Blue Beetle - Set Up To Fail

Published 2023-08-21
Blue Beetle has basically everything going against it: a hero nobody knows, no big stars attached, part of an almost-defunct cinematic universe and coming out at a time when superhero movies are in decline. And that's a shame, because as I'm about to show you, its not a bad movie.

All Comments (21)
  • @chucksenhowzen9740
    When you have the line “Batman is a fascist” in your trailer, you turn off alot of fans
  • @GoodDredd
    I do like that they add some reality into it. Guys gets a "degree" and thinks everything will change. Then proceeds to get a job as a janitor because said degree was worthless.
  • @acrylicgodoy
    I loved the Blue Beetle story in Young Justice, and the story arc with the Reach was gripping because it felt like a lose lose situation. No matter what the good guys did, they were out maneuvered. A great direction to take this movie in would have been a Tobey Maguire Spiderman 2, where Jaime cannot stand being permanently linked to the Beetle, where the voice in his head is incessantly nagging at him for dominance, torturing him psychologically. In the end, his empathy, moral compass and compassion win, but not without him making some weighty mistakes along the way. Although he wants to ditch his new power, he realizes dor better or worse it's a part of him, and he'll use it the best he can
  • @Timmmmm42y
    I think it's also worth mentioning that they released a trailer 6 months previously and did basically no advertising beyond that. I was planning to see it but didn't even relieze it was released until like a week and a half after release date.
  • @dylanrivera2244
    I’m just glad the costume designers were smart enough not to give the helmet a mouth like the other versions.
  • @conserva-chan2735
    I'll forever feel bad that this was supposed to be Xolo's big break. He was so awesome in Cobra Kai and definitely has potential.
  • It's kinda hard not to admire any film that seems to be a case of "too little too late" but decides to go the distance anyway. Good or bad, knowing that it at least TRIED gives it a certain dimension that's hard to find in most movies nowadays.
  • Something that made Blue Beetle's animated appearances interesting is that the Scarab was not comfortable around humans. He couldn't even be near his family because the Scarab might hurt or even potentially kill them. That would've made him stand out, and have a conflict that is his own in the live action movie. A gift and a curse.
  • You’re saying “this movie had SOME earnest people making an actual effort” I remember when that was the minimum standard…
  • @neilprice513
    "Never takes the time to do things properly" The perfect description of the entire DCEU
  • @masilomoshesh1475
    As someone that watches Cobra Kai I was hoping this movie would be Xolo's breakout role. I'm glad it wasnt all terrible.
  • @dcblerg7645
    The nice thing about the comic version of Jaimie's Blue Beetle, they flashed out the side characters as well. Like how they did with Spider-man. The stories developed the side characters and his family so you were invested in them. It was a nice run.
  • @jadenkorr32
    I think that Super Hero movie ‘fatigue’ is only part of the problem. Directors and actors going after fan criticisms on social media are resulting in increasing backlash as more fans become aware of it. And Blue Beetle’s director did not do his movie any favors in the public relations arena.
  • "And they didnt tell Jaime about any of it because they didnt want to worry him" I came back from my first semester of college surprised to see my dads arm in a sling with pins in his thumb, because he cut it off with a saw. So that scene really hits home for me
  • @iangenuine
    I love how he gets a degree. Ane it doesnt matter in the whole film. Kinda a metaphor in real life lol
  • @arcshadowstorm
    I went to see Blue Beetle and genuinely enjoyed it. I saw very little marketing for it, but I was a fan of him from the comics and I think they did a good job with his portrayal
  • @Karlach_
    People aren't tired of superhero movies, they're tired of BAD superhero movies
  • Reviews like this keep reminding me that the Drinker really is honest and fair, and he wishes more films deserved a positive review. He expected this to be pure trash, he had no faith in it, but he still tried to be as gentle as possible. He’s not mean for the sake of drama, he only rips into things that deserve it
  • @ciarawatt6714
    I thought it was a solid movie, not life-changing, but I don't think it deserves a flop!
  • @Archone666
    The bit about them staying at the house does make some sense, actually. It's like in that Dresden Files book "Turn Coat," where Dresden eavesdrops on his enemies discussing how to track him down after the failed attack on his safehouse. Binder suggests he went back to his apartment. His employer laughs mockingly, "Dresden would never be that stupid." Binder laughs right back. "You're money, Raith. Money never gets it. Dresden's young - he hasn't been a wizard long enough to accumulate a nest egg. He doesn't have private offshore accounts or a selection of hidden lairs. His safehouse was a STORAGE RENTAL UNIT."