Let's Fix X-Men: Days Of Future Past (ft. Nando v Movies)

Published 2020-09-29
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X-Men: Days of Future Past is… fine? Let’s see if we can make it great.

Thanks to Nando v Movies for the assist!

His links:
Nando’s Channel:    / @nandovmovies  
Nando’s Podcast: podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/mostly-nitpicking/id…
Nando’s Days of Future Past video, part 1:    • The Wrong Time Traveler - X-Men: Days...  
Nando’s Days of Future Past video, part 2:    • Bishop Deserved Better - X-Men: Days ...  

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“Electric Mantis - Daybreak | Majestic Color”

Other music by Epidemic Sound.

All Comments (21)
  • @ARGhostie
    "Except now, Wolverine gets everything that he always wanted. He gets to be with Jean." Made me laugh so hard. Like, I was expecting a list but nope. That's it, that's the entire list.
  • Great, now I want to watch a movie that will never exist. Especially the Magneto Wins Timeline. XD
  • @pasipanodya
    I'm usually not a fan of these "let's rewrite this movie/show" videos, but this actually sounds pretty dope. Nice work👍🏾
  • @mr.moviemafia
    I love how they call Kitty Pryde “Ellen Page” and not by the character’s name (which is a shame because Page was great as Kitty) Edit: Page recently came out as “Elliot Page,” which I think is awesome for him! :)
  • The Magneto Wins timeline is also a great way to adapt House of M, at least it touches many similar topics.
  • @tallybee9091
    This was my fave X-Men movie, but that rewrite does sounds pretty dope. My only caveat is that I want more Cyclops, by far the most misused as a character, even in the new ones.
  • @ErebosGR
    11:59 "Imagine Halle Berry playing an evil, sadistic version of Storm." thatsmyfetish.gif
  • @PunkExMachina
    One of the (many) issues of the X-men franchise for me is how the female villains and heroes are just so...lame. Storm is like...Xavier or Wolverine's assistant? Emma Frost was like...assistant to that other bad dude. Mystique...is stuck in this cycle of being/not being Magneto's assistant? Rogue is just. Let's not even go there. And..I don't think these roles were given to bad actresses at all but there was much to be desired. All in all the X-men films feel like they could've been greaT which makes the whole thing even more frustrating.
  • @ukiyasenpai
    The Magneto Wins timeline feels like it has some House of M elements in it.
  • @johnb5507
    There's some great food for thought here - I especially love the idea of the triple timelines as emblematic of the X-Universe's themes as a whole. That said, this version strips out Mystique's arc entirely. Not only does this effectively write out the only female character arc in the movie, it also erases a major touchstone in Charles' arc (learn to believe again, overcome guilt = learn to let go and let other people make choices). So even though I agree with some of your points re: the movie's structure, young Charles/Mystique were far more compelling characters than Wolverine at that point in time, so overall I prefer the movie as written
  • @episodenull
    This is one of my favorite YouTube channels, and I think you and Nando generally have brilliant insights into story, but...I strongly disagree on this one. First, I don't think the movie has a single protagonist, it really has three: Wolverine in the first act, Charles in the second, and Mystique in the third. And I think Mystique is ultimately the most important to understanding the themes. By the end, she's the character who undergoes the most change, she's the character who makes the decisions that sets history on one course or another, and she's the character who ultimately makes the final choice in the movie about how to resolve the conflict – something she can only do after Charles relinquishes control. The movie is about both Charles and Mystique learning to trust that other people can make the right decisions. Seen through that lens, the future Sentinels aren't extensions of Trask's story, they're symbolic extensions of Mystique's: they're literally (genetically engineered) versions of her, running around killing. They're what happens when fear and hatred and the desire to control others run unchecked, and Trask being alive or dead is irrelevant to that theme. The analysis here glosses over Mystiques importance entirely, and the rewrite essentially turns her into a MacGuffin. I also disagree that it's not a good follow up to First Class; the spine of DoFP is her relationship with Charles, which grew directly out of their relationship in FC. Of course, I'm biased because DoFP is my favorite of the X-Men movies, and of course it has flaws, but I think it's a lot stronger than it's being given credit for.
  • @pyrosianheir
    Just for clarity, Trask's death in this rewrite is such a turbulent event to the flow of time that the "nothing is cemented until you wake up" thing that Kitty says early on gets overridden? Because if so, that's the entire point of the characters in the future. They aren't there "just to die," they're there to build on the worry that what Logan has changed won't be enough, that the sentinels will get to him before the better time line is created, and something maybe worse will take its place. That's why it's important that he's in the background of the scenes; to keep an eye on things and ensure it doesn't spiral so far out of control that the future gets worse. But, it's also why the characters in the past have to be the driving force. Nothing in the future matters except for keeping Logan in the past. And in that past, Xavier and Magneto and Mystique need to make the right choices to ensure a better tomorrow, but Wolverine needs to give them the space to actually make those choices, spurred by nothing but the awareness that what they're grappling with could mean a horrific future.
  • @phredbookley183
    By the way, I LOVE everything about the extra timeline, the MAGNETO WINS timeline. Very cool.
  • @MsDaydream3r
    The scene between Young Charles and Old Charles is one of my favorite Marvel scenes ever.
  • “Not unlike your podcast, Mostly Nitpicking.” Thank you for the consistency of this line
  • When you got to the Magneto Wins timeline concept I had to applaud. Such a genius idea. All the plot points that flowed out of that made sense and even though I like Days of Future Past as it is, I would have liked yours a lot more.
  • @emmetkowler
    “Magneto Wins” is up there with “Captain America is a Hydra agent” bananas and I love it