D Von Dudley on why the Attitude Era would not work today

Published 2023-09-24
Professional wrestler D-Von Dudley talks about being involved in WWE's Attitude Era and why that content of programming would not work in modern times.

You can find out more about D-Von here:

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All Comments (14)
  • D-Von is so right. Everybody was over. It wasn't just the franchise players on the covers of your video games. You had your franchise players in Austin, Rock, Undertaker, Triple H, Kane , Angle, and Mick Foley. Then you had upper midcarders like Jericho, Edge, RVD, Benoit, Eddie and Booker were being groomed to be main eventers. Tag team wrestling peaked in the year 2000. The Dudleyz, Hardyz, E&C, APA, even lower level teams like Too Cool were extremely over. You had your midcard guys like Goldust, Godfather, Regal, and Val Venis in the IC Title and/or European picture were extremely over. A step down from there you had your hardcore guys like Blackman, Bossman, Crash Holly and Al Snow who were over. Lower midcard acts like Gangrel or D'Lo Brown who wrestled on Heat and Shotgun Saturnight were over. All the way down to Kaientai and the light heavyweight title. WWE has never had a period like that before or since. Sure there was some garbage. Mae Young's hand, naked Mideon, etc but 8 million people tuned in every week and this lasted for 4 years. There was never a dull moment even when it was bad TV.
  • @Jmurda1983
    He’s right everyone was over from Austin to the Oddities
  • Society today couldn’t handle the Attitude and Ruthless Aggression era today.
  • @ralphso5567
    I think Shawn is doing a great job making NXT give off some attitude era vibes
  • @BSG1892
    Disagree with this. The attitude era worked because of Steve Austin beating up his boss every week & saying screw the rules I don't want to wear a suit & tie. It worked because the Rock would go around calling everyone a roody poo candy ass & DX were telling everyone to suck it when TV had been relatively clean before this. If you notice, TV has gone back to the boring bland safe space again where they don't want to try anything new. Back in the 90s corporate culture was wearing a suit, having a clean haircut & saying the right things. Now it's dying your hair a funny colour & saying the right things, all they need is the right character to break the mold and the willingness to do it. People forget very easily how often everyone tried to cancel the WWE in the 90s because of their content back then yet they're still here because more people loved it than bashed it. There's always been outrage it's just that with social media we see it a lot more often as opposed to in your morning paper or the evening news once or twice a day. Sadly it will never happen because WWE isn't desperate and fighting to stay relevant like it was in the 90s because of WCW, it's just another corporate entity like Disney & Warner Bros churning out 'content'.
  • The Attitude era wouldn't work now because you can't be sexist these days.
  • @MichaelOBrien71
    This is a softer generation that’s why it won’t work today
  • @liublanka3925
    Woke Womens Entertainment cares more about pushing girls wrestling and selling Applebees commercials than actually entertaining us and gen z thinks this modern crap is good, which is sad enough
  • @Oldschool1943
    it's exactly what i've been saying when these youtubers kept trying to push this notion of "the attitude era return" it's not attitude era and it can't return because of this soft ass entitled sensitive cancel culture crybabies that's online. i'm glad someone shared the same sentiment that i said not that long ago.
  • @extremepop324
    Saying Attitude Era wouldnt work today, is like saying Heavy Metal or Punk rock wouldn't work today.. which is fn idiotic. Some people just dont have imagination for creative and so all they know is to go with the "It wont work" mentality
  • @greenarrow.
    Not to mention that the divas were mostly seen as eye candy feminist would freak if they had bikini contest and bra and pantie matches
  • @topcatmatt
    It isnt being 'sensitive', although the bra n panties horseshit would not fly bc of sexism (and it should not have went then, tbh) No , for the same reason you cant do Blazing Saddles again- its been DONE . BUT , you could still rail against a corporation that doesnt care for its workers, but WWE would have to bring up unions and stuff, lol, and mecha McMahon doesnt want that. Stone Cold and the Rock, if uncensored, could still run. Hes saying you couldnt do Golddust bc its gay stereotypes. Look at Effy. Hes saying a bunch of reactionary horseshit about how people dont laugh at offensive jokes. They v much do, but it would be weird if you railed on, lets say black people for 20 minutes on screen, or if black ppl werent allowed to be part of the joke or not just the butt of it. Or else it would be weird. It wasnt Chappelle doing trans jokes. It was that they were all directed at making a mockery of trans ppl without theur real input or the things that make them laugh at themselves. It also is 3 soecials in a row of the shit, it makes you stop feeling they are jokes and are instead a fucken manifesto. But go on, about how "no one can take a joke anymore", about as fucken useless a sentiment, as much BULLSHIT, as "no one wants to work anymore."