Hunting for Gameplay in the Star Wars: Outlaws Trailer!

Published 2024-04-09

All Comments (20)
  • @Ack19771
    I'll wait to see the non-mainstream reviews before I purchase it.
  • @bioboy1819
    Star destroyer looked weird without the sensor bulbs…
  • @Chedring
    0:47 Im not gonna make any assumptions about what features are in the game based on cutscene dialogue anymore. Seems like many games give hints to features or allude to them but then we find out the system is much more linear or nonexistent. I think it's pretty clear that this is a very linear experience with "open world" elements on par with Fallen Order or more like Destiny. Tutorial world, scripted fights, lots of waypoints at first, planets unlock progressively by the narrative but you 'complete' the worlds prior and don't need to return to them, climax, end, new game plus.
  • @Vol-Tear
    3:09 whats up with the Star Destroyer? wonder if one of our mission going to be to Nick its sensor globs? ;p
  • @removal13
    Probably unfair to judge gameplay from such short snippets, but power sliding towards enemies who obligingly don't shoot at you, "hiding" more or less out in the open from oblivious guards, and a lap dog sized... thing... that can drag a full grown person to the ground make it seem pretty silly. As a Ubisoft title, chances are it'll be a monetized, follow the map marker "adventure" through an undercooked open world. Not to be a naysayer, but it doesn't look very interesting. At least for me.
  • I'm actually quite optimistic about this too. The hair animations do look a bit weird and it is ubisoft so you have to be careful and whatever, but this is the kind of game people have been crying out for for years, myself included. But god, the fucking incel rhetoric we're going to have to put up with for this one is going to exhausting.
  • This game looks really exciting, but I can't actually be excited because it's way too pricy and I can't even play it because it's not available for PS4 and my laptop is too bad.
  • @Quintus_Fontane
    I'm staying on the fence about this until months after it launches. Not because I don't like what I've seen (I do), and NOT because of the reasons a bunch of the fragile crystal-glass bizarre creatures on the internet have ("Oh no, I don't want to play as an ICKY GIRL, OH NOOOO" Jesus, listen to yourselves), but simply because it's Ubisoft. They have a track record of not just launching games with aggressive monetization, but shoehorning more in months after launch when all the reviews are out and copies sold. I hope it's amazing, and I hope they don't do that.
  • One of my biggest problems from the game is that it is being developed by Ubisoft who in recent years have been telling really mid or straight-up bad stories. I also don't really like the "Marvel Humor" that was featured in the trailer but that's my opinion.
  • @personthing88
    At this point HD2 (when fighting Automatoms) feels more like Star Wars then the new games
  • This trailer is giving me some real Uncharted vibes. I'm optimistic!
  • @arya8165
    Already don't wanna play it cause of the female protagonist cause I know exactly why they made the main character female, cause Disney want's to make boy brands like Star Wars and make it into a girl brand.
  • @TurKlack
    Where's Tyber Zann? ... Than again it's probably better that he's not in this trash game.