Published 2021-08-15
★ The musical is coming up soon, and tensions are high at Ward University. As Erika has to deal with a major injustice during rehearsals, Fatima turns to prof. Rutledge for help with the script she's been working on. ★


★ Thumbnail art by DRAUFILM ★
YouTube channel:    / @draufilm  
Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/draufilm

Omg. OMG. Can you believe we're FINALLY back??? It's been SO LONG, I've missed doing this so muchhhhhhhhhhhhh you guys don't understand 😭 As you might've gathered from the title, this episode touches on some pretty heavy and serious topics, so please take care before watching. 💖 (NOW SOME QUESTIONS FOR THE VIEWERS, MILD SPOILERS AHEAD):

1. So... do you think Erika and Fatima are right, or are they overreacting?
2. What do you think Fatima should do? What would YOU do? - two very different questions lol
3. Thoughts on the ships shown in this episode? Good moments?
4. Thoughts on that final scene??? 👀

★ CAST ★
Lori Caberera – ceesy5
Kaci Reign – Bri Storm
Charlie Zimmer – Serendipitia
Candy Ward – Allie Goodell
Fatima Antar – Reina CL
Ezra Hunter – Sir_Shaggert
Cleo Harper – ShadowGamingVA
Travis Lockhart – Phoenix-Artisan
Raymond Stainfield – ConnorTheVGFan78
Raja Banerjee – Cresmeré
Erika Bell – Zarii Arri
Prof. Rutledge, Thorne Bailey – TheRichVoices
Prof.Mage, Judith Ward – Dianapocalypse
Jasper Bell – HeyAndre
Gideon Jones – Easy Mac
Derek Fraser – Dale Drau
Prof. Drawn – MLJone

