【空の旅 Airport/Airline BGM】空港/飛行機で聴きたいサウンド Electro/Ambient/Minimal/New Wave/Chill/EDM

Published 2024-05-31
【空の旅 Airport/Airline BGM】空港/飛行機で聴きたいサウンド Electro/Ambient/Minimal/New Wave/Chill/EDM

元・電気グルーヴの砂原良徳氏が90年代後半にリリースした、飛行機の旅がテーマのアルバム「TAKE OFF AND LANDING」「THE SOUND OF´70s」はご存知でしょうか?私は今でも時々聴く名盤だと思っていて、こういう世界観を表現できたらいいな・・・との想いで空の旅を感じさせるBGM動画を制作してみました。空港に到着してから搭乗ゲートを抜け、ラウンジで出発までの空き時間を過ごし、いよいよ機内へ搭乗。離陸、そしてフライト。ひと眠りした後は到着を待つのみ。そして旅先で出会うものは・・・?そんな旅程を電子音楽を中心とした心地良いサウンドでサポートします。氏のアルバムには遠く及びませんが、仕事や勉強をしながら空想したり、実際に空港までの移動や待ち時間に聴いてもらえたらうれしいです。

[Airport/Airline BGM for Sky Travel] Sounds to listen to at the airport/plane Electro/Ambient/Minimal/New Wave/Chill/EDM

Are you familiar with the albums "TAKE OFF AND LANDING" and "THE SOUND OF'70s" released in the late 90s by former Denki Groove member Yoshinori Sunahara? I still listen to them from time to time, and I thought it would be nice to express this kind of worldview, so I created a BGM video that gives you a sense of sky travel. After arriving at the airport, you pass through the boarding gate, spend the free time in the lounge before departure, and finally board the plane. Takeoff, and then the flight. After a quick nap, all you have to do is wait for the plane to arrive. And what will you encounter on your journey? We will support you with such an itinerary with comfortable sounds, mainly electronic music. It's nowhere near his album, but I hope you will listen to it while daydreaming while working or studying, or while actually traveling to the airport or waiting.

[Track List]
00:00 Overture: Terminal announcements
00:35 Bustling terminal
04:24 Waiting time
08:12 Go through the gate
11:24 Boarding procedure
15:14 Airport Mood
19:02 Uncontrollable anticipation
21:46 Breeze of the journey
26:07 Excitement before boarding
29:56 Time to enjoy the airport
33:45 Air charter
37:59 On boading
42:20 Where is my seat?
45:37 Slowly down the runway
50:02 Flight safety
53:19 Floating moment
57:40 Off the land
01:01:29 Celestial Drift
01:04:45 Sleep in the sky
01:08:01 Soaring high
01:12:23 Reuniting with friends
01:16:14 Finale: Breezing Sky
01:20:02 *repeat tracks



This is a collaboration between situation illustrations with a Japanese animation touch and Lo-fi music. We will be uploading various illustrations and music performances from now on, so we kindly ask for your support.


■Japan Animation Lo-fi Music
▼▼▼ チャンネル登録をよろしくお願いします ▼▼▼
   / @japananimationlo-fimusic  

(copyright free music)



   / @japananimationlo-fimusic  

#chill #エモい #relax #リラックス #アニメ #コミック
#ファンタジー #異世界 #冒険 #空港 #旅の音楽 #飛行機
#航空機 #エアライン #旅行 #サウンドトラック
#airport #airlines #airplane #skywars #sky #traveller
#loungemusic #urbanmusic
#medievalmusic #fantasymusic #relaxingmusic
#lofi #lofimusic #ローファイ #作業用bgm #睡眠用bgm #bgm
#フリーbgm #フリーイラスト #生成AI #AIアート #AI音楽
#著作権フリー #フリー素材 #midjourney

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