When I arrived at her care faciltiy she had already passed away, but the staff were in a state of surprise and some shock. They had not told her of Lisa's death and so the patient had no idea there was a funeral going on. She expected Lisa to show up that day. As she was dying she suddenly began to smile toward a dark corner of the room and raised her arm to wave and welcome someone. She exclaimed, "Lisa, you finally showe up!" and she smiled with such love and happiness everyone in the room felt startled and amazed. Within moments the woman closed her eyes and crossed over. Staff and family in the room felt convinced that she had left with her hospice nurse Lisa, who visited her and had kept her word, even from beyond the grave.
  • @imitatefirst
    Thanks, Julie. I am terminal stage four lung cancer and have decided I am done with all treatments. This information is very comforting, and I thank you for sharing!
  • I lost my baby son when he was only 2 days old. I was devastated and was crying all the time. While I was lying in bed crying one morning, I saw a beautiful light at the corner of my bed. In the light was a young man who resembled my husband but much younger and blond. He spoke to me ( not out loud but I understood). He said “ I don’t want you to be so sad Mom” He said it twice and then the light and he faded away. From that moment on, I felt my son was safe. My heart began to heal.
  • My 18 year old daughter seen angels before she passed . She would smile and nod at what ever they was saying . It gave me some peace . Kristen was calmed by them as well . She was completely in her right mind when this happened.
  • @BaadleaBeedleBop
    I am a hospice Music Therapist. I have seen this many times, including with my own mother and one of my cousins. Once a patient told me he crossed over into Heaven while he was sleeping, and described it to me. He said he kept getting sent back to tell people that the most important thing we need to do here is love each other. Another time I was sent to provide services to a patient who was imminent. I walked in with my harp and his granddaughter burst into tears, saying she had been praying for her granddad to have harp music as he passed. I assessed him and his RR was 4. I knew he would pass at any moment. When I began to play my harp he raised his head and focused his eyes and looked at me. I introduced myself and continued. A moment later, a young woman rushed in, crying "Granddad! I made it!" and she held him close. He had waited for her. Then he passed. I have been so privileged to be of service to these families.
  • I find it so interesting that shortly after coming into this world and shortly before exiting it, we have the ability to see spirits. It's almost like our consciousness is more connected with the opposite side of the veil at those specific points in one's life.
  • Julie, In 2006, my wife was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the age of 46. Given 12 to 14 months to live, she lived 14 months. About a month before her passing, on a Sunday afternoon she and I we’re setting quietly in our living room, I thought she was asleep when out of the blue she ask, “Danny, do you see the angles” I said no and she then said, “ the room is full of angles, but they don’t have faces”. She never mentioned them again, but she did say later something about butterflies that continues to amaze me to this day. Three times within the first year of her passing butterflies did come, did unbelievable things, just to let me know, she was still present. Because of my experiences since her passing and channels such as yours, I no longer fear death. I truly believe we transition into another realm. Thank you for all of the wonderful knowledge you share.
  • My grandma told she was scared to die . And I said “your raised my mother and you’re scared to die?” She laughed so loud and said “we’ll I’m glad I did because I got you out of it” 😂
  • @l2iowacowgirl893
    My daughter died of cancer she was almost 4 years old. A few months later, my dad had a traumatic medical episode, He was hospitalized and put in intinsivcare. He had Ivs pumps all the equipment needed to keep him alive. he was on life support. I went to the hospital with my 18 month old daughter to see my father. As soon as I pushed the stroller threw the door my baby girl looked over to the corner of the room and said hi to her sister! It floored me❤
  • My family had been taking turns at my grandmother’s bedside during her last moments of life. During my brother’s shift, he saw our grandfather waiting to take her home. He was no longer a man in his 80’s but was in his 20’s. He told my brother he was coming to get his bride. This was so amazing to the family and such a blessing.