Fort Myers Beach man survives Hurricane Ian by hiding in refrigerator


コメント (21)
  • He probably watched Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and decided that if you can survive a nuclear blast by hiding in a fridge you can probably survive a major hurricane by hiding in a fridge.
  • If there's one thing any good cook learns, it's how to think fast & adapt during stressful situations. So happy he made it through.
  • That survival instinct kicked in & he’s so humble he could even joke about it. We need more of this guy in the world ❤
  • I see a brand new refrigerator donated by a major appliance distributor in his future. Maybe a commercial or two as well.
  • As a Floridian, I keep a hammer with me in my Hurricane preparedness bag. In case I need to break through something. Glad this guy’s ok.
  • @gb8518
    His spirit is incredible He really loves the sanctuary Ft Myers with all his heart ❤
  • Incredible story, I'm glad he's ok. He's gonna have some fishing stories for real.
  • @deeb3077
    Fought for his life. 🤗 true life survival story. So glad he made it. 💜💕
  • This dude literally Indiana Jones’d his way through the storm. Much respect Florida Man 👌
  • @trd830
    God is not done with his life. amazing story 👍
  • @jeffjr84
    I like his response to staying during the next storm lol.. Everyone in Florida has to learn that lesson, its it's over cat 3 you need to leave until its over and hope your stuff is ok.. i know it sucks but i lived in fla for years that's how we did it..
  • What an amazing testimony and smart way to think to shelter your self. Glory to God. Restore to those who have lost in Jesus name
  • What an amazing story but he's not going to ride out another storm ever in life and I certainly can't blame him
  • @janetg112
    God Bless you 🙏 I'm glad you survived!!!!
  • Dang fridge saved his life .. And he’s a chef 😂 I’m sorry I had to giggle at that part
  • @brie3679
    1:46 we are in Cape Coral. We had at LEAST an 8 foot storm surge in our canal. It climbed over the sea wall, then over our neighbors fence, and up to our lanai screens into some peoples houses. I’m the front, it was a river down our road. Mailboxes were covered by water. Cars floating away. I’ve never seen water cover cars like that. I remember thinking “the water has to stop”. I just knew, if it breached the top of our hill it’d level out and we’d be getting water. Thankfully as I stared at where my neighbors mailbox was (ours had already floated away) I started to see glimpses of it peak through the water. Then I could see it all the time and knew the water was going down. Somehow by the next morning all the water was gone. It was insane.
  • Survivor: "I ain't staying here" (when next storm comes) Reporter: "No way!?" Survivor: "FUCK NO" lmaooooo