Producción de PIMIENTO y PEPINO en increíbles Invernaderos de Almería 🌶️🥒

Published 2023-07-05
Learn about the amazing features of this technological greenhouse project for growing peppers and cucumbers in Almeria that is breaking records in the area.
Discover how this greenhouse is revolutionizing agriculture in Almeria and increasing production in an extraordinary way. Get ready to learn the secrets behind this incredible success and how you can apply these technologies to your own crop.

We will explore the innovative techniques used in this greenhouse, from temperature and humidity control to task automation. You'll learn how these advanced technologies improve the quality and quantity of the bell pepper and cucumber crops, allowing for bountiful harvests year-round.

Don't miss this fascinating video that will show you the future of agriculture and how you can benefit from these technologies in your own greenhouse.

00:05 Intro
00:33 Start of the Project in Almeria
01:06 Experience with High-Tech Greenhouses
01:15 Project Objectives
01:46 Greenhouse Dimensions
2:40 Greenhouse Construction
3:20 Climate activation in the 1st module
3:41 Construction of the 2nd phase of the project
4:10 Crop Variety
4:40 Hydroponic Cultivation
5:10 Planting of bell pepper plants
5:50 Climate technologies
6:28 Greenhouse Technology Management
7:00 Greenhouse Crop Performance
8:10 Productive Results

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NOVAGRIC (Novedades Agricolas, S.A.) has been working since 1978 to offer a complete service of professional agricultural facilities around the world to facilitate the work of farmers, entrepreneurs or investors.

It develops Agricultural Projects of POSITIVE IMPACT both in greenhouses (equipped with high technology control and automation of irrigation and climate) and in outdoor Irrigation and Water Treatment facilities, giving rise to a new Intelligent Agriculture that adds:
➕ Profitability: Optimizing costs.
➕ Productivity: Increasing crop quality and yield.
➕ Sustainability: Making the most of available resources to reduce our water and carbon footprint.

Follow us on networks: @novagric #smartagriculture

For more information visit:

All Comments (9)
  • Muy instructivo Sres. gracias por vuestro aporte. Les comento que en mi caso estoy emprendiendo con invernaderos tradicionales, para luego dar paso, si me fuere posible, a invernaderos como el de ustedes (buen uso y manejo del agua y otros). Saludos desde Chile 🇨🇱
  • @elisaa5288
    Me gustaría hablar con un técnico para pedir asesoria,voy ha realizar incorporación como joven agricultura y quiero un invernadero de 3000 metros,por favor aconsejenme
  • @Endarcelis1
    QUE POSIBIIDAD HAY DE QUE USTEDES INSTALEN, EQUIPEN Y ENTRENEN EL PERSONAL (ING. AGRONOMOS Y TECNICOS MEDIOS), EN VENEZUELA - ESTADO ZULIA, MARACAIBO. Son en total cerca de 400 invernaderos de 120 de largo x 24 mts de ancho efectivo. O si ustedes recomiendan para nuestro tropico estructuras de dimensiones de 1 a 10 hectareas con las divisiones internas. LE AGRADEZCO NOS INFORME...
  • @exeneron2094
    Cómo se polinizan los pimientos y los pepinos si no hay abejas ni bichos? Tengo esa duda y agradecería si alguien me la puede responder
  • Una verdura , que no crece en la tierra y no ve el sol... seguro muy saludable! Vamos, yo no la como, gracias! Y donde sacan tanta agua en Almería?