All Comments (21)
  • @TheCharzarr
    Ok. But that trick Judith putting all of the students of color in the back broke my heart. Growing up, I was called tarbaby, midnight, blackie and the list goes on. If I was ever told I was pretty it was “pretty for a black girl.” It hurts. Thanks for shedding light to these ugly realities
  • @OBiGem
    I love the level of care you brought to the racism storyline. That level of subtlety is hard to land on, but you did it. Can't wait to find out what's on the flash drive and where Thorne is hiding out!
  • @embersims
    i have to say, i genuinely love the VAs acting! it felt so real and natural— i got chills all over! i was shocked seeing Thorne after all this time and Candy ditching Ryan? YESSSS my ship is finally sailing, well..kinda? i seriously can’t wait for more ❤️
  • @TheCharzarr
    I feel so deeply for Fatima. I am glad that she trusted her gut. I know irl a lot of girls, including myself, have been gaslighted into abuse or worse. Calling out red flags when you see it, and believing yourself is so important. (Not victim blaming. Just making an observation.) Although so many words went unsaid, a lot es still said this episode. Phenomenal job, as always! Also. I hate that I love Thorn Bailey’s voice 😂
  • Every show needs someone like Fatima, she handled that so well! What a creepy guy and now she's got to go to his class :( He's such a high profile guy as well so it'll take about 100 women reporting him before anything is done :( I don't know if you've seen Moxie (the film), but feel like Fatima could start a zine calling out the school's racism and other bullshit. Excellent production, as always!
  • Woah! The rehearsal scene was so shocking and intense with barely any dialogue. Poor Fatima can't catch a break. And the ending?? Wtf we're getting closer to the truth and I cannot wait!!!
  • This episode got really deep with social issues, and I applaud you for how well everything turned out! You did a great job especially with the dialogue with Erika, Fatima, and Raymond. The idea that the racism is all in their head, but not being able to speak up about it because they'll be seen as aggressive or crazy. The idea that intentions do NOT matter, it is how your racism (no matter how unintentional) affects others. Absolutely fantastic job addressing such serious issues in the series so far. ALSO WHEN CANDY CAME DOWN INTO THE BASEMENT AND EVERYONE WAS LIKE :0 MY HEART <333 AND CLEO COMING IN AND HOLDING ERIKA'S HAND AFTER SHE REALIZED HOW HURT SHE WAS IM- GOOOOOD look at those little rat friends
  • @fedewolf838
    I was so worried about Jasper after last episode, I thought his situation would get worse but it seems like he's trying to get back on track,keep it up Jas🥰 I said from the beginning that Prof Rutlege was giving me Prof Jefferson vibes ... and here we are 🙄 Our protagonist are growing and Fatima's dialogue is an example: Growing up means realizing that the world around us is not a fairytale but is full of problems and injustices,so deeply rooted in society that they seem to have no solution but in reality the solution would be so simple,if each of us did our part by treating others in a better way. It is so demoralizing that young people have to carry the weight of a society which is based on rotten roots but being aware of that is the only thing that can lead us towards change.I'm sure our characters will change WU with their actions.😌 And Finally we saw Thorne Bailey 🤩 whenever Vanessa and Thorne are shown I'm kind of hypnotized because, you knows, I want to know more about their mystery 🤭 I can't wait to see the next episode musical, I've been waiting for it since it was announced 🤣
  • @Dundas7595
    Ew, that professor is so gross and Judith is literally the worst. This academy is something else! Love how the story is going so far and every VA ATE this entire episode!
  • @MissMani
    I can’t WAIT for each and every character to finally find their voices and their courage! They are going to take that whole university DOWN!
  • @rosskerr1439
    When Fatima said "And I'm just... me.", she sounded so insecure. With all that she's accomplished, getting into Ward, making that vlog series... I can't believe Rutledge got to her like that.
  • @Eltyanistah
    WOW. I had to stop the video just to say that the moment when Jasper was hallucinating, or his syndrome of depersonalization is... incredible. You amaze me. I want to thanks HeyAndre who did an incredible voice acting for Jasper too, you can hear it in that scene! Aswell as all the cast by the way! Aaaaand.. Judith Ward, the rich white colorblind actress shown herself quite well in that blatant racist intervention. We certainly didn't see that coming... Ceeertainly not, in our world full of injustices... I can't stand this woman, she's the typical image of the institutionnal racism. Also.. that writing professor did not inspire me at all. The minute he proposed te see Fatima outside of school me brain was like "red flag! red flaaaag". I hope he's gonna get hurt badly, loosehis job and feel ashamed of his actions. I'm sure Fatima i not his first victim. Tell me, the script that Raja couldn't write, is that your serie? Because you seem the talk about some pretty serious subjects here that she would talk about in her movie right? It's amazing. And Running up that hill, great choice <3
  • @lyaenidae6798
    That shot with the turtle on the log, i loved it ! As well as the whole episode, obviously, but it made me giggle to think of a tiny turtle living amongst all those students 😂
  • @Giuliabuilds
  • @MissMani
    Why is this series soooooooo gooooooooodd!!
  • @SpaceCowKB
    I seriously don't know where to start! Overall, this episode was phenomenal; from the writing (MAJOR props to you 🤩), to the VA's performances - seriously they are all so freaking talented!, to the music you used to emphasize certain scenes 🤯🤯And you know NANA always puts everyone in the feels lmao The new VA for Fatima - WOW - they did absolutely AMAZING with portraying Fatima's emotions this episode 😍 It was so funny to me how in this episode some of the characters were HORRENDOUS at lying lmaooo like Kaci trying to say she had nothing behind her back, to Travis' voice getting superr high when chatting with Ezra 😆😆😆 Each episode Travis and Ezra's banter kills meeee lmao but for real: Ezra does need to be grounded lol Also, I noticed something for the first time and I COULD NOT stop laughing: Ezra's walk 👀💀 IDK what that professor is talking about though - Jasper's painting was Louvre worthy 😤💀😆 TURTLE ON A LOG literally stole the show, I lost all focus....look at his little cute body 👀🐢💚 Gideon really surprised me this episode with how supportive he became of Jasper. It seemed as if he truly cared and wanted to see his "friend" improve his life. Tears 😢🥰 I know I am not seeing Judith Ward be an even SH*TTIER person! What the actual - Like literally HOW DARE SHE??!! 🤬🤬 "Not about their abilities but how pretty"??!! How degrading, racist, and disgusting seriously, what did she smoke? lmao omg I'm so angry for all of them I don't think Cleo really thought before she spoke and I expected Erica to get angry and upset. I feel for her, she deserves better all around 🥺 But knowing how much Cleo and Erica have been through together I am always confident in their friendship 😌🥰💞 Derek and Jasper's convo - BLEW MY MIND. I did not expect Jasper to even be able to offer assistance or advise considering how gone (mentally) he always is. It's cool to watch Derek open up a bit more but dang, he has a wayssss to go. The WHOLE situation with Fatima and her Professor...I only know rage now 😂 I am absolutely baffled, BAFFLED, how he sees NOTHING inappropriate with offering for her to come to his apartment. The absolute nerve of him to call her dramatic and attempt to gaslight her!! I want to jump through the screen and save Fatima (from your writing lmaoooo stahhhhpppp making me feel - wait DON'T 🤣❤️) The disrespect is so loud my eardrum popped - what a WEIRDOOOOO, I vote to kick him off the island let's goooooooo 🥾👋 One word: FAYMOND - yessssssssssss 😍😍😍 The way they both feel safe enough to confide in one another gives my heart butterflies!!! They're so cute I can't contain my love for themmmmm! That Meg Meyers cover 👌😭 For once I actually want Lori to win at something lmfaoooo I want her to take Judith down so good but every time I see Judith I want to squish her 😂 also...wtf is on that thumb drive 👀👀🧐 Thorne deserves to live in whatever pit he's in forever - let him rot lmaoooo Again, such an awesome episode! Everyone did absolutely amazing; y'all deserve legit awards for this! I hope this picks up even more traction because you deserve ALL THE VIEWS 😭❤️❤️ Congratulations on a SUPERB episode after a hiatus!!! It was well worth the wait and I would do it all over again ❤️❤️
  • When I log into my game, Judith's ass is grass! This was a great episode though 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
  • @betilyad9498
    I’ve been binging this literally all night and all I can say is I wish these would get more recognition as a whole. Love how every storyline within the story follows eachother I love how each episode is long and really worth the wait and I love sims 4 machinimas with all my life I just hope great creators like summer boo don’t get discouraged in time
    You are soooo good with the cliff hangers!! This was definitely worth the wait. I can’t wait to see Judith’s secrets get exposed. This episode touched on some sensitive subjects, but you executed them well! Can’t wait to see the next one!!!